14mm endometrial thickness waiting biopsy results

Hello everyone i am 55 years old and this is my story any advice would be so welcome right now, i feel like im caught up in a whirlwind of doom

i had a post menopausal bleed a christmas, within 2 weeks I had seen the doctor for an internal check up .

all seemed well but she Sent me for a scan just to double check

that scared the life out of me. , he was very candid made a few hmmm and arrrs but didn't say much except id like to do wn internal scan if that's ok?  I said if course but why ?? Ohhh just to get a better look around ? He was very vaigue with his answers .except the usual we will be in touch within 2 weeks.

sooo fast forward 10 days ok later doctor rings..  my endometrial thickness was 14mm and soo she was referring me to hospital for a biopsy ?? 
got my appointment within another 10 days and off i went when i got th

here she had the scan pictures and asked could she also do a hysteroscopy . It wasn't that bad just uncomfortable, and they were so lovely.

sooo another 2 week wait .. but within a few days i had a cooy of a letter from hospital to my doctor saying everything looked healthy aoart from the 14 mm thickening(cervix ect was healthy) but she has found a slight thickening on the posterior uterine wall and had taken a biopsy , she said the endometrium looked proliferative and if the endometrial biopsy was benign she would dudd as charge me from her care ? Guess what 2 weeks wait for results.

so now im feeling slightly better about things . Until  3 days ago i had 2 letters on the same day telling me that my appointment was being brought forward fom march to feb then second letter another week forward .. what appointment? I hadnt had one .. so I phoned and all they told me was that she wants to discuss my results?

now I am really worried .. its got to be something ? Or surely they'd just talk over the phone? I mean we are still in a lockdown!

Sooo im going this Thursday 18th feb? And to be fair excpecting the worst.

I am absolutely terrified but am keeping it to myself soo I don't worry my husband and children  x




  • Hey I'm not sure about the lining thickness I'm just trying to piece everything together in my head as to why they think mine is cfc ‍♀️. Mine was 13mm around 4th day after period had finished. I know during D&C and hysterosopy dr has said she expected there to be a polyp which she would remove but after she told me no polyps, no fibroids. I don't know if this is a good thing or not

    hope all goes well for you today ceecee please keep us posted. Sending hugs & prayers xx

  • MumofKhiana, what will be the next steps for you now? Did the D & C clear the built up lining?

    My hysteroscopy is now next Wed and looks like I'll be awake so feeling quite anxious about that. :/ 


    I've been thinking of you today too ceecee and hope you are ok xx 

  • Morning Minnie84

    It's another waiting game for me now, I just need to await my biopsy results from the D&C. I think around two weeks they said but I'm not sure as was just coming round from anaesthetic. I just want this process behind me now I'm so exhausted with it all. 


  • Morning MumofKhiana,

    Waiting is the worst isn't it, I'm kicking myself for not taking the appointment yesterday if I'm going to have to go through the process without GA on Wednesday anyway. So worried I'm not going to cope with it :/ and then more waiting to re-do it with a GA. 

    I really hope that you find ways to distract yourself over the next fortnight. At least we have each other on here if we just need a vent! 

    Hope you have a restful day x 

  • Hey x

    so i went for my results. 
    i have complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia.

    bit of a shock as the consultant seemed to think when i had the biopsy and colopscopy it would be ok.

    the colopscopy and biopsy are not too bad by the way for anyone facing them ... just relax its like a bit of period cramping and over quite quickly .

    This was last Thursday I have been for chest xrays and an mri scan since then am awaiting results but it is almost certain I am going for a hysterectomy.

    im just waiting for results now ... the waiting is by far the worst part but I have to say the NHS have been amazing.

    this all started inbetween Christmas and new year and its not march yet and ive gone from doctors appointment .. scans and biopsy . hospital visits ect to more than likely an op next week .

    Hope everyone is ok x 




  • Hi just came accross this thread, how did your results go? My lining is 17mm and i have a numerous polyps the largest measuring 14mmx10mm

    im a mum of 3 kids, am 34 and feel worried sick iv already had a failed hysteroscopy as they could not access into my cirvix, awating another appointment next week to discuss a GA

    how has your experiance been?

    christina x

  • Hi lovely, 

     I just wanted to message becauae I know how you feel. I have had my scan on the 22nd which revealed fibroid, pcos, bulky ovaries, bulky uterus and also a 15mm thickness at the "fundal aspect" I'm still not sure if that means the entire endometrium is thick, or just that bit. 

    I'm googling frantic and crying my eyes out while I await the 2 week referal to the gyno. 

    I'm not sure what is what, and I wanted another baby. However, I'm 38 now, my son is 15. I am happy to have it all taken away. I am in agony with what feels like stabbing pain in my ovaries. :cry:

    How are you?  Did you have your tests done? So far I had a pelvic ultrasound and a vaginal one. 


