Colorectal cancer with possible liver mets

Hi,  I have just received a confirmed diagnosis of a colorectal cancer after having a colonoscopy  3 weeks ago and a CT scan a fortnight ago. I had no symptoms, this has all happened following my first routine bowel screening because I recently turned 50!

i had a previous colonoscopy 2 years ago which was clear so each step of my journey so far I’ve gone in to naively assuming all would be well.

However, it’s the gift that just keeps giving and I met with the colorectal surgeon today who told me the CT scan had revealed areas of concern on both lobes of my liver that are more than likely mets from the colorectal tumour. I already had an MRI scheduled for next week but will now have another on my liver and also a PET scan. So many ‘what ifs’ and I just need a plan.

I can’t believe all this is going on inside my body and I was feeling ok. I am trying my hardest to keep looking at the positives (Thank God for the bowel screening) but it’s getting difficult as I share the news with the people I love  and watch their worlds change forever (I have 4 kids and we told them tonight). I am scared but what I want most of all is for my kids to be ok. 

I’ve reached out to connect with a few of you who seem to have gone through / are going through similar to me, I hope that’s ok  xx

  • Hi Wendy

    So pleased the operation went well and they managed to remove everything that needed removing.  The really scary bit is over, you just have the long slog of getting your strength back now.  Remember, take the pain meds and lots of rest when you need it, you will bounce back.



  • Hi Wendy, thanks for updating us. That’s great to hear you’ve had your op and that they’ve got everything out. Take care xx


  • Thanks Annie and for the great support in the beginning x wendy

  • Thanks Clare how’s things going with you any further updates ? 

  • Hi did they find this out after your Colonoscopy or after your CT scan ??

  • Hi everyone,  it’s been a while since I originally posted and I wanted to give you an update as to where I am incase it is any help to others. Although everyone is different, it really helped me when I was first diagnosed to be in touch with people who had gone through /  are going through similar. 

    After the colonoscopy and CT scan, I went for MRIs for my bowel and liver, these were followed by a PET scan. That was about 5 weeks after the colonoscopy so I was having a scan every one or 2 weeks which kept my focus. I would say my lowest point (aside from finding out it has spread to my liver) was after the PET and knowing that was all the tests done and all that was left was the confirmation and the plan.

    I went in to see the oncologist the Tuesday after the PET to find out what the plan was. She confirmed the cancer was just in the bowel and the liver, that the bowel could be operated on, but there was a question mark over whether the three lesions in the liver were operable. Although I wasn’t really being told anything new, I guess I was holding out hope that whatever the CT had picked up on the liver, it wasn’t mets, so I felt quite low after that but pleased I had a plan (chemo, bowel op, and a few options for what they could do with the liver mets after chemo). She told me that she had referred my case to another MDT meeting with liver specialists on the Thursday and she called me after that to say further scrutiny of the liver MRI showed there were actually 6 lesions, not 3 as they first thought (the bad news) but that the surgeons were confident they could operate (the good news).

    We are sticking to the original plan of chemo first -  I started that last week. I do this fortnightly, for three months, so all going well, it will be finished by the end of January.


  • Hi Wendy, I’ve just put an update below xx

  • Hi Clare gosh so sounds like you will be having similar to me bowel and liver op glad that they can now say they can operate sometimes best thing is for them to open you up and look as I was told 4 mets 3 being large but when they opened me they can scan your liver in such more detail and that’s when they found 16 and got rid of all they say but needless to say 1 or 100 an op is an op. I did lots of swimming prior which I would recommend they also said that the bowel one was not as large as they thought which was good. It’s not easy before during or after but it’s doable and people deal with it and each day gets better. Plan for me going forward is regular scans and some injections which will keep things at bay apparently but I didn’t have chemotherapy prior. Thinking of you going forward xxx wendy

  • Hi Jenny, was your question for me? The CT scan after the colonoscopy showed areas of concern on both lobes of the liver that they suspected were metastatic lesions but they couldn’t be sure until they did the liver MRI

  • Hi yes it was me ,its hard to believe you had a Colonoscopy 2 years ago and it was clear and they say its supposed to last 10 years its a good job you got checked out ,its got me nervous now because like I said before I had one 2 years ago and Ive just had another Colonoscopy which was clear although they took 2 biopsies and I've just had a CT scan which I'm waiting for results of , it sounds like they have a plan sorted for you it must be difficult making sure they have the best treatment plan they can get ,I hope things go well with your treatment they are amazing people x 

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