I don't know if anyone has had this happen to them.
November 2018 was referred to breast clinic as painful breast and felt 3 lumps in right breast.
Had mamagram and ulterscan and after tests came back was reassured as nothing showed on the mamagram and ultrascan showed it was just cysts then was told as painful was a good sign.. I came out delighted.
But the pain never subsided and by a year on the lumps had felt bigger so back to the doctors which then back to clinic. Was again said it's painful for yiu so that's good as if cancer its painless. I said maybe cysts need to tl drained ect so I was sent for another mamagram.. Was told it was clear again but wanted to do a ultrascan. I was so tender.. Then the doctor was saying ducts look swollen and abnormal also saying abnormal activity within the boob. Had to have a biopsy.
I was then very worried but as clinic day was on Christmas day then boxing day I had to wait longer for my results. My mamagram never showed up anything just like the last one.
Went back on the 8th Jan and was told I had DCIS but reassured me it was very small.
Then had to have another biopsy on other breast but after a week wait was told it wasn't cancer.
I was sent for an MRI and results said my DCIS was 6 cm by 1.3 cm so was larger than expected. I had lypm nodes removed now.
This process this time started on the 22nd December and still don't know whats really happening.
I have to travel to another hospital to have my mastectomy on right boob and reconstruction as my hospital don't do plastic surgery.. but it won't be I was told till April or May.. Just seems to be forever
Has anyone had any experience on the above.
Kind regards