Had breast biopsy today

I had my  urgent 2 week referral appointment today for a breast lump I found 5 weeks ago . My initial consultation agreed there was a lump - he didn’t think it was anything sinister but sent me for an ultrasound to confirm and said he would be surprised if I needed a biopsy.

I was feeling really happy to hear this positive news so was absolutely shocked whilst having the ultra sound that they were concerned and I had to have 2 core biopsies taken and a marker placed  and another mammogram.  I was told It definitely is not a cyst as it is solid about 2-3 cm.. My lymph nodes are also clear which is a positive.

I burst into tears with anxiety .test results are 4- 6 weeks .I  also have a  family holiday in 3 weeks to Italy and I’m thinking of cancelling

The anaesthetic is wearing off now and it’s so painful- it’s almost under my armpit so I keep bumping it .

has anyone had anything similar? And did they get the results quicker ?  Thanks in advance x

  • I agree with with Taureanlady, keep your holiday as nothing will change. I had a collapsed lobe in my Lung and after the X-Rays my GP called me 4 days before going on holiday and suggested it could be Lung Cancer and wanted an urgent referal for a scan, I refused and went on holiday and had the scan when I came back. Fortunately in time the lung healed itself but the scan results shown breast and kidney cancer. I myself have gone through all your feelings of waiting and wondering and I know what you are going through. I must say though my hospital treated me well and within a couple of months I had my Lumpectomy and that was 18 months ago. I have recently had my kidney tumour treated and hopefuly will get good results after my next scan. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and everyone on here who is going through similar situations. 

  • Thank you for your reply  that was what I was worried about, cancelling the trip and then finding out I was worrying about nothing which is hopefully the case xx glad to hear you are doing well, good luck with your kidney treatment and further scan…please keep me posted x

  • Hi there - i 100 % have the same anxiety as you - I found my breast lump 6 weeks ago and still have no answers from my biopsy which was 16 days ago - I’m going on holiday tomorrow and I have phoned d phoned to ask for my results , I have an appointment on the 15 th July.  I get home from holiday the night before . I had a call from the breast nurse on Friday  and asked her if they were back - e just said that I would be given my results on the 15 th

    this appointment is for another hospital with a new breast cancer unit , another consultant , and in a completely different district to where I live which is worrying me immensely, would they really let me travel so far to tell me all is ok ? Although if all ok I would travel anywhere .

    My initial consultant was also very dismissive of cancer , positive all was ok , wouldn’t have to see him again and said would be extremely surprised if they did the biopsy which they did  I cried all through it . 
    I’m like a freak checking my nhs app for updates every 5 minutes , the only thing on there is 24 week wait for a surgery ? I’m hoping this is just the clinic and not actual surgery?

    im going to try and enjoy my holiday - sit in the Italian  sun - eat too much , drink far too much and worry about it when I get home , no news is good news right ? 
    please enjoy your holiday , we  we’re seriously contemplating cancelling , but like you , what if we cancelled then all was ok ? But what if we went and heard everything was not ok ?

    been a head screw hasn’t it x

    sending lots of positive thoughts your way x

  • It certainly is messing with my head too! To be fair I haven’t had to wait as long as you so you must be exhausted from the anxiety…this break to Italy will be just what the doctor ordered x

    Have fun and try to (easier said than done) relax because hopefully you’ll get good news on the 15th and will be glad you went on holiday! My appointment is on the 17th, I’m back on the 13th! I have decided that I’d rather be in Spain than be here worrying, haha!

    Will be thinking of you on the 15th, hope it is good news!!! Please let us know xx

  • Will be thinking of you today  also I hope you had an amazing time in Italy x

  •  ahh Thankyou  had a lovely time but back to reality this morning - I’m trying to remain positive x Didn’t get home till 2am this morning - and have to travel 30 miles to a new cancer centre  for my results appointment is at 10.45

    hope you had a lovely holiday too and managed not to let your results consume you too much x  You got back before the football then ! That would have been awkward

  • Haha was glad to be back for the final at home, we were there for the Spain v France and England v Netherlands! Going away certainly helped, I’m full of anxiety now being back home! I have everything crossed for you today xx safe journey! Xx

  • Will also be thinking of you both this week. Do let us know how you get on.  Glad you've both had good holidays and got away and had a distraction while you are waiting for results. It's the worst part of this whole journey. I'm waiting for my post op results. And I'm calmer this time. But it's still a long wait. I've got a nurse appointment at 11 and I'm going to ask if the results are I'm yet as I'm hoping I can move the 5th August appointment forward. 

  • Hello, so glad to hear you went on holiday and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you today at your appointment. I have an appointment 26th this month to see how my cryotherapy on my kidney went then I have to wait until September for my next scan. It is a worrying time all this waiting for appointments but I try not to think about them. Hope to hear some good news from you xx

  • so I has my appointment today and it’s not good at all I’m afraid - it is cancer  2cm triple negative , i have to have chemo , operation then radiotherapy, I’m actually is shock right now and my h ds all over the place - havnt stopped crying   also need mri - bone scan  and a CT scan , I have an appointment next week with a chemo nurse and expect treatment to start in about a month and last for 6 months 

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