Swollen lymph nodes and lump on tonsils


Im really worried, first day of lockdown I developed a 5cm lymph node in my neck, seemed to come up overnight, its hard but does move very slightly, not painful, when it first came up the surrounding skin was red but thats long gone, also had pain in my ear on same side.  On 24 April lump still there, had video call with doctor as I also had thyroid pain and a strange heavy feeling in the centre of my chest, Ive had a course of antibiotics in case it was sinus related but no other symptoms, gland is now 4 cm, on 1 May I noticed a small lump on my tonsil on this side too, which over the few days since has grown in size, I also had bloods taken on 1 May, FBCs and CRP all came back as normal. As of yesterday lymph node is 4cm, still have large lump on tonsil, feel like armpit nodes are around 1cm ish but wobble about, so could just be me stressing.  Doctor has put me on the urgent referral pathway to have an ultrsound but has said due to covid he didnt think they were doing them so didnt know how long it would be.  Ive not had any other symptoms, very slight night sweats, but I think these are more due to worrying as im not drenched just hot.

I know my GP is doing what they can but I just feel a little abandoned because of the virus, I'm a single parent of a 4 and 5 year old, I'm working from home and trying to home school on top of all this, I also have no real social network as my family live 400 miles away, so needless to say things are a little overwhelming at the moment, and as im sure everyone on here knows the waiting is awful, I swing from being really positive to im doomed! (mainly middle of the night).

Has anyone been in a similar position, thank you anyone who has taken the time to read.


  • Pamela

    this is obviously a worrying time for you and the not knowing and testing process can sometimes be unbearable.

    the body produces lumps and bumps for no apparent reason sometime and although I am now cancer free, underneath I am still a normal person who still gets lumps and bumps.

    just watch Dr Pimple Popper.....amazing but slightly disturbing woman!

    however, you are now on a treatment path, but it a tad difficult in these conditions.

    my advice is just to keep yourself busy and I guess being a single mum, there is not a time when you are not.

    keep chatting on here, we have all been through testing and beyond, although we are not medically trained, so can't satisfy your desire for an answer, but we can help you get there.


    hang in there, there is a brilliant process working in the background, even in these different times.

    so how are you doing today?


  • Thanks for replying Vatch, Im turned into a cleaning demon, as its easier to distract myself with practical things, so one advantage will be a cleaner house.

    Daytime is not so bad, the worse is during the night, I tend to have a couple of hours sleep then Im awake with my thoughts going round and round, tend to fall asleep again round about 5 then my daughter comes in and bounces on the bed around 6.30 lol.  Im desperately trying not to be such a grump with the kids, some days are better than others.

    I guess I was disheartened by the GP saying he needed to do the referral but it likely couldnt be done, if I hear nothing by Monday I may ring the hospital directly to ask if this is truly the case.

    Thanks again


  • How are you now Pamela? I'm going through the same ... just want someone to see me :( hope things have improved for you x

  • Hi Winnie

    Not the best news im afraid, I had a core biopsy of the lymph node today and an MRI, the radiologist says it doesnt look good, the ENT specialist has yet to see inside my mouth, due to covid he wanted the tests done first to reduce exposure and was happy to look at the photos I sent, the general thought is that it is most likely tonsil cancer but we wont know the primary until we get the biopsy results. Next step is to have a face to face, CT scan and plan in place.  One things they said, which was very positive, as this thing had come up so quickly it most likely would recede quickly too, so Im clinging to that.  I have to say though that it didnt come as a complete shock I was pretty convinced.  Im feeling quite positive at the moment, I will beat this.  Quite how I will manage the ins and outs with 2 kids I have no idea but I will beat it.    

    I have to also say the hospital have been fantastic in terms of covid, despite my GP saying I wouldnt be seen at the moment. So definately pays to keep the pressure on.  How are you, have you any success with ENT, if it helps I did suggest to my GP that I would go to A&E, he didnt argue.  Hope you get seen quickly x


  • I'm so sorry to hear that . I really hope things start to move a bit quicker for you so you can on the way to recovery .its so hard and frustrating with the covid situation . All I keep seeing is tonsil cancer is rare but this site shows it's not but it does appear very very  beatable . I send you lots of best wishes. 
    I am ok , I have an appointment with ent next Wednesday if it doesn't get cancelled which they said it might . 
    I have one tonsil enlarged which has been for some time , ear ache , both sides and a painful neck but no lumps that the gp could feel. I do however have a lump on the back wall of my throat . It's just so hard waiting . I'm 41 with 3 kids , non smoker ... I just want to know what's going on

    thanks for replying xx

  • Wednesday will come round quick, fingers crossed its not cancelled. I dont fit the normal pattern either, 46 non smoker, dont drink too much as usually with the kids who are only 4 and 5.  I have a provisional appointment for Thursday to discuss results if they all are back and make a plan. I called and asked for an apppointment as I wanted to have someone with me and my friend would have to drive 3 hours to get to me, they were really understanding, I think they are used to people being a little uptight with the waiting pressure. Im so hypervigilant at the moment, every little twinge im thinking oh no its spreading, which is crazy but also I think perfectly understandable. Like you I just want to know, once I do I can prepare

    All the best and please let me know how you get on

    Pamela x

  • Thanks for replying , I too have a tonsil lump that the gp managed to see via video . What does yours look like? Mine is like a little ball coming out of a tonsil crevis. I aw sweating too but I swear it's me panicking. I know what you mean about every niggle and twinge , I am feeling them all over!
    wishing you all the very best for Thursday , let me know how you get on too  xx

  • Same here ladies! I have an almost blister looking bubble on my tonsil and then holes and stones in the other! My doctors tried to tell me it was puss but the ent consultant saw a picture and thinks it is a cyst. I am having an mri next week as lymph nodes been swollen since December! 

    in terms of ultrasounds two week has still been very efficient for me in south east and my mri was ordered yesterday and booked in for next week on 2ww so hopefully answers will be got soon x 

  • Sounds like a cyst but obviously not seen it, fingers crossed it is, do you have node swelling too?  Ive had sweats a few times but not soaked, just felt hot, but it has been hot lately so trying not to worry. Also have a heavy feeling in my chest which could also be stress related, radiologist suggested they will need to do a CT to check so Ive no doubt they will discuss on Thursday.  My lump is a little less defined unfortunately, its kind of lumpy and getting bigger.  The hospital I'm at seem very good, the consultant sounded really sincere which made me feel more confident.  Best of luck for Wednesday x


  • Hi Becks Fingers crossed it is a cyst too, the ultrasound was really simple, they done a core biopsy with mine as she said the fine needle is sometimes inconclusive and she didnt want me to have to repeat it, but not painful at all.  Best of luck with yours too, please keep us posted x