Just been diagnosed with breast cancer at 25..

Hello all!

Tonight has been a surreal moment after finding a lump in left breast, and ultrasound identifying enlarged lymph nodes, it has sadly been confirmed that i have invasice ductal breast cancer - a tripple negative breast cancer in my case. I am 25 with no real family history, so it is all a bit shocking. 

i however had prepared myself fully for this news, and when they told me, i felt strangely calm and ok with this. i am sure i will have my wobbly moments but i know i will fight this.

I am going to have a CT scan and mammogram as it is in my lymph nodes, to check if the cancer has spread anywhere else (thats the scary part for me). But i will start chemo in jan, and have 6 rounds of it. Halfway through my chemo i will have a follow up, and decide what surgery i will be having/what will be neccssary. Then go from there.

I thought i would write on here, to hear from those experiencing similar things, and see how chemo was for you? and also to see if there is anyone my age on here going through the same thing?


thank you,


Hannah xxx

  • Oh I am pleased! Our minds can go into overdrive, now try and relax in the knowledge that the cancer hasn't spread and that your treatment plan is in place and that it is the best plan for you....tailored just for you for the best results. Let's all compare notes once we are on that journey......boost each other up.....xxxxxxx

  • Yes definitely Marlyn. You've got a friend for life 


  • Cancer has brought us together! How funny is that? We got to look at the positives I suppose...xxxxx

  • There has to be at least one!


  • so pleased to hear this Lunamuna ️ I hope I get the same news soon! Got scans coming up next week and talking to someone about the chemo and what to expect and fertility treatment before! 

    Try and enjoy your Christmas as much as possible that’s what I am trying to do ️


    Lots of love ladies xxx

  • Thanks country girl. I've got everything crossed for you too.

    My sister had ivf (not the same, I know) but got lucky first time. The things they can do with fertility treatments are amazing these days. I've read that periods will stop during chemo and then start again afterwards. But don't worry about that too much. Just get yourself better.

    The waiting to find out what exactly you are fighting is the worst. Worst thing I've ever had to do. But we are all gear for you.

    Have you got a close network of support around you?

    Thinking of you 


  • Hi Countrygirl,

    Sorry you've got the dreaded diagnosis too, especially so young.

    I'm 41 and was diagnosed early summer with stage 3 breast cancer.  I've finished chemo for now anyway and had a mastectomy, with radiotherapy to come early next year, then maybe some more chemo and also prophylactic surgery.

    I tolerated the first chemo very well (it was called FEC), but the second one brought me some interesting (and some humorous) side effects!  On the second one I wasn't able to work, and I spent a lot of time in bed, but I felt fine as long as I stayed horizontal so I used the time to learn a language by listening to MP3s etc.  Only two days of actually feeling nauseous and being sick but I used mind over matter every morning when it came to nausea.  Age and general health can play a big part with chemo so being young and (presumably) otherwise healthy should help you tolerate it better.

    My cancer was caught very late and had already spread, they reckon I've already had it for around 3 years, but hopefully yours will have been contained.

    As others have pointed out this is one of the toughest times, the waiting!  Once treatment gets started it all seems to go very quickly.

    There are numerous threads on chemotherapy and you'll see tips on things to do to prepare for it (things you can start now) but if you have any questions give us a shout.

    Even with having my mum to talk to (she's had breast cancer twice now, 2 different types) I have still found this place invaluable, I hope you do too.

    Welcome to 'the club' but sorry you've ended up here too.

    Best wishes,


  • I too was diagnosed on 29th November. Mine is grade 2 stage 4 because it is in my skin and chest wall. It is highly ER positive so have been put on an oestrogen inhibitor to shrink it and make surgery easier. They have also found a smaller lesion in the same breast and have had biopsy for that hopefully the medication will halt both. I should be on the medication for 6 to 9 months before surgery.

    My CT and MRI scans showed no secondaries and no swollen lymph nodes so not sure what it is. It is not in my breast but on the bra line underneath that it why it is in the chest wall and skin.

    I am quite a bit older than you - I am 72 but I am determined to fight this.

  • I have a very good support system luckily, a lovely boyfriend and amazing family and friends. I think my dark sense of humour carries us all through a tricky time.

    Hopefully the CT scan wont declare any more bad news for me, as my breast nurse said, the chemo i am starting in jan will zap my whole body and fight it all regardless. Unsure as of yet how early i have caught it, i like to have thought of myself as an avid boob checker and deffo hadnt felt this lump before - but the fact its in my lymph nodes now would indicate it has been there a little while.

    im hoping my age and the fact that i feel well in myself compeletly, will help me get through all the treatment as well as possible and i ll be good as new in no time. The uncertainity of it all however is a little daunting and is the only thing that plays on my mind.

    thank you for all being so great and supportive! I hope you can all enjoy christmas somewhat despite having this news bearing down on us <3

    sending lots of love to you all xxx

  • sorry to hear of your diagnosis especially being so young. 

    I am glad you have a lot of support and on this forum too. 

    I was diagnosed over a week ago, I am 41, it’s stage 3 but unsure of grade etc. I’ve to have 6 cycles of chemo, unsure at this stage what surgery outcome will be.

    i am having my bone and ct scan this week, I am absolutely terrified, incase something shows up. 

    Like you my chemo is starting in Jan, I think having support and having a positive mindset is the way to go xx