Had breast biopsy today

I had my  urgent 2 week referral appointment today for a breast lump I found 5 weeks ago . My initial consultation agreed there was a lump - he didn’t think it was anything sinister but sent me for an ultrasound to confirm and said he would be surprised if I needed a biopsy.

I was feeling really happy to hear this positive news so was absolutely shocked whilst having the ultra sound that they were concerned and I had to have 2 core biopsies taken and a marker placed  and another mammogram.  I was told It definitely is not a cyst as it is solid about 2-3 cm.. My lymph nodes are also clear which is a positive.

I burst into tears with anxiety .test results are 4- 6 weeks .I  also have a  family holiday in 3 weeks to Italy and I’m thinking of cancelling

The anaesthetic is wearing off now and it’s so painful- it’s almost under my armpit so I keep bumping it .

has anyone had anything similar? And did they get the results quicker ?  Thanks in advance x

  • Hi, sorry you're enduring this anxiety. I went through breast biopsies and the pain and bruising was around 3wks. My results was 12cm DCIS and so I had a single mastectomy Sep '23. I'm now 9months on and feeling great. The mastectomy wasn't as painful as the biopsies! Hopefully,  you won't need a mastectomy though. Keep your holiday as it may not be anything sinister.  Best of luck and hugs xx

  • I had a similar experience.  I was told it was likely a cyst which would need removing as it was large but unlikely to be sinister. Then bang. Not a cyst and 4 biopsies from the same entry point. Then results are grade 1, 4cm ER+ cancer.  Yes the biopsy is painful but it does wear off. I'm having my surgery to remove the lump and a portion of skin on Wednesday  26th. 

    I had my biopsy done privately. But I was told nhs are 3 - 4 weeks. I am told that the post surgery results are 4-5 weeks or more.  X

  • Hi I had to re read this post as it was like I’d written it myself. I am going through the same, and like your consultant mine too wasn’t concerned- that changed with the radiologist when he saw it was solid! 

    I had 3 biopsies on that area and whilst doing them they took pictures with the screen I think, which concerned me more.

    My anxiety is always there although sometimes I’m strong and other times just crying. 

    I just wanted you to know you’re not alone and feel free to get in touch if you need someone to wait this out with xxx

  • Thankyou so much - thanks for your concern whilst you are experiencing the same . I’m trying to remain positive . I had a clear mammogram in January so it’s all come as a shock , I don’t know about you but I’m black and blue from the biopsy , the steri strips have come off now - they were in a funny position near my armpit and came off in this heat . My lump feels like it’s  got bigger too - but read this I’d normal after a core biopsy . My holiday is a week on Sunday - I think I’m going to cancel it , my anxiety is through the roof Xx thanks for reaching out and I hope you get answers very soon xxx 

  • When are you expecting the results? I know how you feel about the holiday, we are due to go in just over 2 weeks but I can’t see that happening which upsets me so much as I know how much everyone was looking forward to it especially my daughter, she is 16 and struggling with all that’s going on and is scared. 

    It’s good you had a clear mammogram only a little while ago as hopefully that means that whatever this is hasn’t been there long.

    It’s hard to stay positive, I sometimes am not too bad and other times I’m just awful my mind goes to some very scary places. 

    lots of love to you xxx

  • I had the biopsy 5 days ago and was told at the time to wait 4-6 weeks  but may be sooner so it’s just a waiting game isn’t it . Did they tell you about wait time for the results? My husband and adult son are also so anxious ,my husband is yes 100% cancel the holiday we will only lose the cost of the flights , the hotel can be cancelled a few days before . But  the guilt is unreal , he works so hard  x

    lots if love to you too x

  • Oh my goodness! That’s such a long time to wait, where abouts are you? I thought 2 weeks was a long time. I have an appointment the week after next although may get a call if they’re back sooner.

    Did the sonographer say anything to you about your lump? It seems both our consultants seemed initially confident it was nothing, which of course made the need for biopsies even harder. 

    I was only at the breast clinic in May with pain in my right breast, but strangely after scans were ok I didn’t feel reassured. Then found the lump Sunday night. It’s such a scary time, your son and husband sound like a great support for you although it’s hard for you to see them so worried xxx

  • I’m in Coventry - I haven’t been offered a results appointment as yet , I also had to fight to get my urgent 2 week referral. I emailed the head breast Consultant at the hospital  in the end and left voice essages , was only then it got chased up ! I had my referral after 13 days of nothing  
    the sonographer says he didn’t know for sure what it was as it was solid - said if it was something that shouldn’t be there it would be an operation


  • That’s so shocking! You shouldn’t have to advocate so much to get the healthcare you deserve and are entitled to! I bet that’s added much stress to an already stressful time. Perhaps that’s a positive that he said about surgery as he didn’t necessarily say it looked really scary, I don’t know I know we just have so many scary thoughts.

    I am sure standard wait for biopsy results is 2 weeks so that could be worth chasing too when it’s been that long. 

    Did you have to go back to see the consultant after your biopsy, you’d think he would have got you to book a follow up so you are not just left xxx

  • The consultant was convinced all was ok and the ultrasound was just for peace of mind - he told me I’d get the results the same day   and that I wouldn’t have to see him again 

    I am going to chase it up if I hear nothing soon - like you said this is adding to the anxiety . It sounds like we have very similar symptoms - mine seemed to just appear - 

    thinking of you xx 

    Have you had any news - I’m 8 days after my biopsy and heard nothing