My names Arron. I'm a 24 year old male. Normal BMI.
As the above implies, i am just wondering about the connection between vitamin b12 and the above cancers? I recently went to my GP due to there being quite a lot of blood when I empty my bowels, both in the toilet and on the tissue; not so much incorportated within the stool. The doctors sent me for bloods and referred me to get a colonoscopy however the wait for this is 12 weeks. I received my blood results back today and the doctor seemed confused to my results. She mentioned that my B12 is as low as 50 but all my other levels are fine. She was baffled due my only deficiency being B12. She mentioned that my Folic levels were a little bit down but nothing to be concerned with however she has referred me for further blood tests to rule out any anomolies.
As you can imagine, I got home asap and googled the above cancers in connection to B12 and got so many different answers, I didnt know where to turn.
Please will you answer me this -
Is low B12 connected to connected to digestive cancer?
Should I be concerened?
How should I move forward?
Thank you in advance! :)