Had breast biopsy today

I had my  urgent 2 week referral appointment today for a breast lump I found 5 weeks ago . My initial consultation agreed there was a lump - he didn’t think it was anything sinister but sent me for an ultrasound to confirm and said he would be surprised if I needed a biopsy.

I was feeling really happy to hear this positive news so was absolutely shocked whilst having the ultra sound that they were concerned and I had to have 2 core biopsies taken and a marker placed  and another mammogram.  I was told It definitely is not a cyst as it is solid about 2-3 cm.. My lymph nodes are also clear which is a positive.

I burst into tears with anxiety .test results are 4- 6 weeks .I  also have a  family holiday in 3 weeks to Italy and I’m thinking of cancelling

The anaesthetic is wearing off now and it’s so painful- it’s almost under my armpit so I keep bumping it .

has anyone had anything similar? And did they get the results quicker ?  Thanks in advance x

  • I’ve finally got an appointment for my results - 2 weeks today    And only because I contacted the breast unit to ask  for one for my results . I’ve had to fight my corner to get anywhere . My nhs app says I’m on a list for  and the wait time could be 24 weeks !! At least now I’m getting somewhere 

    This appointments is the morning after I got back from my holiday .

    when is your appointment? Hope your ok x

  • I’ve finally got an appointment for my results - 2 weeks today    And only because I contacted the breast unit to ask  for one for my results . I’ve had to fight my corner to get anywhere . My nhs app says I’m on a list for  and the wait time could be 24 weeks !! At least now I’m getting somewhere 

    This appointments is the morning after I got back from my holiday .

    when is your appointment? Hope your ok x

  • Hi Dixiedot I'm glad you've got your appointment now. I had to chase too but then surgery was booked at my MRI/Mammogram result appt. Go and have fun on your holiday.  Try and put it to the back of your mind if you can. X

  • Hi lovely, so glad you got your appointment but so so bad that you had to fight for it! Do they not realise this time is stressful enough!

    I am struggling so much today Have left a message for the breast nurse to see if my results are back but not had a reply. Spoke to a nurse on the helpline on here today about my rash and they think it’ll be a reaction. I can’t get myself out of the dark place xx

  • Thanks - it’s added to the stress but at least I’ve got a date now . I’m glad I’ve decided to go , a week in Italy is just what I need right now x Thanks 

  • Hi hope you dont mind me messaging you. I have also been diagnosed with the same Ductal carcinoma mine is showing 2cm with 3 nodes involved. Did you have any nodes involved? How are you feeling now? X

  • Hi,

    My biopsy result came back clear yesterday which was a huge relief, however I still have this rash on my breast so back to the breast consultant to get it checked tomorrow- so I’m not feeling completely relieved at the moment!

    They had to chase up my results, so after chasing they got them through last night and the breast nurse called me. 

    Could be worth giving them a call to see if they’re back, I only got mine back as the breast nurse gave me her details and said to keep in touch if I got too anxious… which obviously I did xxx 

  • Hi Thearcher, I'm so pleased your results came back clear! That must be a huge relief.  Please let us know how you get on today. I'm back in for my 1 week post op checks today and I will finally get rid of this awful surgical drain :) xx

  • Oh that must be such a relief to be getting rid of that, it must be so very uncomfortable! Thank you, I will let you know, I haven’t really felt completely relieved yet as the rash is bothering me so much - it doesn’t itch or hurt or anything, it just scares me xx 

  • Happy for you! Glad someone got some good news out of this. Im still waiting for my first chemo appointment. Hoping its not going to be too long.. the waiting is getting to me.x

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