Multiple lymph nodes in neck


just wondering if anyone has been through or is currently going through this, I have about 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that I know of , from what I can feel the one on the left side of my neck Beneath my ear is around 2cm firm but not rock hard and not moveable , I have 2 pea sized moveable ones and one grape size moveable one . I have had them that I know of around about 2 years with no change is size, I went to the doctors a couple of months ago and she said it was because of my acne (which I have had untreated for 5 years) so she changed my pill and that has really cleared up my acne but the lymph nodes still persist with no change? I am going back to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying and if you couldn't already tell I have severe health anxiety , is it true that lymph nodes can just stay permanently enlarged after infection ps. I have had no weight loss, night sweats or anything just a little tiredness as I have been iron deficient , overalls feel fine apart from this anxiety taking over my life

I would really appreciate and comments thank you xx


  • Hi, you are young but at least you getting it checked out. If you don’t have any other symptoms they prob wudnt treat it just now. Try not to worry, if the ENT consultant is worried he will do further testing

  • Thank you for your support , I look forward to my app to try and get to the end of this , did they say how long yours had been there ? 

  • Oh Ewar

    It really is horrible just the thought isn’t i?!I also have children and all I can think of is them,my twins will be two in July and my oldest daughter will be 4 in July so I understand your fear. Google is not good ( but hard not to at the same time)and I’ve read nothing good about Sebaceous Carcinoma as it’s such an unknown rare type of skin cancer, I also read it’s often misdiagnosed which also makes me worry eye drs are missing something...Praying that neither of us have this! Good that your going to Dr this week and hopefully you will get an ultrasound too! Every time I’ve had an ultrasound they tell me my lymph nodes are just reactive but now it ( the submandibular one) has actually grown the ENT says even though it looks just reactive it is too big so wants to do an excisional biopsy to see what it is if antibiotics didn’t bring it down which unfortunately antibiotics did nothing.My neck also throbs around this lymph node , sometimes feels like it’s pulling on something,it almost makes me wonder if it throbs because it’s growing bigger again?I also feel a very hard but smaller one towards the back of my neck in what I understand is posterior triangle?They said it’s just a small one it’s nothing but it’s very hard so that Also scares me.

    goodluck with your eyelid biopsy this week I will be thinking of you! I will definitely keep you updated I hope so much this lymph node has not grown again in last two weeks

    take care


  • Hi Scones

    im sorry to hear that your cancer is back, i hope you can begin treatment again soon and that you are soon in remission again.

    To be honest I haven’t even thought of Lymphoma I just keep thinking it is a metastatic node that has come from perhaps my eye as I’ve had problems with my right eye but I guess I won’t know exactly until after the biopsy. I do have nodes on both sides that are reported to be reactive but the largest is now 2.5cm you can’t see it from just looking at my neck but can feel it easily if I run my fingers over it. It isn’t hard or soft it’s kind of firm and a bit squishy, it’s movable but it kind of throbs a lot atm. These nodes have been “ reactive”since March last year but this one submandibular lymph node was always the biggest, it stayed stable at 1.5cm for a long time which is why no one seemed too concerned as it wasn’t growing,but in February this year I had a horrible sore throat lost my voice for a few days and was in a lot of pain with my throat especially every time I  swolled. After that I noticed that the lymph node seemed bigger ( this was in March now)so went back to Dr who said my lymph tissue was irritated in throat and lymph node was now 2cm so sent back to ENT but just told it was  reactive still because of throat it should go down again, that didn’t sit well with me as I knew it didn’t go down so fast forward to beginning of May and I went to a new ENT who did another ultrasound and said it’s 2.5cm( long) x1.8cmcm, he said all the criteria they use on ultrasound show a benign lymph node except size,(it’s too big )so  said we should try antibiotics and I come back in two weeks for a follow up U/S and if not smaller then an excisional biopsy. Antibiotics have donebnothing ,my neck still throbs on this side and I guess it’s either bigger or same size. My appointment is Thursday and I’m extremely worried. I am 42 have had a squamous cell carcinoma off my stomach in 2015  which said it was all gone ( good differences the biopsy report says)as well as two basal cell carcinoma off my nose in 2016, so I’m a bit worried about these lymph nodes in my neck.I have had no other symptoms such as night sweats etc.

    sorry for the long winded post I always seem to go on and on

    wishing you a lovely Sunday 

    take care


  • Hi Miks,

    How did your appointment go today? I hope it went well. Update from me, no biopsy as the eye doctor said he thinks it's residual material from the chalazion I had drained and 'there is nothing to biopsy and no actual lump'. I should be pleased with this but just wanted a bit of scientific proof really. I should trust the doctor though as he had a really good look through the microscope and all around my eye. He also felt my lymph nodes and seemed concerned that the GP hadn't referred me for a scan. She has now but said it could take up to 12 weeks, she clearly wasn't too concerned by the nodes. She put me on antibiotics to try and reduce the swelling but no such luck! Will have to chase for a scan so I don't go out of my mind with worry! Hoping your appointment went well!

  • Hi Ewar

    Appointment went just as I thought, Ultrasound showed no reduction in lymph node after antibiotics Actually only by 3mm which they say is nothing and that we have to do the excisional biopsy now as that’s the only way to know what it is. The chief ENT dr gave me no clues as to what we are looking for as he just said he doesn’t know as it’s nothing obvious they can see and again said the ultrasound findings look benign/ reactive except the size is too big. It measures 2.39 x0.4 x0.3 I’m not really sure I understand the measurements  and how they do it except it’s 2.39 cm long by 0.4  wide???but it’s oval with hilius etc like a reactive lymph node? So long story short no idea still what is in my lymph nodes! They are just taking one as all the others are under 1cm. The biopsy is on May 31st and I will be in hospital for 4 days. I’m so scared I really don’t like anything hospital wise  and I’m certainly not brave when it comes to needles etc,even when I had my children I couldn’t wait to get home! I will keep you updated after biopsy! 

    It’s great news though you don’t need a biopsy! I understand how you feel second guessing the drs I’ve done that too which has finally lead me to where I am  today!My eye dr also isn’t concerned but I can’t shake the feeling this is related to my eye too. Good idea to investigate the lymph node further if it hasn’t gone down and hopefully then you can get some peace of mind! 

    Right im off to enjoy these next two weeks as much as I can with my kids in case I don’t get a good biopsy result!

    take care and please keep me updated with you too, wish you all the best!





  • Sorry to hear you have to be in hospital for a little while but really good news that you will finally get an answer! Will be thinking of you on the 31st. x

  • Good luck with the biopsy, hope they have answers for you, keep us informed x

  • Hi Miks just a quick message to say I hope your op went ok and you're recovering well :) 

  • Hi Ewar!

    thanks for the message I’m still in hospital but going home tomorrow! The excisional biopsy really wasn’t so bad and not much pain afterwards at all,I just have seem to have caught a viral throat infection so it’s very painful to swallow atm hopefully it clears up soon. I will find out tomorrow when I need to come back for the results, this waiting for results is really the worst part!!!Did you book an ultrasound yet? I hope your feeling ok! I will let you know once my biopsy results come in. 

    Take care

    Miks xx