Cervical biopsy - really scared


I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and can help put my mind at rest.

i am 32 and have two children one 11 and one 2. 

i had my smear in November and got my results earlier this month. HPV positive and severe dyskaryosis. i was so worried from this letter I then got a text about an appointment for colposcopy a few days later. 
i went and I knew looking at that screen it wasn't right. I didn't have symptoms and I have the implant so I haven't had periods for a while. I was shaking while he said he needed to take a biopsy. When we sat down after he says it looks like early invasive cervical cancer. I asked how long for the results and he said I will mark as urgent.!? Is that normal to rush them? I nearly broke down there and then. I have been in pieces ever since and I keep thinking the worst. Has anyone else been through this before ? I need some positivity. Thank you xxx

  • The bad days get better, I promise. The thing is, our fear and our thoughts can be so bad, yet it’s rarely as bad as we imagine. If you feel that you cannot cope, please speak out. There is a way out, there’s light at the end of the tunnel but it’s very hard to see at the moment. Life goes on for everyone else, while you feel that yours has stopped. But it hasn’t stopped. You’re just at a difficult time where you can’t feel any positivity and it’s paused for you at the moment. 

    Things always feel better when you have a plan. You know what you’re up against and what needs to be done. You regain focus and a will to do this, to get better. It WILL get better, honestly. I’ve been through this cancer twice now, and been in the depths of despair at times. So I understand, I get it. But you CAN get through this. xx

  • Hi Lj,

    Sorry to pop in unexpectedly on your post but wanted to share some of my thoughts with you as I am a 9-1/2 year cervical cancer survivor. Yes, the bad days will get easier. Take it one day, one appointment, one treatement (whatever that may be) at a time. Expect setbacks but don't let them overpower you. Like Minska, I was not a candidate for surgery so I had chemo and radiation. I also got a cold during chemo and had to delay treatments, I thought the world would end, but it didn't.  It's ok to have a meltdown and a good cry, but then focus on the next step and the end result. I kept a notebook with me during treatments so I could write my thoughts down, questions I wanted to ask and names of people I interacted with. You can do this! Keep us posted on how things progress.

    Laura xx

  • Hi Laira 

    Thanks for the message. I'm so sorry you've been through so much but glad to hear your doing well now. I'm usually quite resilient to things and don't let things get me down but this news has really brought me down to my knees. I'm trying to be positive hoping they've caught it soon hoping it's treatable etc but I just keep thinking the worse. I should be grateful if its can be removed with surgery but the thought of a hysterectomy and not being able to have more children has just destroyed me I know there's more to being a woman but I don't feel like one, feel like I've got nothing to offer. I've never felt so low. It's just so much to try and cope with. 

    I appreciate speaking to woman like yourself amazing how strangers can make you feel so supportive and give you hope. Thank you 

    Lisa x 


  • Hi 

    I just wanted to say I hope everything goes the way you want it too tomorrow and stay strong xx

  • So lovely that you have remembered. Thanks so much x

  • Hi


    i have had my follow up at the gp after my biopsy however the nurse says she couldn't do the smear as the hole in my cervix is covered by a 5p size but if flesh. I'm not at panic mode yet again and being referred back to the hospital. 
    just when i was starting to think positive.

    has anyone else come across this or had this after a LLetz procedure?

