Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • It definitely feels like life is on hold, the waiting for results is driving me mad and I only had the Hysteroscopy done 3 days ago! 

  • Abbie52 did they give you any feedback at all after your hysteroscopy? Hope you continue to rest and recover well. 

  • No feedback really. I asked if any polyps had been removed because from the internal scan they thought polyps were present. But i was told that during the Hysteroscopy they didn't find polyps. Apart from that I was told results would be 2-3wks. X

  • Hi, my hysteroscopy and D&C was on June 28 and I’ve still not had any news. To be honest, I’m on holiday anyway and have taken the gung-ho attitude of “what the heck” whilst I wait. How long is too long before I start to bother someone in a lab somewhere?

    Here’s hoping we all get good news. 

  • Hope all goes well today x

  • All done. The hysteroscopy/biopsy was fine- no worse than a smear test. I didn’t need any pain relief other than the paracetamol and ibuprofen that I was advised to take 1 hour before.
    There is thickening of the lining of my uterus on one side. Initially before the procedure, she thought it could be because of the polyp (which she removed anyway for biopsy,) but could be the sign of abnormal cells/ cancer. If she thought it was just caused by the polyp she would have fitted a coil to thin the lining , but she didn’t end up doing that. Having done the hysteroscopy, she has requested an MRI scan for more investigations. She said that they have a very low threshold for offering a hysterectomy- even if there are only slight changes to the cells and she thinks that’s what I will be offered. From what I have read, the MRI is offered to ascertain if any cancer has spread/ to get an idea of what stage it might be at. I’m suspecting that they will find some cancer ( I was also sort of warned this by the consultant I saw 2 weeks ago,) although she said they won’t know for sure until they get the biopsy back. If it’s cancer and early stages, a hysterectomy would hopefully get rid of it all. Glad this bit is over, but not out of the woods yet. Xx

  • That's good that it wasn't painful.Must admit after a couple of attempts by GP/nurse  in the past to insert a coil, I ended up going to FP clinic to get it done with local anaesthetic and it was still sore , so dreading the hysteroscopy.

    Hopefully you don't have too long before you know results, it's all the waiting and not knowing that makes our minds go in to overdrive .

  • That’s sounds good! I’m hoping for early stages and hysterectomy… we have to hold onto hope! 

  • Glad it went ok and wasn’t too painful. I do hope the biopsy is ok and the MRI can offer assurance xx