No lumps but armpit pain?

Hello all,


I have no lumps, no changes in breasts etc. But I have pain in my armpit. It isn't there all the time, but I feel it throughout the day. Has anyone else had this? Is it just hormonal or could this be a sign of something else?


Thank you :)

  • This forum is brilliant and helps me feel I'm not alone, but why does nobody come back and report their findings?

    I've had pain in both armpits coming and going for well over a year. I finally mentioned it to a nurse last week after I went with a different problem, and after having a feel all she said was "see how you get on..." Well, I've been doing that for 12+ months and it hasn't gone away... I've tried all sorts, different deodrants, shower gels, going without etc etc and nothing changes. The pain will be gone for 4 days, then come back for 3. There are no lumps but it's a bruised feeling, deep in the armpit.

    Strangely, I feel like in general I sweat less nowadays. I'm male and have never sweated an awful lot, but I feel like I can't sweat now, no matter how much I try??

    Anyway, has ANYBODY had any results that they are willing to share? Or do we all just come here with the same problem then never reply with our findings, if any?

  • Just popping on to say that I've got my breast clinic appointment on Tuesday afternoon, and I will 100% come back with my results (good or bad - I don't want to scare others if they are bad but hopefully it will encourage anyone worried about going to the doctor/wasting their time to do it!) because I can see nobody has really come back and given more details on this thread. 

    I did have my blood test results back yesterday which were all fine (as far as I can see anyway - I only looked on the NHS app and they all said 'normal, no further action', haven't actually spoken to the dr yet), so this is giving me hope 

  • I hope you get good news and some answers.  Like others have said, it's good when people give updates, I really think it helps others to push forward and ask the best questions.  I go (again) to GP tomorrow with same pain/discomfort and mild swelling in armpit/join of boob.  Had mammo + exam - thankfully all clear, but issue persists.  May well be menopause, but I'm going to keep on till I get answers - being unable to wear my usual bras and taking painkillers everyday is NOT normal or healthy.  Absolutely sick listening to myself now and feeling like a dramatic hypochondriac, but we know when something isn't right.  Actually had one person tell me 'you sound like you want something to be wrong!' WTH! No, I know somthing is different + want to know what it is!

    Sorry to rant!  I hope you get some answers today and things are good!  Best wishes Xx

  • Thank you, and totally agree with everything you've said. Sometimes even when you get answers, it still doesn't come full circle and you're left wondering 'if it isn't this, what is it?!'. 

    I was so overwhelmed with anxiety over the weekend that my husband offered to pay for a private scan for me yesterday, so I have had an ultrasound done and consultant was happy there is nothing sinister going on. Still couldn't pinpoint exactly what the pain was coming from as there wasn't any muscle tears in the area, but it's put my mind at rest about the dreaded C word. I'm still going to go to my NHS appointment today to hopefully have them confirm the same, and not sure whether they might want to do a mammogram too so still worth keeping my appointment.

    If they can't find the cause of it I think I will ask for an MRI, because it's been 6 weeks now and to still have pain (and now numbness on and off in my arm too) seems bizarre. Definitely keep pushing until you get somewhere! 

    best of luck xx

  • Hi everyone,  

    I have same or at least similar problem of feeling dull pain that comes and goes in my armpits. Initially it was the right one only, where I actually have an injury, so I thought it is realated, but lately I started to have the same feeling in my left armpit too. 

    3 weeks ago I went to A&E/Urgent Care as I started to feel pain suddenly (pain that didn't go away) and I also had burning sensation in my right breast. I also found it difficult to lift my right arm up, so I thought it is all related. The doctor then found something in my right breast, it was also quite tender. I have told him, that I have had cysts before in both my breasts, so it didn't occure to me that there is something. I mean I do feel something here and there, but because of my cytsts history, I didn't even realise if there is something unsual. For the rest of the week it felt like I have a lime in there or a rock and the skin of the breast in that area turned red and a little bruised. It was uncomfortable even when just walking and I had to use wireless bras for comfort. A week later though, no "rock" and whatever that was it has reduced massively, I can barely feel it by touch. 

    Anways, long story short, I have an appointment at the breast clinic this week, and I will try to remember to get back to this platform and update you all with my case, in case it would be helpful at all. 

    I pray only good news for everyone. 

    Best wishes

  • Hi everyone, as promised, I get back to you all with my result from my appointment at the hospital. 

    The doctor has checked my armpit with ultrasound, but he didn't find anything and he didn't say that I should worry about it or go and check it out somewhere else. 

    Regarding the pain I had in my breast was a cyst, which has collapsed by the time was checked yesterday, but he did find another one, and he did extract the liquid from it. Unfortunately not many options for how to prevent these csysts to appear. Apparently contraception pills or the spiral one could help to control. 

    Otherwise I'll probably go with green tea and some other herbal teas that can help. Also primrose oil gel tablets are good options too if you are not pregnant. 


    Wishing you all the best

  • Hi Everyone

    I found this thread when looking for answers & thought I’d add my experience. For context, I had a full hysterectomy at 44 and am on HRT. 

    A few weeks ago I had pain (burning, achy) in my left arm pit. My breast felt sore. When it didn’t go, I used econsult to make an appointment with the GP. I saw a nurse practitioner who after a quick exam decided that there was a large lump and that I needed to be seen straight away by the breast team. This was very upsetting and I wasn’t prepared for this. 

    The breast team couldn’t give me an appointment for 5 weeks. The worry was too much so I made an appointment to be seen privately.

    The consultant I saw today is actually who I would have seen at the breast clinic. After a thorough exam, there is no lump, my lymph nodes are completely normal and the pain in my armpit/breast is completely normal too! I am so relieved. Her only recommendation was to continue with monthly checks and use ibuprofen gels for the pain. 

    Obviously always get things checked out but thought I’d leave a positive outcome for others to read. In the last couple of days, I could have done with something positive. xx

  • Hi Casey,

    Your description about the invisible ball in the armpit is exactly what I feel for over a year now!

    I'm wondering if you had any results from the breast clinic regarding your lump. Really hope you got good news! x

  • Hi Julie and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I just wanted to make a quick post as I noticed you were hoping to hear back from Casey.

    Unfortunately they haven't been on the forum for a little while now so you may not get a reply.

    I really hope that won't be the case but if you don't hear back from them, do feel free to start your own discussion about this or you can try reaching out to others on more recent discussions you find about this topic on the forum.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi all,

    It’s been 1.9 months since l felt this pain in my armpit, first it started with both armpits and now only right hand side. It doesn’t feel pain but when l use roll on or accidentally my clothes gets stuck then it hurts but pain is dull and when l touch or trying find something it hurts burning pain but it’s there and l don’t feel normal about it, 6 months ago l seen GP for it and she touch said seems fine but I’m hrt and going through worst anxiety symptoms, panic attacks, pain in chest so l didn’t concentrate on this but today it’s really bothering me when l tried to clean dark under my armpit it really hurts. I never knew what caused this anxiety but l still suffer, my first attack was same year l felt this pain so now l think it is related. There is something there so decided to make appointment with GP just for this. Will update once l get an answer.