Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • I phoned the hospital where I’m due to have my hysteroscopy and have left 2 messages but no one has got back to me. I finally got through to them today and asked when I might get a date for the procedure. (The consultant at my scan last week, said I expect I’ll see you next week.) The receptionist said they are waiting for more appointment dates to be released. This has been the longest week! I’m trying to keep busy, but it’s so difficult. And then I’m thinking if the consultant thought it  was something really bad, he’d have requested a more urgent appointment? Honestly… your head runs away with you doesn’t it?! Meanwhile I’ve had 2 people tell me how awful they found the procedure, which is adding to my anxiety!  

  • Please go back to the gp and insist on a hysteroscopy; I’d had on/off spotting for a few months, then I started bleeding. Saw the nurse on Saturday for the hysteroscopy and she said there was clear cancer. Waiting for MRI now to see if it’s spread. Don’t mind admitting that I’m scared. I’m 60. Not ready to die yet and my daughters aren’t old enough to,go,through this.

  • Oh ***! I’m dreading my results!

  • I’m under a hospital in Cambridge … anyone else?

  • Offline in reply to AliG

    Ali, know it’s a scary place, I’ve been where you are, and everything scared me, after my mri, they did hysterectomy then a treatment plan, there is so much they can do, I virtually booked my funeral I was so scared, but 3 1/2 years later, touch wood I’m still ok..

    easy to say now but ur in good hands xx good luck to you 

  • Offline in reply to Mario11

    Thank you so much for this … I’ve redone my will, had some smal jobs around the house done or booked to have them done, cancelled my holiday plans and told all those that need to know. My daughters aren’t close and have no relationship with their dad so it’s just the three of us. They just need to be a bit more established in their own lives. Finding it all a bit much to take in tbh. Thanks again for your positivity 

  • Sending hugs to you AliG. As Mario says there are good treatment options. It’s good to be prepared though and organised. Hope you get reassurance and a treatment plan soon. I’m a bit less far down the line to you as I’ve not got my hysteroscopy til this Thursday. Like WiseOwl I am dreading it and wished I could have a general anaesthetic but they’ve said they can do local. I’m hoping that’s similar to an epidural. Do hope you get an appointment very soon WiseOwl. 
    Thinking of everyone going through this and thank you again to you Mario and others who are offering reassurance having gone through it.

  • I didn’t have any anaesthetic … and it hurt, so if it’s offered do take it. I’m one of those people for whom everyth

    ing ends to the worst outcome and it’s taking some doing to try and reassure myself and my 22 yo who lives at home with me. 

    good luck for Thursday… t

    take some sanitary pads with you, take some paracetamol before you go and ask questions xxx

  • Hello I also have a Hysteroscopy on Thursday. Went to my gp last Thursday because of 2 days of brown discharge I’m 48 and my periods stopped 2 years ago. Had a scan yesterday showing thickened lining of 6.1 mm so suspected cancer, had a call today  to say my Hysteroscopy is Thursday so much happening so quickly! Good luck with yours  

  • Good luck to everyone with hysteroscopies this week. I’m going to have everything I’m offered including local anaesthetic into cervix  gas and air and will take naproxen ( which I take every day anyway) and paracetamol. Thinking of everyone! X