just found this and I hope it’s as good as it seems.
My wife has stage four breast cancer with secondary bone cancer. We are five years in and to be fair have done ok with the support of a wonderful breast care nurse called Jenny. My wife’s biggest enemy is her mental health. Trying to keep her positive is challenging especially when she says things like I can’t do this anymore and I’ve let you all down.
it takes every effort to get her positive again she’s having counselling but that’s a slow process as I’m sure many here would agree
she can’t stand silence, even at night so the TV stays on all night which I get as she struggles sleeping as well. But then I’m shattered as she also has panic attacks through the night sitting bolt upright. Again it takes time and effort to calm her. I’ve never considered myself to have put mental health but…
so why wait five years to say hi to everyone. Some might say it’s selfish but today I got a text from my doctor saying my blood test for prostate cancer has come back showing abnormalities. It’s rocked me as I need to be fit and well to care for my wife and family. I know it’s probably nothing, I’ve tried having a word with myself but I’m sat here typing this!
It helps just talking about it even if it is in the written word, so that’s us thanks for listening/reading and here’s to everyone going through anything similar - teamwork!