Cervical biopsy - really scared


I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and can help put my mind at rest.

i am 32 and have two children one 11 and one 2. 

i had my smear in November and got my results earlier this month. HPV positive and severe dyskaryosis. i was so worried from this letter I then got a text about an appointment for colposcopy a few days later. 
i went and I knew looking at that screen it wasn't right. I didn't have symptoms and I have the implant so I haven't had periods for a while. I was shaking while he said he needed to take a biopsy. When we sat down after he says it looks like early invasive cervical cancer. I asked how long for the results and he said I will mark as urgent.!? Is that normal to rush them? I nearly broke down there and then. I have been in pieces ever since and I keep thinking the worst. Has anyone else been through this before ? I need some positivity. Thank you xxx

  • Morning Lj

    I appreciate how tough it is when you get news like this but don’t have all the information yet-I’m sure you must be reeling with it all. 

    It sounds, from my own experience, that something of concern has been discovered, hence the need for the mri. Please try not to assume the worst at this point-things are rarely as bad as we imagine in our head, but our fear magnifies everything. 

    The mri will give your doctor more detail about what has been found from the colposcopy and once the results are known a plan will be put in place to deal with it. There will always be a plan, and cervical cancer is a very treatable disease.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how things go..you will not find out the results of the mri straight away so there will be some more waiting involved unfortunately. xx

  • That message is so comforting thank you so much 

  • Please feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to help based on my own experience. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve dealt with this cancer twice now, so I have a fair bit of experience with it. 

    I hope things go as well as they can at your appointment and that you get more information today. xx

  • Thank you. I didn't get the best news they have found cancer in the cervix. I have to have an MRI I will need surgery removing cervix and possibly the womb. I'm absolutely devastated. Any advice would be appreciated. So sorry that you've been through so much 

  • I’m sorry you’ve had your cancer diagnosis confirmed-it’s horrible news to get. If you can have surgery, that means it’s an early stage cancer which is actually a very positive thing, although it will not seem so right now. 

    You still need the mri results to confirm that surgery is going to be an option. I was initially told I would have surgery, but after my mri, the surgery wasn’t possible any longer and I had different treatment. Hopefully this will not be the same for you and you can have one or other of the options they’ve talked about.

    I’m presuming that you might be quite young if they have mentioned just removal of the cervix? This is called a trachelectomy and can sometimes be done for younger ladies to preserve fertility. 

    If you need to have your womb removed by having a hysterectomy, this is obviously more major surgery.

    Everything will depend on the staging of the cancer, where exactly and how the tumour is growing, and its size. 

    So, the advice I would give just now is to take things a day at a time until you know more, and  once the mri results come through you will know what way they will go as regards  treatment. It’s devastating  right now for you, I understand that, but it will get better, and you will in time feel calmer and more settled. xx


  • Aww I am so sorry about your results. 
    i am sure you are in the best possible hands and they will do whatever they can to help you. I am waiting for my biopsy results and it was implied that I have early invasive cervical cancer so I may be in the same situation. I am here if you need to talk. Xx

  • I hope your results go OK. Keep in touch x

  • Hi


    jist wanted to let you know I got a call today and they have said they didn't believe any invasive cancer was there but I have to go for a check up in 6 months time. 
    how are you do you have any appointments soon? 
    always here if you need a chat 


  • I'm so pleased that you are ok sounds very positive. 

    I have an MRI next week x

  • Hope so we will see in 6 months. 
    i hope everything goes ok let me know how you get on. I can imagine how much this is to take in for you xx