Swollen lymph nodes and lump on tonsils


Im really worried, first day of lockdown I developed a 5cm lymph node in my neck, seemed to come up overnight, its hard but does move very slightly, not painful, when it first came up the surrounding skin was red but thats long gone, also had pain in my ear on same side.  On 24 April lump still there, had video call with doctor as I also had thyroid pain and a strange heavy feeling in the centre of my chest, Ive had a course of antibiotics in case it was sinus related but no other symptoms, gland is now 4 cm, on 1 May I noticed a small lump on my tonsil on this side too, which over the few days since has grown in size, I also had bloods taken on 1 May, FBCs and CRP all came back as normal. As of yesterday lymph node is 4cm, still have large lump on tonsil, feel like armpit nodes are around 1cm ish but wobble about, so could just be me stressing.  Doctor has put me on the urgent referral pathway to have an ultrsound but has said due to covid he didnt think they were doing them so didnt know how long it would be.  Ive not had any other symptoms, very slight night sweats, but I think these are more due to worrying as im not drenched just hot.

I know my GP is doing what they can but I just feel a little abandoned because of the virus, I'm a single parent of a 4 and 5 year old, I'm working from home and trying to home school on top of all this, I also have no real social network as my family live 400 miles away, so needless to say things are a little overwhelming at the moment, and as im sure everyone on here knows the waiting is awful, I swing from being really positive to im doomed! (mainly middle of the night).

Has anyone been in a similar position, thank you anyone who has taken the time to read.


  • It was the radiology consultant, she would have been the one reporting on it, but ENT were not happy, but at least Im prepared and its not going to be a complete shock.  And if it turns out to be something benign, even happier x

  • Best of luck Becks, hope it goes well.  Im sure little man will be ok, kids are so resilient, does mean lots of extra mummy hugs though xx

  • Oh bless you it's so scary isn't it! 

    Saturday is coming! Hopefully we will both get answers soon! My ent consultant although he's actually maxiofacial but specialises in head and neck cancers he gave me reflux medicine I'm waiting on to try whilst he waits for my mri report, not sure if it's of just my neck as I've said I have collarbone and armpit lymph nodes too! I think if anything they feel a tad smaller but then I think they are big again haha! 

    such a scary time! 

    thank you! Let me know how you get on Saturday xx

  • Aww thanks so much Pamela! 

    I hope your results do turn out to be benign! I've seen lots of research saying both tonsil cancer and lymphoma can be very easy to treat! But hopefully it's neither! Do you mind me asking if your nodes were large? I also have something on my tonsil looks like a blister which is freaking me out but my priority is my son! Hoping it's gone before his appointment next week but it's exactly like mine free flowing and under the skin although his feels bigger but the space is smaller he has had a temp since yesterday so going to see how he gets on :( x

  • My lymph node is huge, around 4cm x 2cm, its hard and doesnt move very much, it was pulsatile but not so much now.  I would think if your son has a temp, hes likely fighting an infection and the lymph node is quite rightly doing its job, fingers crossed it will go down in a few days.  I know what you mean about the kids though, if this was on them I would not have waited before going to the GP. Hope your both ok at your appointments x

  • Afternoon everybody!


    had my MRI today, I wasn't aware it would be a contrast scan and when the lady explained to me that there's a small chance that it can pass into breast milk, I completely freaked and thought I feel awful that I'm responsible god my son having a lymph node in his collarbone and chickened out of the contrast! 

    done loads of research and its such a tiny risk and looks so much clearer and as my nodes are small I think I really should have went ahead with it. The lady said to me she would take some images get a radiologist to check them and see if the contrast was needed to which they said they could do it without but now I'm thinking what if they are too small/assumed okay and then really something dodgy is missed but it's done now, I'll just explain my fears when the consultant calls!!


    how is everyone else doing?x

  • Hi Becks , 

    I'm glad you got it done , they won't take any risks with missing anything so I'm sure if the images are viewed by a dr and they say they are ok they will be ok . 
    my mri is a neck with contrast on Saturday , do you mind me asking how long it took and if your whole body goes in? I'm so scared . 
    fingers crossed for your results soon xxx

  • Yeah that's what mine was head and neck mri with contrast, but I didn't have the contrast because I panicked but truly wish I had as I read it can light up cancerous tumours that cannot be detected on mri alone! 

    As my lymph nodes are quite small I'm gutted! But I freak about anything going to my son! 

    they said with the contrast it's about 50 minutes all in all. Mine was about 20-25 without I guess the dye has to go through you! 

    ive had and mri before for my coccyx, so knew roughly what to expect, yes whole body goes in! I will prepare you though they do but like a neck brace around and over your head so it's kept in place and you can't really move it! The machine is loud but the earphones and earbuds make it okay and it vibrates too buts really not scary I promise, I relaxed eventually and was almost going to fall asleep haha! There's a panic button if you worry and they talk to you to let you know when it moves etc.  X

  • I don't think I could feel any more scared than I do but I'm sure I'll get through it somehow . It's also what they might find that's panicking me . Roll on Saturday. Hope you get some answers soon and don't have to wait too long xxx

  • That's exactly how I felt when I went for my ultrasound... I had my mind set that they wouldn't say anything other than it's lymphoma. I honestly couldn't even say my name or date of birth because I was crying and she said are you scared of the ultrasound I said no lol I've had a baby I'm scared of... and she had to finish the sentence for me "what they will find" like I was that scared. I was fine for the mri until the contrast situation and I'm gutted I didn't do it but that's it now it's done. 

    Would happily do it again for peace of mind lol! I'm at that stage now where I just want to know what's wrong if it's bad to move forward or I want my worse case fear ruled out properly now! 

    there's a health anxiety page on facebook called health anxiety community - it's got about 600 members - you might find it useful (not suggesting you have health anxiety - I do lol) but it's about people supporting each other when nervous about their health xx