Really worried about CA 125 results

Hi. I am 43 and for the last 2 moths have been going back and forth to my doctor's thinking I had a urine infection as I have needed to go to the toilet a lot more than normal. My urine tests have always come back normal and so I was referred for blood tests. My CA 125 level has come back as 39. I am not sure if that is really high or not but have now googled and read it can be an indicator of ovarian cancer. I  am booked in for a ultrasound and a transvaginal scan this Sunday and am terrified of what they might find. Has anyone else had a an above normal ca 125 and was it something simple.

Many thanks for reading. 

  • Hi I'm a bit late to these posts but if your still active on here have you had a blood tests for your hormones to determine whether you are premenstrual?





  • Hi


    Yes I have back pain I've always had back pain but the past month its been every day. My C125 is 39 and my symptom is spotting in between my periods and after sex. Does anyone know if the bloods could be high if its possible cervical cancer or abnormal cells at least??





  • Hi.

    I had a blood test earlier this year to see if I was perimenapausal. My results all came back fine. 







    Mine came back normal but I've been told they but doesn't mean its not the start

    I don't think doctors understand the menapause expecially premenopause 



  • To be fair. I have had more and more symptoms of the peri menopause as the months have gone on this year. So may go back and speak to the doctor again. 


  • Hi,

    Its worrying how many times us women are fobbed off by our GPs, I have a private scan booked for an ultra sound on Monday. I can't wait for the NHS  not this close to Christmas. I'm a worrier and it will be make me ill

    Hopefully you will get some help



  • Yeah totally agree. I wish I could afford a private scan but for now just have to hang on. I am a worrier also.

    Hope it goes well on monday. Let us know how you get on.

    Wishing you all the best.



  • I hope your ultrasound goes well on Monday. I ended up getting a 2 week referral for mine, so it lands on Monday 13th December. Results of my CA125 due back next week as I have all the classic symptoms of ovarian cancer. 

    Gemma, when is your ultrasound booked for? 

  • Hi , 


    I too have been going out of my mind with worry. I have a large ovarian cyst (10cm) and my Ca125 level is 65. I've been fast tracked and my appointment with gyno is 13th December. When the doctor told me I cried for a full day, but then I found this forum, it's really helped ease my mind, and it does seem that women around my age (42) usually have a raised ca125 level. I hope everything goes ok with your scan x

  • Hi


    Thank you I'm so scared I keep crying. I am 41 and I had a large ovarian cyst 20 years ago, and had my ovary and tube removed. I have also read that CA125 can be raised as well at our age. But I will know soon if there is anything to worry about.





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