Hi Pippin24 and Greeny80 I've been meaning to catch up on here for a while but I've been extremely poorly. I was quite unwell over Christmas, putting it down to flu/winter bug etc etc, then I had some blood tests done as I just wasn't getting any better…
HI all
Sorry for the radio silence. Work has really picked up and I don't get 5 minutes to myself these days! I have a quick break between meetings so thought I'd drop on to say hello.
Greeny80 Sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly on your meds.…
Morning all. Greeny80 that injection sounds awful! Thank goodness it's only once a month. Maybe the next nurse will be more gentle? I find differences in skills at finding a vein for cannulas varies so much amongst the chemo nurses. But just one more…
Hi Pippin24 So glad you're covid negative now and you can enjoy the family celebrations at the weekend. And only a short delay on your op too, which is great news.
Greeny80 How did the port removal go on Monday? Does it feel good to no longer have it…
Hi Greeny80
So sorry to hear about your in-laws! A friend of mine has Covid at the moment and had to cancel the Macmillan Coffee Morning. Just hoping they're better by the weekend as a crowd of us are due to go to Hartlepool on Friday!
I was a bit…
Morning everyone
Sorry for the radio silence. Just catching up on all the news now.
Pippin24 So glad you can get away for your holiday. It's a pain you still have had any clarity around phesgo injections, hopefully someone will have a definitive answer…
Good morning all
Greeny80 Yes, still feeling ok after radio. Still no soreness or 'sunburn' effect. Just a little itchy around the nipple area, but nothing to write home about. I do get the odd twinge or stabbing pain, but it's random and isn't constant…
Morning all
Sorry for radio silence, work ramped up a bit last week and then after radiotherapy I was just zonked (more from the drive home than the treatment!).
Goodness Pippin24 , you have been in the wars! But so glad you are managing to get on…
Morning all
Goodness NGS the drains sound very uncomfortable, but as you say, all for a good cause and it will be worth it in the end. Hope the remaining recovery goes well and you can start inflating soon!
Pippin24 Hope the Phesgo injections continue…
Morning all
Radiotherapy appointment was good Thanks. They want to give me 5 "normal" doses followed by 4 "boosts". The "normal" ones treat the whole breast area whereas the "boost" targets where the cancer was. I'm quite relieved, as I was expecting…
Oh wow! Good luck indeed NGS for your last chemo! Woohoo!!! Hope it goes well. And you too Pippin24 , just 2 more to go including this one.
So sorry to hear about the jaw pain NGS That must be awful. I'm dreading taking the Ibandronic acid because that…
Hi Greeny80
I'm doing ok thanks. I felt really cold in the evening so just took myself under the duvet with a hot water bottle. Needless to say I woke up too hot later in the night lol. I'm feeling fine today though, thank you.
Re the tattoo, yes…
Awww NGS me and you must be on the same think wace, we got a puppy two weeks ago and English Cocker Spaniel and just took him for his first walk today which was lovely and motivating
I am the same as you when it comes to the injections. I still get…
Hi Greeny80 hun yeah still on the weekly for 7 more weeks and then changing to EC every 3 weeks for 4 cycles. They will also scan again at that point and start planning surgery. Left boob is definitely going but gentic test to confirm fate of right and…
Pippin24 Greeny80 hi ladies, hi all sorry been missing for a while 1st lot of chemo wiped me flat out and I got an infection and ended up being admitted, just done week 5. Hair is all gone, and leg pain is the main side affect, but lump is feeling smaller…