Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • I had my internal scan today. No pain or real discomfort with that and it was done in 10 -15minutes. I then saw the consultant who said I have a polyp but also the lining of my womb is thicker than normal. I’ll need a hysteroscopy within the next week to 10 days. He said the positives are that I have presented to them early on with my symptoms and that I have had 2 vaginal births. The negatives are that I am overweight and that can cause an increase in oestrogen which can increase the thickness of the lining of the womb which can cause cancer. He said I would have a hysterectomy if cancer cells were present. I’m terrified as I heard one of the sonographers say ‘66’ to her colleague and if that was the thickness of  the lining, 66 mm is very, very high! (Might have been another measurement though!)

    I feel worse now I think than I did before. I know there will be lots of waiting now which is so hard. 

  • 66 is probably the size of your womb length. They do length width and girth (all around). Keep your chin up girly. We’ve all got this!

  • Hi WiseOwl. I had virtually the same experience today at my appointment. The scan was l as t week but the results were explained today when I was meant to have a biopsy but they’ve decided a hysteroscopy next week instead. I’ve got a thickened lining plus a polyp. I’m a bit overweight too. They said I could have gas and air for the hysterectomy and/or (?) a local anaesthetic which sounded good to me. I was relieved by the results as I thought at least it’s only one polyp and according to google, just 5% of polyps are cancerous. One step at a time. It’s good to be being looked at by specialists. Sending hugs. I feel exhausted tonight and I’m sure I’ve gone into flight or fight mode in the background on what ifs. Hope everyone else is doing ok? 

  • Thank you so much! Yes I think 66 is probably the length of my womb! I’m driving myself mad with looking at Google. I live on my own and am overthinking everything this afternoon. Good to have this online support group though! 

  • My consultant said I can have local anaesthetic and gas and air, so hopefully it would be the same for you. I’ll take whatever I can get! He also said take painkillers an hour before the procedure. If it’s too much they’ll stop and I’d have a general on another day. He is reluctant to do this because of my weight which would make it more of a risk. I told him I’ve had 10lb babies with a bit of gas and air so he laughed (nicely) and said I’d be fine! Yes I’m exhausted too and overthinking everything and driving myself mad on Google! 

    What I forgot to ask him was if the biopsy shows no cancer, what happens next. I think remove the polyp and maybe some progesterone to reduce lining of womb. But he talked much more about a hysterectomy, and my gut feeling at the time was that he was subtly warning me to prepare for that. 
    I think it’s the waiting that’s so hard isn’t it? Waiting for appointments and then waiting for results. It feels like life is on hold for a bit. 
    Sending hugs back to you too. Please keep in touch on here! 

  • Completely agree about life feeling on hold. Good to know general anaesthetic might even be possible. I’ve had a hysteroscopy before as part of prep for IVF and that was under GE I’m sure. Re what happens if the polyp isn’t cancerous I think they take it out anyway and that’s likely to be done during the hysteroscopy. I think that’s what my specialist said - that it would be taken out during the hysterectomy. They won’t know one way or another at the point about cancer but it’s presumably worth doing that while they’ve got the camera in to assist.  Hope that helps. 

  • How is everyone getting along? I’m very up and down. Have my pre op  on 10th and thehysteroscopy on 16th. Going away on holiday for the week on 20th. Just worried about the after affects of the biopsy

  • Hi, 8 days after my hysteroscopy and D&C and I’m still waiting for the results. I’m kind if numb at this point. Going on holiday on Monday regardless. Hope everyone is doing well. 

  • Hi, it was 2 and a half weeks before I got my results through. Enjoy your holiday

  • Hi all, got appointment for biopsy (l assume) on 23rd July and this is through the cancer pathway, think our Health board's wait times are longer(frustratingly).Had 4 week wait for initial US scan, now an almost 5 week wait for Gynae.Though give my GP her due, she did refere right away as soon as scan results were through.In Scotland the guidelines are 62 days from referral to treatment if cancer. I have a cruise (my first) booked on 7 th September and as it draws closer I am hoping for the best but taking worst case scenario I don't know what will happen there. It's the waiting that's the worst, I just want to know one way or the other so I can get on with my life, whichever path that takes .Hope you manage to enjoy your holidays ladies.