Cervical biopsy - really scared


I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and can help put my mind at rest.

i am 32 and have two children one 11 and one 2. 

i had my smear in November and got my results earlier this month. HPV positive and severe dyskaryosis. i was so worried from this letter I then got a text about an appointment for colposcopy a few days later. 
i went and I knew looking at that screen it wasn't right. I didn't have symptoms and I have the implant so I haven't had periods for a while. I was shaking while he said he needed to take a biopsy. When we sat down after he says it looks like early invasive cervical cancer. I asked how long for the results and he said I will mark as urgent.!? Is that normal to rush them? I nearly broke down there and then. I have been in pieces ever since and I keep thinking the worst. Has anyone else been through this before ? I need some positivity. Thank you xxx

  • Hi Em-sim

    Taking a biopsy during a colposcopy is a common procedure, and the doctor will mark them as urgent because there is a suspicion of early cancer. I had the same, and my biopsy results were back in a week. However, mine was more serious than an early cancer as I had a clearly visible tumour.

    Positives? Well my diagnosis was more than 3 years ago and I’m fine. Early cervical cancer can be treated and cured, so that’s also very positive. I’ve done well despite having a much more advanced cancer.

    The biopsy results are needed to confirm whether the doctor is correct in thinking it is an early cancer, so  try not to overthink everything and think the worst at this stage before your diagnosis is confirmed, though I do appreciate it’s hard. xx

  • Hi Minska


    thank you so much for your reply. 
    i am so sorry to hear yours was so advanced but I am so pleased you have been treated and in a good place. 
    thank you for your advice it has settled me a little. I guess it's the unknown that I hate and I just think about my children in case of the worst. 

    but I will try and be positive and again I really appreciate you taking the time to help me  xxx

  • Hi again Em-sim

    Your feelings are completely normal and understandable-it’s very scary hearing the word cancer. But try your best not to think the worst. I tried really hard to think positive and not think too far ahead. Just take things a day at a time and it will actually become easier once you know what’s happening and how they are going to treat it. xx

  • Hi


    iknow you are absolutely right and I will do this it really has helped talking to you. I just really do not want the waiting to affect me mentally as I'm sure you may have felt this way. May I ask what treatment you had ? I understand if that's too personal thanks again xxx

  • Hi Em-sim

    I don’t mind telling you the treatment I had, but bear in mind it is NOT the same treatment for an early stage cancer. For locally advanced cancer, as mine was, the standard first line treatment is chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This is because you cannot safely operate when the cancer has advanced. Early stage cancers can often be treated by surgery. There are international guidelines for the staging and treatment of cervical cancer, so treatment at the different stages is pretty standard.

    But it’s too early for you at this point to worry about treatment! xx

  • Also very scared

    I also had a smear due to irregular bleeding and discovered I have HPV. I went for a colposcopy and received a call today the I have to book in for an MRI. I've sobbed my heart out and thought the worse. I have not actually had results yet have an appointment tomorrow I am so scared 

  • Hi Lj

    I’m so sorry you find yourself in this position and appreciate how scary it can seem at this point for you, especially when you don’t have your results yet. It’s surprising to be going for an mri without biopsy results from the colposcopy-but trust in your doctor to be doing the most appropriate things to get answers for you. 

    Are you actually having the mri tomorrow, or is that an appointment to receive the results from the smear? xx


  • Thank you so much for your reply. 

    I received a letter on Tuesday for an appointment for today at a clinic I called as wasn't sure what it was about they said it was to discuss my results from the colposcopy.  Then I had a call yesterday to book me in for a blood test as I need one before my MRI appointment which took me by surprise. I asked why I needed the MRI she said it was just to have a look I asked if my results were looking cancerous and she said yes. I was shocked and felt mortified all the worse thoughts were in my head. My appointment is this morning to discuss results and to have a blood test.

  • Good morning Lj


    i have everything crossed for you and I hope everything goes well for you. I am here if you need to talk about it. I totally understand how scary and frightening this can be for you. Keep strong and I send my love 