    Let me know how you are, and I am here if you want to talk. xx

  •  Hiya hun! 

    Hopefully they will get you seen asap, an at least give you some reassurance. Thats the worst part is not knowing and just waiting isnt it.

    i should have been seen last wednesday but on my way there they cancelled the clinic as they realised they had no Dr! I was furrious, the only next appointment i can get is 18th august. So again its just more waiting and worrying.

    hopefully you will be in sooner its great they have done yours under 2 week rule, did they mention a hysteroscopy? I had it done as an outpatients but they couldnt get into my cervix.

    i hope you are feeling a little bit better, its the waiting and not knowing isnt it . Did you have heavy periods too? Mine was literally due to becoming aneamic an then realising my periods where way heavier than what it should be (i just presumed it was normal) but then bleeding in between periods now. 

    take care and i hope these threads ease any concerns. Feel free to message me xxx


  • Hiya lovely, 

    I have had to chase the referal because upon ringing the contact centre it had not been sent. :neutral:

    It's been done now, marked as urgent. 

    I knew instantly something was off. I have always suffered with missing periods, I could go a year at one time without seeing anything at all.  Then they became every 6 month, 4 months and whenever they wanted. I became regulat and had my son who is now 15. However, a year after having him I was irratic with periods again. I was used to this being normal for me. 

    In 2018 I saw a gyno due to us wanting another baby. He blamed it on weight and BMI and gave me 12 months of slimming world access free. I had to get 2 stone off in 3 months and he would give me some treatment to make me ovulate. Also at that time he ordered ultrasound and a dye into my ovaries. All of that was clear, and the Trans Vaginal Ultrasound was not needed because I lost 2 stone and began a regular cycle. 

    From July 2018 to Nov 2019 I was as regular as clockwork. I missed Jan 2020 and then began to see periods once every so often. In 2020 I had 3 periods in total, with September being so heavy that I was losing clots the size of my fist. And one weird clot after my period had completed that was the shape of the uterus. 

    I saw not one, but 2 of my GPs about this. 

    One said this is called a uterine cast, and it is often perfectly normal, sse how you go. 

    I then missed every month, saw my GP in Feb this year due to breathing issues and mentioned the above and no periods. He blamed my weight gain as I have gained that 2 stone plus some. At the time of that visit I was 15.5 stone, from 12stone. So 3 stone gain, but at my biggest. 

    I have underactive thyroid, so I contined to take thyroxine and rejoined SW. 

    19th June (I have lost half of a stone) I saw blood in mu underwear and thought "yay, finally!" 3 days that spotting lasted. 

    Still I shrugged it off, thinking its just an unusual period. However, the following weekend I had so much pain in my right side, I couldn't stand, it was like a sharp stabbing. That pain persisted for 11 days and I finally gave in and saw my GP as I had began spotting again. 

    I then bled for 13 days, some days heavier than others, not any day like my usual periods as I have always had clotd and now not a single clot. I did start and see a couple of tiny clots towards the end. 

    I saw the last bleed on the 19/7/21 followed by spotting on the 20/07/21 nothing on the 21/07/21 and all day on the 22/07/21 I saw nothing, so much so that I was tempted to put it down to another odd period and cancel the scan that evening. I'm so glad I didn't.  

    I was scannes abdominal and internal at 5pm on Thursday 22/07/21 she would not tell me a damn thing. Which then caused me to fear the worst. 8pm that evening I saw a small bleed on toilet tissue. Nothing at all since. 

    My GP called me the morning of the following day with results 23.7.21 

    I have a bulky uterus, it is antreverted 

    polycystic ovaries that are bulky

    a 35mm fibroid 

    and a 15mm thickening at the fundal aspect (so at the top)

    Sending me to gyne to discuss hysterectomy. 

    Guess what I did after that call? 

    Googled everything, and what does it say for thickening? 

    I have done nothing but think the worst. I'm beside myself. 

    Hope you are doing ok,  likewise feel free to message me. It's so good to have someone to speak to. My friends and family don't really know what to say to me. xxx


  • Hi hun. 


    It's horrible isn't it.  I am sorry to hear that you have this issue. 

    This has caused me no end of anxiety. I have had some bloods done and my white cells are high, also my liver function ALT has jumped from 26 to 198 and I have now found a lump in the lower middle of my left breast that is quite large and so here I am thinking and diagnosing myself with breast cancer advanced to the liver. 

    I can barely understand what is wrong with my womb as my lining is only thick at the top, my report day "Endometrial lining appears thick and echogenic at the fundal aspect, measuring 15mm"  Not even sure what that could mean. 


    I have a 15 year old boy and he wants to go out and do things this summer, holidays and such. I don't even have the mindset right now. My head is all over. 


    I'm always here to chat if you need to. x