Really worried about CA 125 results

Hi. I am 43 and for the last 2 moths have been going back and forth to my doctor's thinking I had a urine infection as I have needed to go to the toilet a lot more than normal. My urine tests have always come back normal and so I was referred for blood tests. My CA 125 level has come back as 39. I am not sure if that is really high or not but have now googled and read it can be an indicator of ovarian cancer. I  am booked in for a ultrasound and a transvaginal scan this Sunday and am terrified of what they might find. Has anyone else had a an above normal ca 125 and was it something simple.

Many thanks for reading. 

  • Hi! My scan was all clear, so I'm not really sure what happens now. I've obviously got tummy symptoms and thought it was gut related, then I got that test result so they sent me for this scan. There's no cysts or fibroids or anything to explain the elevated level, although I know it can be raised due to menstruation etc but I kind of want to know that all is okay and wonder if they'll repeat the test to make sure it's not going up. Not sure if they'll look into my tummy issues, I actually wondered if I have colitis as I have symptoms for it. I'll wait and see if the GP gets in touch x

  • Hi. I am glad to hear your scan was clear. It def can be raised due to menstruation. Hopefully your doctor will be in touch to let you know what to do now. If not I would def go back to the doctor and tell them your still suffering. I have to have a repeat CA 125 test in a month and if it's still 39 or less that will be it for me and the doctor said I won't need nothing else doing  but if it has gone up I will need more tests. I would def go back of your if your problems continue. You will just worry otherwise. 

    I really hope you get some answers soon. 

    Keep in touch. 


  • Thanks! Glad you're all good too. It was such a relief to know all is well, the ca125 results can't half mess with your head! I knew that it would be fine but I think you find your mind wandering to the 'what if...?' X

  • They totally do mess with your head. Its horrible. I have had a month of constant worrying from finding out my CA 125 was raised then waiting for scans to getting the results. You just automatically think the worst. I am glad both our scans came back okay. I just hope you get to the bottom of your issues. Maybe you will have another CA 125 as well to see if it has gone up or down in a month or so. 

    Best wishes


  • Hi Gem


    Did you have your CA125 repeated? I had mine done and it's still elevated. My first result was 46, my most recent was 43, so it's come down slightly. I'm still really struggling with my tummy and don't really feel as though my GP is being very thorough at the moment! I'm being fobbed off with IBS and I just feel there's a bit more to it. I don't suspect anything sinister but I've not had any explanation for my CA125 being raised as yet and it would be nice to have a bit of reassurance. I've got some medication to try and help my tummy symptoms and they're calling back in three weeks x

  • Hi. I did have my test repeated and my levels had gone down to 33. There not as low as I would like but the they are within the normal range now so the doctor is just leaving it for now. Hopefully you will get some answers soon. Are the doctors repeating your ca 125 test in 3 weeks when you go back. I would def get them to check it again at some point just for reassurance. I think the not knowing is the worst. 

    Let me know how you get on


  • Oh that's definitely good news, make sure you go back and see them if your symptoms persist. Did you have any cysts or fibroids or anything to explain your levels? I don't have anything like that and I wasn't ovulating or on my period at the time of my tests so it does niggle me a bit but with my tummy being the way that it is, I'm sure there's some sort of benign inflammation in my gut but the GP is treating it as IBS initially. If my symptoms don't improve with the medication (which hopefully they will) then she'll refer me in 3 weeks.

    She did say that my CA125 levels were in the back of her mind and that she wants to monitor things. I saw her a while ago just to get a breast lump checked, I have lumpy boobs and just needed a second opinion on it. She asked me again about that and if it's still there and I told her it is but it's not changed or anything and I'm not concerned. It's a bit achy so I've started evening primrose and she said if that doesn't help with the breast ache then she will refer me for that but I just feel like they're going off in the wrong direction with this. I could really do to see a gastro specialist, I know my boob is fine and as it's a little tender itll just be lumpy tissue or a cyst. She said CA125 can pick up other cancers and I tried telling her I'm not concerned about my boob and that this is all in my gut but they don't seem to listen. 
    Hopefully the mebeverine will work but I've never had an IBS flare up like this, or for this long, and feel it's much more likely to be an allergy or intolerance or something but I can't pinpoint what it is. So frustrating x

  • Hello everyone, just wondered if anyone has had any horrible news with their ca125? Mine came back as 42, and 24 hours later I was fast tracked for an abdominal, pelvic and vaginal ultrasound. My head, and emotions has been a roller coaster, thinking the worst. But from what I am reading online, 42 can be nothing. The sonogropher told me not to be surprised if the do for sends me for further tests... that just adds to the worry 'has she seen something?' 

    Doctor is ringing me this week with the results. 

  • Morning Elize! 
    bless you, I remember what a worrying time this was for me. From memory, mine was 46, then it dropped to 43, then it dropped to 30 which was within the normal range. I never got an explanation which makes me a little uneasy but my scan was absolutely fine. From what I researched, it can be down to your period, ovulating, minor cysts on ovaries, endometriosis etc. I think the lower levels are generally cycle related but obvs I'm no medical professional and just going by my own experience. I still struggle a lot with tummy issues and more recently back pain. I have noticed my symptoms improved when I started the mini pill so I do wonder if I have endometriosis but once hubby has had the snip I'll see how I go as I'll be coming off the pill then. Good luck! Let us know how you get on. X

  • Hello, thank you for your message. 

    What a nightmare this has been. The GP said they have seen fluid sacs and thinning of the skin on my c section scar tissue, which could be the cause of the rise in blood test. He seemed a little shocked that my last c section was 14 years ago, so referring me to gynecologist to see what they think. So as the GP said, nothing to worry about for now. X