Just found out its cancer

I went today for results of my biopsies.  My husband went with me for support.  The doctor told me Im sorry its bad news your biopsies showed cancer around the lining of your womb.  Once she used the C word I was floored.  She was very good and explained it was treatable.  I have to have a hysterectomy within the next 4 weeks and hopefully no more treatment all being well.  The MRI scan showed no spread thank God.  All in all best case scenario but its hard to hear that you have cancer when life was sailing along and it just hits you out of the blue.  The doctor also said it isnt put out there enough that post menopausal women who have the slightest bit of bleeding need to go straight to their doctor.  Dont leave it.  Im so glad I was on the ball even after a clear smear test.  Just to get through this op now and hopefully I can look forward to he future.  This group has really helped me so thank you to all who listened and answered my questiions.  X

  • I don’t know how to start this reply, I’m sorry that you have a cancer diagnosis, I’m relieved for you that there’s no spread and it is best case scenario/early stage and treatable but I imagine scary all the same being given a diagnosis and having to have surgery.  

    Yesterday must have been hard on your husband too? 

    Thanks for posting and letting us know, sending hugs and best wishes that all goes as well as it can for you and your recovery is speedy.

    Be kind and gentle  with yourself as I can imagine your emotions will continue to be all over the place x

  • Offline in reply to Jo24

    Thank you so much for your kind words.  I thought i was ok but iv had a few bouts of crying today.  I just cant wait to get the surgery over.  X

  • Offline in reply to K.Gib

    Totally understandable that you’ve had a cry today,  you are ok, that is a part of accepting your diagnosis and preparing for the next steps..

    Do something nice for yourself, face mask, foot soak, whatever brings you a little bit of joy, you deserve it, sending you a hug  

  • I am so glad I just came across your post.  I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer on 9 July after having some slight post menopausal spotting.  Like you, my doctor was on the call and got me seen within two weeks.  A polyp was found on an ultrasound and I had it removed via local anaesthetic, along with a biopsy.  My results came back and the polyp was pre cancerous and the biopsy had some cancerous and precancerous cells.  They organised for a MRI scan to stage the cancer.  I’ve been told that I am high risk for an operation as I have mild heart failure, atrial fibrillation and a high bmi.  As mine is hormone based they have started me on Provera and suggested a Mirena coil if it is just early stage.   I am so scared that this will not be enough.  I’ve just turned 58 and live in Wales.

  • Offline in reply to Mand58

    Hi.  I know its all very scarey.  I hope everything works out for you and what they do is enough.  Thank God its sounds like yours was caught early too.  I have to meet with my consultant on 5th August and im hoping they will give me a date for the op.  Like you i am very frightened but I have to put my faith in the doctors and hope for the best.  Sending you best wishes prayers and hugs. X

  • Offline in reply to K.Gib

    Thank you for your kind words.  The oncology nurse rang this morning, after they had their MDT meeting.  My MRI came back clear and the cancer was in a small contained area.  They have graded it 1a and are continuing to treat it with hormone treatment and biopsies every 3 months.  They say they had ave managed to diagnose it nice and early.  I’m starting weight loss management and when I get enough weight off I will ask if they can do surgery.  I am so grateful my gp acted so swiftly.

  • Offline in reply to Mand58

    You have the exact same diagnosis as me.  I really hope all goes well for you.  Im not a skinny minnie either lol.  I have been walking a lot and trying to loose some weight to hopefully make recovery from the op a bit easier.  Best of luck and let me know how you are getting on. X

  • Offline in reply to K.Gib

    Thank you.  Good luck with the weight loss and op.  I am so determined to get weight off so that an op will become and option for me x

  • Hello everyone- I received a diagnosis of endometrial cancer today. I was told it’s in very early stages and is not aggressive. I didn’t ask for the staging. The doctor said it’s very treatable and curable. Hysterectomy is booked for 19th August. To date it has been just 4 weeks since I went to the GP with post menopausal bleeding. What a fantastic fast- track service we have in this country!  I am relieved it’s not worse. I have had a sharp shock regarding my lifestyle choices .I am overweight and this has been a major contributor to my diagnosis. My overriding emotion today is guilt- that I have caused this and the NHS is picking up the tab! 
    I’ve already lost 2 stone in 6 weeks and am determined to continue this now! I’ve been given a second chance today it feels,  and I’m not going to blow it! 

  • Your diagnosis sounds similar to mine.  I had a MRI scan to determine my stage as an operation is high risk at the moment.  I’m being treated with hormone therapy as it was stage 1a and hormone linked.  Being obese was a contributing factor.  Do you mind if I ask how you’ve been losing weight - that is an amazing weight loss?  I’ve cut out all rubbish and I am only eating fresh fruit and veg, chicken and changed from normal milk to oat milk.  I feel I need to do more.

    i hope your op goes well and keep in touch with your progress.