Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Hopefully you don't have too much longer for results, the waiting is the worst, we make up all sorts of scenarios in our heads, even though we try to remain positive.I am still waiting for hysteroscopy date, will be 3 weeks tomorrow since transvaginal scan, so hopefully will get one soon.I have even started thinking if I hadn't said on my appointment day that I had needed local anaesthetic for a mirena coil years ago (for heavy bleeding) that I might have been offered the hysteroscopy that day. 

  • Gran21 hope you get the hysteroscopy soon. The scan and the hysteroscopy happened quite quickly for me.  I assumed the results would when sent as urgent. When I called the secretary she said they are told not to chase results under 19 weeks but as mine was urgent she would call.  Someone from cancer services then called to say not to worry that she was phoning as didn't mean cancer and that biopsy was at outside lab and she was chasing it.  That was 10 days ago and nothing yet.  Hope you get appointment soon x

  • Hi Sharon, I’m 57, overweight and had bleeding and a thickened endometrium. My results came back negative, which is a huge relief. Proof that it doesn’t have to be bad news. Now, something is causing the bleeding so we still need to get to the bottom of it. Good luck with your journey xx

  • Thank you.  Was told polyp suspicious.  I'm.afraid I'm all out of positiveness after 7 weeks.  Losing hope along with my mind at this point  

  • Well I’m home. Radical hysterectomy on Wednesday … painful, but bearable. Done laparoscopically … feeling emotional as I feel defeminised! Having been in an abusive marriage for 23 years I truly believe that my womb has held all the toxicity for me, held it contained … the tumour was escaping through my cervix and into my vagina … so it’s all gone. Radical. Grateful for the nhs. Hoping everyone is holding up ok. 

  • Offline in reply to AliG

    Take it easy and remember you have had major surgery, even when it's done laparoscopically. It's no wonder you're emotional, think we all would be. At least it's gone and you can heal(both physically and emotionally)and look forward. I'm not the best with words but sending cyber hugs your way. Wishing you a speedy recovery x

  • Offline in reply to AliG

    Glad you’re back home AliG. Time to start healing both physically and emotionally now! Sending you love. My surgery is on Monday morning. I’ll keep in touch on here with how I’m doing. Take care of yourself. 

  • Well I had my hysterectomy this morning. All went as planned- keyhole. I’m getting better care at my local hospital (Surrey) than I did 2 years ago when I went private!! The whole process has been slick, professional and extremely caring. I’m in virtually no pain; I’ve got no gas pain. I’m on a very quiet ward and am next to a big window so can watch the world go by. Feeling very fortunate and very grateful to be having such a positive experience! Hope everyone else is doing well. Xx

  •  I am so happy that surgery went well for you. That’s such good news. I also had the same experience as you in April with keyhole. I only stayed in hospital for one night and had no side effects whatsoever. However, do remember even though it is keyhole, it will still take time to heal inside. Please take it easy when you go home and get as much support around you as possible. Don’t rush things, and don’t go lifting things. Just do things at a gentle easy pace. People see me and cannot believe I have had this type of surgery and that I’ve bounced back so quickly. Wishing you all the very best moving forward. Always remember that YOU are the priority so look after you. Take care. x

  • Thank you Miss MayMay. Yes I’ll take it easy- I’m very good at that!! I’ll have my daughter with me at home for the first few days and then I’ve organised a very impressive rota of care from friends and neighbours for the following 2 weeks who have all offered help, so I’ve taken them up on it.  Hope you’re continuing to recover well. X