Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi pompey66, I opted for a port in the end and it has worked really well. Thanks for your reply, I hope you are now well. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hiya. Drains stay in for at least a week and up to 2 weeks so I guess depends on how long you stay in hospital for.  This is most restrictive part.  My husband has to empty each drain every morning and record measurement for the hospital.  I’m hopeful the last 2 will come out Monday as volume is reducing nicely now. 
    The purpose I think is to prevent fluid build up and further complications so I’ll take that 

    it’s nothing like chemo.  Every day is slightly better.  And mentally your cancer free 

    really hope you get a date to work towards soon and MRI gives go ahead.  
    i Have made most of watching the Olympics which isn’t too bad 

    how are you feeling post chemotherapy ?  

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi, I will be staying in for 4 o 5 days, so will assume will come out with the drains. What clothes do you find most comfortable, with the drains in? I'm sure hubby will look after me. He's doing well with his training giving my phesgo injection, so will soon be doing those at home. You sound like you are doing amazingly well, hopefully I will be fine too. You're right it will be fantastic to be cancer free, even if there will be ongoing treatment. I am feeling really well at the moment, I certainly don't feel like I have cancer, apart from no hair. I bought a new shorter wig yesterday  which will be nice in this warmer weather. Keep resting and enjoy the Olympics. Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS,

    Gosh does sound like you've been through a lot with this last surgery NGS, it's a big op. 

    I had my drain for about a week after surgery and had to empty it out until it got to a low enough level...i definitely didn't have 4 though, that's a lot, glad they've taken a couple away and fingers crossed you have the others removed on Monday. Keeping everything crossed, hopefully you'll be a lot more comfortable then. I also had the heart shaped cushion which was amazing, such a lovely thing to hvae been given by the hospital, apparently local ladies make them. It really helped me after my surgery. Really hope you start to feel a little more comfortable soon. is the breathing etc better? Its a huge op you've just been through so do take it easy and enjoy the olympics. I'm watching loads, my son is really into it too so we've been watching a lot together. I can imagine it's hard not being able to do anything though and not to lift your grandson but do take it easy..as hopefully that will mean a better recovery in the long run!

    Pippin - hope the Phesgo injections are going ok and really hope you get to go on a little break before your surgery. Glad you're feeling good at the moment post chemo

    I've just done first week of radio and so far so good. 2 more weeks to go....No side effects to report as yet so hoping that continues. Just started my Anastrozole pills which is a type of hormone therapy - i think you asked last time Pippin, i basicially have monthly Zoladex injections which shut my ovaries down and stops my ovaries producing oestrogen and then the anastrozole stops any other oestrogen in my body, mainly through the fat cells..basically putting me into medical menopause. I've only taken 2 days worth so no side effects yet...keeping everything crossed it stays that way...i'm definiley having a few mild hot flushes but i can cope with those...just hoping no other side effects make themselves known!!!!

    Take care ladies 


  • Morning all

    Goodness  the drains sound very uncomfortable, but as you say, all for a good cause and it will be worth it in the end.  Hope the remaining recovery goes well and you can start inflating soon! 

      Hope the Phesgo injections continue to go ok.  I would plan your break for September, the surgeons will work around your availability.  That's what they did for me before I started radio.  I did ask as I was planning a weekend away, but they said not to worry and they would work around me, and they have.  Sounds like you will have a little mountain to climb so a good break before hand would do you the world of good. 

     Glad radiotherapy is going well.  I've just completed 5 rounds and, like you, apart from being a little achey in the left shoulder and boob (where the op was), I have been fine.  I have 4 more to go, Mon-Thursday this week.  I find the journey to/from the hospital more tiring than the treatment itself.  Though on Friday I did have to laugh, each time I've been there have been 2 people in the room, but on Friday there were 5!  I laughed and said they were multiplying lol.  3 of them were students and the other 2 the usual radiography team.  All the pills etc sound a bit daunting but it sounds like you are smashing it. 

    Let's go ladies!  We are doing this and we have all come so far!  Go us!! :) 


  • Offline in reply to Carol1964

    Wooohooo ladies.  All drains now removed 

    scars healing nicely 

    seeing surgeon Thursday to look at plan to inflate enhancers but I definitely feel like I'm over the worse now 

    my cousin has raised £500 today having coffee and cake for breast cancer.  She is surviving secondary breast cancer with tablet chemo - 8 years in now.  

    we can all do this for sure 


  • Hi everyone, just spent a long night in a and e, 7.30pm until 2.30am, didn't get home until well after 3am. I was just about to dish up dinner (had cooked a lovely steak meal), when I knocked a glass jar out of a cupboard. It broked and sliced across the top of my foot. It was a bit scary as there was so much blood. I ended up with 7 stitches and will have to suspend my daily walk, which I'm gutted about. 

    Greeny80, so pleased to hear that your radiotherapy is going so well, with no side effects, hope this continues to be the case.It sound like you have a lot going on with medication, fingers crossed the hot flushes remain mild. 

    Carol1964, I will definitely mention the holiday, it would be great to have a break before surgery, especially being such a big operation. Good to hear that radiotherapy is going well, not long now and it will all be finished. Wow, five people in the room is a lot, I suppose we all just get used to stripping off in front of people lol!

    NGS, pleased to hear that all your drains have been removed and that you are healing nicely. Good luck with your appointment on Thursday, let us know how you get on. Well done to your cousin for raising money for breast cancer, such a lovely thing to do. Good to hear that she is doing well, after 8 years

    I have now got an appointment with the plastic surgeon on Friday, so will hopefully get a better idea of a time frame. Just waiting for an mri appointment now, to check blood vessels in stomach are good enough for the surgery. I hope you all have a good week, take care. Xx

  • Oh my gosh Pippin - that's not what you needed!!!! Sounds awful, can't believe you had 7 stitches!! Also missing out on your delicious steak!!!!....in all seriousness I hope you're  ok....and hope you're not too knackered or in too much pain. Very frustrating you can't do your walks for a while but make the most of resting perhaps? I know it's hard when you sound like a doer....but try and take it easy! I hope your appt on Friday goes well too...Sending healing vibes and i'm sure you''ll be out walking again in no time.

      YAY you're drain free!!!!! WHOOP!!!! Ah must be such a relief and so happy to hear you're feeling a lot more comfortable and that scars healing nicely....also amazing about your cousin. Hope the healing continues and that your meeting about enhancers etc goes well too! Do you have any further treatment now after the enhancers?

      Hope this weeks radio sessions are going well still. Nearly there! 2 more to go!...i've got another week next week but hoping side effects remain at bay! Sounds like you're sailing through it all...i'm feeling a little tired but that is most likely jsut summer holidays' Looking forward to that being done as it's slightly tedious driving there and back every day!..but needs must!!!!!

    Take care guys xx xx

  • HI Pippin,

    Just checking in to see how your foot is. Hope it's on the mend and that you're able to get out on your walks soon.

    NGS - hope your appt goes well today.

    Carol - last radio today!! Hurrah!!!!


  • Hi Greeny80, Foot doing OK, unfortunately can't go walking at the moment as it's right in crease on top of my foot. Going to gp for wound check tomorrow, due to increased risk of infection. Also seeing plastic surgeon tomorrow, so should get some idea when surgery might be. How are things with you at the moment?

    NGS, hope all goes well with your appointment with surgeon today. Let us know how you get on. 

    Good luck with your last radiotherapy today, it must be a relief to be finished. Is that everything for you now, apart from ongoing meds?

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Xx