Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Oh what a relief for you!

  • That’s great to hear Kaylinn. Well done on getting a local anaesthetic. Gas and air is a bit spacey I agree. I had it during labour and was spectacularly sick over my poor mum! I had had a lot though  

    Scarycat, you’re right about our bodies doing strange things. Still don’t know why I am having the spotting but perhaps they’ll say something when I get the biopsy results - they said 3-4 weeks.

    Thanks MillekA, Gran21, Scarycat and AliG.

    Fingers crossed for all waiting tests, results and treatment.  xx

  • Excellent news RoseTree and Kaylinn! You must both feel so relieved.  And I’m glad you both survived the hysteroscopy. I have received the letter today from my initial internal scan which says the lining of my womb is 20mm which I thinks puts me at significant risk of cancer. I hadn’t wanted to know that piece of information so didn’t ask at the initial appointment. Hysteroscopy is on Monday so a weekend of worry lies ahead….! 

  • Have a virtual hug from me Wiseowl1.I hope you manage to have some time over the weekend to relax. Have a large glass of whatever you fancy. Take some comfort from knowing that at least you will know on Monday ,more or less, and the waiting will be over.We are all here for you x

  • Thank you Gran21. I’ll try and keep busy over the weekend. I do know at least  that whatever it is, I have caught it early. As you say, once I know more on Monday, I can deal with the facts rather than all the second guessing I’m doing. The virtual hug is very gratefully received thank you! X 

  • Try not to worry and over think things. I was diagnosed with womb cancer in April but the speed in which everything was dealt with was second to none. I was told that if anyone is going to get a cancer diagnosis, womb cancer is the better type of cancer to get as it is very treatable. I had womb cancer and had robotic surgery as they did a full hysterectomy. I was discharged the next day. Thankfully I’m doing ok and will have 4 sessions of radiation starting next week. I wish you all the very best going forward. 

  • You won’t die. I was diagnosed with womb cancer in April and managed to stay positive throughout. I have had robotic surgery but feeling ok. I will have radiation for 4 sessions starting next week. I’ve been told by a private doctor and NHS doctor that if you are going to get cancer, womb cancer is the better type to get and is very treatable. Good luck with everything. Wishing you well. 

  • Thank you MissMayMay!

    Hope you continue to recover well and that the radiation session go ok! x 

  • Try not to worry even though I know that’s easier said than done. If it isn’t what you want to hear they will get you sorted quickly I’m sure. It is a cancer that can be cured. Good luck for Monday and what ever follows for you  x