Hey there, in last 6months I was little worried as I felt a slight lump on the left testicle. I went to the GP, to which they referred me for ultrasound.
I soon went for an ultrasound and was told I was clear for cancer, however they said i had a cyst on my right testicle, 2 cysts on my left testicle and a Varicocele on the left side.
The doctor said it will be okay and surgery is unlikely. However when me and my partner try and have intercourse I literally have to stop, because the pain is unbearable it feels like someone is flicking or kicking me in the testicles, and the aching is all in the region where Varicocele is located. I need advice in what I should do next I'm going to go back to my doctor but I'm stuck for ideas, as I have feeling may send me for another ultrasound.