Lymphoma Non Hodgkins

Just been in hospital with server tummy pain, after cat scans, biopsy & pet scan I’ve been told I have Lymphoma Non Hodgkin but it’s not clear which type I have yet so I need another biopsy. Once I get this it will another wait for the results, I’m so anxious what am I to expect next?

  • Hiya 

    I'm in a very similar situation to you and sounds like we are both at the same point of the journey 

    I found a lump in my neck and was referred 

    First i had the camera up my nose and a ct scan with contrast and mri scan all on same day,next i was given a FNA and then a biopsy taken of a mass behind my nose, then I had a core biopsy of lymph nodes but they was all inconclusive and doctor said I had hodgkins lymphoma but didn't know exactly what kind. Then I had a pet scan and was told it was only in my neck and hadn't spread but still didn't know what kind, I had that on 5th September and last monday I had a excision of my left cervical lymph node.....

    I received my diagnosis today and I have grade 2 hodgkins lymphoma and have been referred....

    I really hope this helps you a bit with what you might expect....

  • Thank you it was lovely to hear someone else had a long wait for a full diagnosis and your reply has helped, wishing you you a quick recovery 

  • Hi Nitrovern

    i am stage 2 Hodgkins, currently going through ABVD chemotherapy. Hope all goes well with you and your treatment. 

  • Yes it has helped, I saw my doctor yesterday & he told me it’s grade 2 which was a relief but still waiting for my second biopsy but hopefully I will hear very soon fingers crossed, thank you so much 

  • Still waiting for my treatment I too have been told it’s stage 2, good luck with your chemo

  • That's great news you've got your results, very pleased for you....

    Hopefully we'll both get on some treatment very soon.....

  • Hiya matt

    How are feeling while receiving the chemotherapy ?

    Hope it's going well for you. 

  • Hi Nitrovern, 

    Probably fairly typical experience. It is a two week cycle - infusions on day 1, then two weeks to recover and then start again two weeks later. Very tired the first few days, then energy levels pick up. My immunity levels are low as a result of the chemotherapy so I am having to be very careful with infections - masking up and minimising contact with people. The other problem is that the infusions cause pain in my arms, but the nurses have so far managed this by changing flow rates, using heat pads and swapping arms. A minor side effect of loss of appetite for a few days.

    I have had 3 sets of infusions with 3 more planned.

    It is manageable - take each day as it comes and the end of planned treatment will be reached. 

    Hope you start your treatment soon. 

    Take care. 


  • Wow fantastic answer mate you've managed to answer all the questions I've got with that lol....

    Sounds like you're coping really well, I hope I can do the same.

    Good luck with it all  and thanks