Had breast biopsy today

I had my  urgent 2 week referral appointment today for a breast lump I found 5 weeks ago . My initial consultation agreed there was a lump - he didn’t think it was anything sinister but sent me for an ultrasound to confirm and said he would be surprised if I needed a biopsy.

I was feeling really happy to hear this positive news so was absolutely shocked whilst having the ultra sound that they were concerned and I had to have 2 core biopsies taken and a marker placed  and another mammogram.  I was told It definitely is not a cyst as it is solid about 2-3 cm.. My lymph nodes are also clear which is a positive.

I burst into tears with anxiety .test results are 4- 6 weeks .I  also have a  family holiday in 3 weeks to Italy and I’m thinking of cancelling

The anaesthetic is wearing off now and it’s so painful- it’s almost under my armpit so I keep bumping it .

has anyone had anything similar? And did they get the results quicker ?  Thanks in advance x

  • Fingers crossed for you! Are you back at home now? 

    Did they say same to you too? Cant discuss treatment until you have your ct scan etc? Just looking for more reassurance i think xx

  • Yes I was back home the same day fortunately. 

    Yes, after the biopsy result I had to have a breast MRI and mammograms before any plan was discussed. 

    Then at that results meeting said that the plan was lumpectomy and partial reconstruction with radiotherapy OR mastectomy and delayed reconstruction but no radiotherapy.  But they had to do the liver MRI first as they saw something on my liver and needed to check what it was but they were fairly confident it was cysts. We pencilled in surgery in the meantime. Does that make sense? Xx

  • Hello - found this post and it really resonates with my current situation!  Hope you don't mind me joining, never even thought to reach out but like you say Dr Google is a very scary place to start reading when we are experiencing these situations!  So good to hear that   has been given clear results, hope the rash is improving.   I am glad to hear you decided to go on your family holiday.   hope you are healing well.   you are a great positive inspiration.

    About a month ago I woke with a hard lump painful lump on my left boob.  Saw my GP, he was great and referred me, mentioning the NHS 2 week pathway.  I cannot complain I was given my appointment within the 2 week window, which I had on Monday (1st).  Initially I felt like I was wasting their time as the pain had almost gone by the time the appointment came round.  I thought I must have knocked my boob (although do not recall this) and the bruising had eased so no longer painful?

    My Consultant was very positive and almost dismissive after examining me and asked me to go back to the waiting room to be called for a Mammogram.  After that it literally went from 0-100 miles an hour.  The Ultrasound scan followed after the Mammogram and two lumps (about 1cm each) were found and a swollen lymph node in my armpit to the side of one of the lumps.  The lumps are not big, 11mm and 12mm.  Core biopsies taken from both the lumps and the lymph node too.  Titanium clips were placed into both the lumps.  Upon seeing the consultant after another Mammogram she seemed less positive although that could be me reading far too much into it - I was on my own as did not expect to be there so long, I felt nervous and sick with worry.  My results will be ready on Wednesday (quick turnaround) however I am going away with my daughter on Tuesday so she said to not cancel it and she will see me the following Wednesday (17th) as she is also a private consultant so therefore only does clinics on Mondays and Wednesday but follow up appointment are on Wednesdays only, difference between NHS and Private I suppose.  I have toyed with cancelling the holiday however what if the results are clear, I would be gutted.  And if the results are positive at least I have enjoyed a break before any further tests.

    I am 48 and the Consultant said it was probably fibroadenoma but they need to do the biopsies to assess further - do you agree?  I have never had fibroadenoma before and thought that was for woman younger than me.  My mum has never had cancer however her 3 sisters have all had breast cancer (one has passed and the other two are ok following treatment).  To add my mums aunt and cousin both had breast cancer too.  They are her mums sister (my nan) and daughter - so family history is very present.  I am full of worry, can't help but think the worse case :-(     

  • Hi, I’m sorry you’re going through this and I completely understand how you’re feeling. 

    I had a follow up appointment originally booked for next Monday, however I spoke to the breast nurse at my appointment and she said she’d let me know if the results were back any sooner. She was true to what she said and gave me a call Monday just gone to tell me my results, and I had my follow up yesterday instead of next Monday. I was also seen private, so I’m wondering if there is someone else you can contact, to see if your results are back sooner- if they are benign they will be able to tell you over the phone. It’s such an awful time of not knowing and your mind is constantly going round and takes you to some awfully scary places. 

    I have heard many say that the drs can usually tell from a scan if it is cancerous and will be honest with you if they feel it is, the fact they haven’t said this to you is a positive and it could well be a fibroadenoma or like in my case just breast tissue that has got stuck together.

    big hugs and positive thoughts xxx  

  • Thank you   for replying.  My husband suggested ringing up on Wednesday for the results but I would be Spain - if it is clear that would be great however if they say we can't give the results over the phone I would then be so worried.  It would then ruin the holiday, my daughter just finished her A levels and this is a celebration treat for her.  I am back on the Saturday so perhaps I can call on the Monday (a couple of days before the follow up) to see if they could tell me on the phone?  I think for me I am concerned about the swollen lymph node as they asked if I had been unwell lately, a virus or covid which I haven't been.  No symptoms other than tired all the time (but that could be my thyroid as I am on thyroxin) and night sweats but that could be HRT?!  xxx   

  • Honestly, go on your holiday. Psychological health and family time is so important. It helped me to get away over half term while waiting for the results. Xx

  • Thank you  I will go as I don't want to miss out on making memories with my daughter xxx

  •   good luck, will be thinking of you xx

  • Who gave you the results? Was it the hospital when discussing treatment or was it another appointment with your breast consultant? X

  • Always the consultant. Xx