Petechiae- very worried.

I am very worried due to me always linking petechiae with leukaemia 


In January, a small patch of petechiae appeared on my leg nothing more nothing less. I went to the doctors and did a blood test and they said I was fine and it was nothing to worry about. 

It went away however a month ago it appeared again but bigger, I also gave many dots on my feet and legs. 

I am very worried any advice?

  • That's exqctly what mine was like and kept getting it more and more and then got big black bruises with dots in for no reason haha 

  • Did you get any answers back regarding this? This is happening to me had my bloods done 6 month ago that come back fine but since then got more and more. Got another blood test 20th of Jan anxiety is going wild 

  • Hi 

    no I got all my bloods done at hospital aswell for like bruising and bleeding and some protein type ones but all came back fine. They said they thought it was my anti depressants I stopped taking them and I haven't had as many but I now get a few big black bruises at a time with the purple dots in them :/ I used to get them every couple days or at least once a week but I have only had them once since I stopped taking my tablets and that was 3 weeks after. I was taking citalopram. They said they didn't think it would cause it that long after and told me to take vitamin c... I don't know why ‍♀️

  • Where I've had bad bruising on my thighs usually still feels bruised when I touch it but my last bruise had already gone a week ago. It's so weird but I hope it's just a reaction to the antidepressant I was on!

  • Ahhhright I see, i think I've read all of Google about petechia vitamin deficiency can cause them I think so that may be the reason for them telling you to take vitamin c.  If these blood tests come back normal think I'm going to push to see a specialist. Thankyou for replying so quick and I hope your doing well of your antidepressants!

  • Hi there. 

    I have tiny petechiae on my abdomen, thighs and arms. Noticed them a few weeks ago. Going to visit my GP. 

    jad a full blood count a couple of weeks ago which came back normal. 

    did anybody ever get to the bottom of why they had theirs?


    my folate a few months ago was 9 which is normal (bottom of the range is 2.5), someone mentioned that here. 

    B12 is fine. 

    haven't had vitamin c or vitamin k checked but can't imagine I'm deficient as I have a healthy and varied diet. 

    I am vitamin d deficient but that's not linked to petechiae. All google shows up is leukaemia - can it just be normal?!

  • Hi allroutespointto, 

    I just wondered how you got on with going to your GP and whether you found out was was causing your Petechiae? I also have small dots on my arms, thighs and abdomen which I've noticed over recent weeks. I last had bloods in December and they were normal but I have had fluctuating neutrophil count in previous blood tests, sometimes normal, sometimes just below.

    It's the worst googling things, as it always comes up with something sinister! 

    hope you got to the bottom of yours. 




  • Hi!


    I was at the GP today and briefly brought up the red spots. I have several bigger ones but most are the size of a pinprick. She said it's not a problem unless I have like 15. Me, knowing I just have at least 15 said I dont know how many I have. However, she still didnt seem concerned!


    I keep thinking leukaemia even though my red blood cells an white blood cells were normal etc, when I got checked for mono 2 months ago. 


    I've had these all my life so I dont understand how Google says its leukaemia!



  • Hi Karen. 


    Under no circumstances should you pay any attention to medical "advice" from Dr. Google.  Dr Google is a quack and no one here pays any attention :-)


    About once a week (maybe more) we get someone who's read a Google page and frightened themselves silly.  We've all done it at some time, and we all have to learn the lesson that you simply can't make medical diagnoses from internet pages.  That's why doctors train for so many years. 


    So, put anything you've read on Google out of your mind. 

  • Hi!


    That's true, but what's bothering me is how the doctor said it would be bad if I had more than 15, and when I mentioned I dont know how many I have she said I was fine. Maybe they have to be 15 clustered together? Mine are spread out.