Cervical biopsy - really scared


I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and can help put my mind at rest.

i am 32 and have two children one 11 and one 2. 

i had my smear in November and got my results earlier this month. HPV positive and severe dyskaryosis. i was so worried from this letter I then got a text about an appointment for colposcopy a few days later. 
i went and I knew looking at that screen it wasn't right. I didn't have symptoms and I have the implant so I haven't had periods for a while. I was shaking while he said he needed to take a biopsy. When we sat down after he says it looks like early invasive cervical cancer. I asked how long for the results and he said I will mark as urgent.!? Is that normal to rush them? I nearly broke down there and then. I have been in pieces ever since and I keep thinking the worst. Has anyone else been through this before ? I need some positivity. Thank you xxx

  • I'm not coping very well with it to be honest. It's such a shock. Everything is all so overwhelming. The thoughts I am having feel unbearable feel like my life has stopped never felt so low 

  • I am so sorry you are feeling like that. 
    when I was in the middle of my colposcopy he said it looks like invasive cancer and I didn't hear anything else that was said. I think as soon as you hear that you just stop.. you don't hear anything else.

     Please stay strong we are all here for you feel free to pm me if you want to chat privately? You just need to remember you are now in the best hands to help you deal with this and they know what they are doing. We Google everything and we think it has the answer which it does not. Do you have a good support network? 

  • Gosh I cant imagine how yours have felt at the time. I literally heard cancer and nothing else. Must be such a relief now I'm pleased for you. 

    Thank you. I do have support but unless people experience it they just don't know the worry and feelings x 

  • Hi


    yes I felt a massive relive but it's still a wait for a check up. 
    man's yes I totally agree with you if you haven't been in our situation they don't understand. I didn't like to talk about it and I tried to keep it to myself and my partner as I hated the toll it had on my mental health. I found it easier to talk on here with people who actually understand how it feels. 
    let us know how the mri goes and I am keeping everything crossed it's not as bad as what you are thinking as I know you only think the worst in this situation xxx

  • Thank you. I have it booked for Tuesday. Had a bad day yesterday to be honest the reality is so overwhelming. I also hate talking about it I get too emotional but it does help.

  • Yes I had days like that too but it's ok to react that way and to go through every emotion it's natural! 
    i hope you get the results you want and hopefully I will speak to you soon xxx

  • Hi Lj

    You're at a really difficult stage in this whole process, so it’s understandable to feel quite overwhelmed. I never talked about it either, so I can so much understand your feelings. But I’ve learned that it does help to talk to people who understand, and who have been through this. Other people who haven’t been through it just cannot understand, no matter how much they try, and how well meaning they are. 

    Please talk about it if you want to, as much as you want to. I hope Tuesday goes as well as it can and you get the best possible results from it to move forward. I’m around here a lot if you need someone who knows exactly what this is like. x


  • Thanks for the message. People around are trying to be supportive but they just don't understand. I feel like I need so much support I feel so alone. I just don't know how to cope with it. I'm really trying to keep it together but I just feel so overwhelmed every day life goes on for everyone else. Feel like I'm in a dark hole and can't see any light or way out. I'm consumed with negativity 

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