Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Wishing you all the best. It’s the waiting that’s crucifying! I’ve only told one person as I don’t want people worrying and fussing, so this anonymous community is a life line. Please keep us updated on this thread if you feel it would help you. 

  • Thanks and will do. Hope all goes well with you.

  • I had bleeding at Easter, it stopped and then started again, stopped and started. Finally saw a doctor on Thursday, so 2 days ago and I am booked in for a D&C on Friday of next week. My uterus lining is thicker than it should be. I’m terrified but trying not to imagine the worst. Have been overweight all my life and have never had children, two factors which can also contribute to cancer. I’ll crumble, I know I will, I won’t have it in me to fight. 

  • Please try not to worry until you have the results through. Sometimes these things happen and nothing comes of it. Dont be alone thinking of what might not be, we are always here if you need a chat. x

  • Thank you for this post and to all who have commented on it - I have created a post today along similar lines. Could I ask a follow up question but if it’s too much information then just don’t anyone answer!!

    for those who have been through the menopause, when you say you were having episodes of bleeding, are we talking about the thick red period bleeding of younger years? Or is it a browner , thick bleed, like a discharge? But do/ did you still get the vague stomach pains and feelings that went along with having a period back in your younger days? They aren’t as severe, but are similar.

    im sorry if that’s TMI - you can put answers on my post today : pierfan43

    just a bit worried!

  • Hi there, 

    I’m nearly 4 years into menopause and this is my experience:

    at Easter, I started bleeding, it lasted about 10 days. It was light, but constant and bright red.

    It stopped for about a month and then started again, lasting 4 days this time. More pain, enough for a hot water bottle. I also passed a clot about the size of a pea.

    Finally saw a gynecologist and she did an ultrasound and an internal exam. The lining of the back of my uterus is thicker than it should be. She said I might bleed due to the invasive nature of the exam, and I have. Every day for 5 days. Still quite light, still bright red. I’ve also passed a huge blood clot, about 4cm square - very scary. I have dull pain in my tummy, not cramping, more of an ache. Tiny clots, mm wide. 

    Am having a D&C on Friday and am terrified.

    Hope this wasn’t tmi and that it helps.