Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Morning all

    Radiotherapy appointment was good Thanks.  They want to give me 5 "normal" doses followed by 4 "boosts".  The "normal" ones treat the whole breast area whereas the "boost" targets where the cancer was.  I'm quite relieved, as I was expecting 15, so to only have 9 appointments is a bonus!  I will have an appointment first to be taught how to breathe and hold your breath during treatment (only for 20 seconds, but apparently there's a special technique that helps protect the heart), then I'll have a planning appointment which will include a CT (thankfully not an MRI else I'd be back to my GP for more diazepam!).  They expect actual treatment to start around 4 weeks from yesterday.  Apparently I can have both radiotherapy and immunotherapy on the same day if the appointments don't clash timewise. Side effects don't sound too bad and he said although there will be some tiredness, it won't be anywhere near as bad as chemo. 

    Well done  for doing a 6k run!  I could hardly drag myself off the sofa when I was having chemo. 

      glad you're feeling ok too.  Hope finishing the steroids will help you sleep properly soon.  


  • Hi,

    Thanks for updating us all Carol. Glad the meeting went well. 9 appts is definitely a bonus to 15, hopefully less tiredness with less radio!..yes i was told about the breathing techniques too, to make your lung inflate so they don't get as affected by the radiotherapy..,..i've been practising...i was told 30 seconds, it's actually quite a long time to hold your breath!!!!!!!..but hoping they'll give me some hints and tips on technique when i go for the planning appt. Glad it was a good appt though and great that you're starting so soon...what happens after radiotherapy? How long do you have immunotherpy for?

    Pippin - hope you had a slightly better sleep.

    Enjoy the sunshine ladies! xx

  • Hi Carol, good to hear that your radiotherapy appointment went well. It's a good result that you only need 9 sessions, rather than 15. Just wondered if you could share your time frames for surgery and radiotherapy, since finishing your chemo. We've had a holiday booked since last year to go to gran canaria, was hoping to possibly fit it in between surgery and radiotherapy. Just depends when they want to do the surgery and if I'll have enough recovery time. We might have to cancel and rearrange, but would be lovely to get away for a break. Feeling fine today and actually got plenty of sleep last night. Hope you are having a lovely day. Xx

  • Hi Greeny80, I hope you are feeling well. I didn't realise about learning all the breathing techniques for the radiotherapy, so it's good to know. I actually slept for 3 hours on the sofa last night  then went to bed and slept until 7.30am. Was quite surprised as I was still on the steroids yesterday, but must have really needed it. Strangely, still feel a bit tired today, although still went out for a walk and changed the beds. I bet your lookng forward to the kids coming home, have a lovely weekend. Xx

  • Hi Pippin.

    chemo finished on 7 March and I had my op on 24th April.  Estimating radiotherapy to start around 17th July, so that’s around 4 months between end of chemo and start of radio.  It takes about 3 months to fully recover from surgery, ie enough to be able to return to normal lifting activities.  You can do light stuff after about 3-4 weeks as external wounds have pretty much healed but the inside of the breast takes longer to recover.  So no lifting heavy suitcases!  I can’t remember if you said you were having lumpectomy or mastectomy? If mastectomy and reconstruction it will be a longer recovery time.  I miss being able to walk my dog as I’m not allowed to do that for 3 months post surgery due to the risk of her pulling and damaging internal breast tissue. 

    Hope that helps :) xx

  • Hi Greeny

    30 seconds? Wow! That is quite a long time! It’s funny how each trust/hospital has slightly different approaches to things.

    I will still be on immunotherapy after radiotherapy- I have 4 more of those and they happen every 6 weeks (next one 18 July).  I will also start to take ibandronic acid to help prevent any spread to the bones and will need to take those for 3 years.  I need a dental checkup first to make sure my teeth and gums are ok as if they’re not, the Ibandronic acid can cause necrosis of the jaw! Such fun!

    I’ve been out for afternoon tea today with friends and now I can barely move lol xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    Wow sounds like you really needed the sleep! Hope you get another good night tonight and hope the tiredness then lifts a little..sounds like you're still being fairly active and coping well again! Fab news!

    Yes i think they talk you through the breathing etc. I've got a planning appt and CT scan boooked for the18th so can let you know what that involves...I then start radio on the 29th for 3 weeks.

    ahhhhhhh I can't wait for the kids to come home!!...although i imagine they will be fairly broken...so I may have to tread very carefully around them until they've caught up some needed sleep. It's been so quiet without them though, I can't wait to pick them up tomorrow!!!!!! They've been so lucky with the weather too sounds like they've had a fab time from the school comms...although sadly a few of them have come down with this horrid sick bug, which Alfie actually had last week so a few have had to hot foot it down to isle of wight to collect poorly kids.....actually very glad Alfie had it last week it's horrid being poorly away from home. Poor things and poor teachers!

    Have a lovely weekend too and enjoy the sunshine! Maybe a little nap outside in the cool breeze!


  • Hey Carol,

    Did you have masectomy and reconstruction or lumptectomy and any node removal?? How is everything feeling now? Hope you're recovering well...and great that you're now looking ahead to radio...Are you able to get a friend to walk the dog with you so they can hold the lead and you can walk alongside?? 


  • Gosh cancer really is the gift that keeps on giving isn't it!!! necrosis of the jaw does not sounds nice....but hopefully the ibandronic acid will work its magic.

    Ah so nice to have gone for afternoon tea!! I need to start planning some nice things..life is for living after all! Ah hope you had a gorgeous afternoon!


  • Hi Greeny 

    yes a friend has been taking her out for me but she’s poorly herself now with an infection! I do have a waist belt that I can hook the lead to so if Liz is still poorly tomorrow I may take a little chance and just go around the block with Pebbles. Pebbles came for afternoon tea too lol xx