Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Offline in reply to MillekA

    Totally understandable; I’m slightly ahead of the game because I had my hysteroscopy at the weekend and I know for sure what it is. Someone else I know didn’t have it after her examination … hope,alls goes well. My ex husband was and remains a waste of space to the point I won’t bother telling him and our daughters don’t want his support. 

  • I finally got the date through for my hysteroscopy. It’s booked for Monday afternoon. I keep thinking that once that’s over I’m home and dry…. and then I remember that I’ve got the results to wait for and then any possible diagnosis and treatment. I’ve told quite a few people as I’m a bit if an over- sharer anyway, but people have said I seem ‘distracted!’ 

  • Woohoo! Day before me. Good luck. I hope it’s not what you think. Hard not to feel the pangs of anxiety take over but I think I’m just about coping at the minute. I’m hoping the consultant will inform me of what they see when I wake up. If not told after the op I just hope the biopsy doesn’t take forever but have our week away in Cornwall to keep me distracted. Xx

  • Hi, glad you have appointment through , I don't have my appointment at gynae until 23rd, the wait has seemed like forever, still not sure exactly what will happen at the appointment, haven't been given any info on hysteroscopy so assuming it's TV scan and biopsy.Already had pelvic Ultrasound which showed thickening, just have to see on the day, I guess. Have also had another 3 days of bleeding since then.I remain on my HRT for time being , Evorel Conti, so continuous oestrogens and progesterone (was previously on Sequi which was two weeks Oestrogen and two weeks both). Bleeding only started when changed over to Conti so I had put it down to that but GP picked up on it and so here we are playing the waiting game.

    I have told my family as don't want them to feel left in the dark and it helps me to be able to speak about it to them. Also a couple of friends know . Trying to keep positive  but I have prepared myself for worst case scenario , so it won't come as so much of a shock to me if it is , does that make sense? Everyone copes in different ways , Fingers crossed for everyone and I have found it so beneficial to be a part of this chat as you all really do know what I am currently going through , so thanks, it really helps .

  • Great to hear you’ve got a date now WiseOwl. I’ve just been to Boots to ask for strong painkillers. The pharmacist seemed a bit non plussed that I was being advised to take painkillers in advance and then I got thinking - was I advised by the hospital or was it online. I checked the NHS advice on line though and it says you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen. The pharmacist said I could take the two together - it’s a low dose of the latter he gave me. 
    Fingers crossed for everyone. I’m desperate to told something tomorrow, even if it’s bad news. I want to get planning and lose this uncertainty. My ex partner has oesophageal cancer and is currently in hospital miles away and I want to plan when to see him next too. Sending calming thoughts to us all. xx

  • I get the preparing for the worst. I’ve done the same. Hope we are pleasantly surprised. xx

  • Good luck for tomorrow RoseTree. Please let us know how it goes. X

  • Here's hoping you get good news tomorrow x

  • Hope all goes well with your hysteroscopy tomorrow Kaylinn. X

  • Hi Gran21, I hope you are getting support. Sounds like you have been experiencing similar issues to me.  Change of HRT is the hypothesis for me from each Dr I talk to.  You can see my thread somewhere.  But my thoughts are 'all over the shop'.  But as a lot of people say on here, there's many explanations, many options. This is what I'm trying to focus on.  Not Dr Googles treacherous generalisations!  To repeat, many explanations, many options.  Take one day at a time, what's in front of you right now...its OK to feel wobbly Xx