Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi everyone , I’m 44 recently diagnosed with Breast cancer DCIS and also hormone positive . Its in my lymph nodes aswell . Had CT , Bone Scan and MRI . I’m back on Tuesday to find out results . I’m freaked out having pain in the middle of my back and kept thinking it’s spread . Everyone says it’s stress . I’m fairly healthy never smoked . Just wondering has anyone any advice please . Xx

  • My goodness [@mejules]‍ that must have been scary. I’m so glad you’re ok, hope the MRI scan is ok as well. 

    All ok here 2 days after my second cycle and all seems fine, same side effects as last time so far, I have injections for the next five days and they made me tired last time and a bit achy so i’m waiting for that to kick in.  

    Let me know how you get on. X

  • Hi Mejules, 

    omg what a fright you must have got . Glad to hear your scan was clear . Fingers crossed that the mri comes back clear too . Hope you doing ok now after the shock ! 

    On my way to my last AC today all being well . Then will start weekly chemo ! 

    Hope everyone else is keeping well and doing ok .

    have a lovely weekend . 

    Take care 


    j xxx

  • Hi Mejules, 

    This must have scared the living daylights out of you, but I'm so glad to hear that it wasn't sepsis or brain cancer. I hope that the CT and MRI turned out ok and that it is just a bad reaction to your antibiotics.

    I sincerely hope that this doesn't delay your chemo.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • [@Woollylamb][@Jolamine][@BigJean]‍ 

    hi all hope you are all ok. Had my first chemo Friday and not really moved out of bed. The nauseous is knocking me off me feet. Not really drinking but eating little and often. Just seem to sleep. Hoping sicky feeling won’t last too long. Teeth and mouth but sore but using mouthwash x hope you all x 

  • hi, good to hear from you. I’m sorry to hear that the chemo is making you unwell. Have you mentioned it to your team, maybe they can give you some different anti sickness medicine?  At least you have the first one over and done with.


    im in for my 3rd round tomorrow, so will be half way through then. I’m seeing my oncologist tomorrow so we will see if she thinks it’s having any effect after 2 cycles. So I’m just getting myself prepared, lots of water being drunk, I had a reiki session today as well so will hopefully sleep ok tonight. 

    I do hope you feel better soon.


  • Hi woollylamb hope all goes well for your third chemo - whoop half way there ! Well done x 

    can I ask did you get very angry through times at chemo? I’m struggling yday and today to keep my emotions in check and I’m shouting at my other half. I don’t want him to hate me for being such a c*w  but I’m struggling and not sure why x 

  • Hi Mejules, 

    great to hear you have started your chemo. Sorry that you aren’t feeling very well after. I was exactly the same after my first one the nausea killed me was worse than morning sickness!!! I got extra anti sickness tablets which really helped , drank loads of water and ate little and often, I found crackers , peanuts , and ginger biscuits really helped . 

    Ive finished all 4 AC and had my first Taxol and Herceptin last Friday. No nausea but lots of different aches and pains but can cope with that.

    ive been making lots of smoothies and I’m finding I’ve loads of energy and my mind seems to be a lot clearer. 

    Hope you are starting to feel a bit better soon . Hope everyone else is doing ok too [@Woollylamb][@Jolamine]‍ 

    take care 

    j xx


    HI Mejules,

    I've been away for a few days, so apologies for the late reply. I am delighted to hear that your chemo has gone ahead, athough I am so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time following your first chemo session.

    Make sure that you let your care team know this, as they can give you a different anti-nausea medication which should be more effective.

    Do your best to drink as much water as you can, as this makes a big difference. I sincerely hope that your team can overcome your nausea and that things go better for you next time around.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Woolylamb,

    By the time you read this, you'll have had your chemo and, will now be half way through. I hope that your oncologist gave you some good news today.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx



    Hi Big Jean,

    I'm glad to hear that the new aches and pains are copeable with and, that your mind is clearer and energy levels higher with the Taxol and Herceptin.

    Just keep taking those smoothies.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx