I went today for results of my biopsies. My husband went with me for support. The doctor told me Im sorry its bad news your biopsies showed cancer around the lining of your womb. Once she used the C word I was floored. She was very good and explained it was treatable. I have to have a hysterectomy within the next 4 weeks and hopefully no more treatment all being well. The MRI scan showed no spread thank God. All in all best case scenario but its hard to hear that you have cancer when life was sailing along and it just hits you out of the blue. The doctor also said it isnt put out there enough that post menopausal women who have the slightest bit of bleeding need to go straight to their doctor. Dont leave it. Im so glad I was on the ball even after a clear smear test. Just to get through this op now and hopefully I can look forward to he future. This group has really helped me so thank you to all who listened and answered my questiions. X