Dad newly diagnosed; pancreatic cancer

My dad has very recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to the fatty tissues surrounding, we’re currently waiting to be referred to specialists and discuss options, I have been trying to educate myself but Google seems to be my worst enemy at the moment. I’m having the hardest time processing this and I can only imagine how he’s feeling about it. My dad is my best friend and I can’t imagine a life without him, I woke up this morning in absolute tears and my day is an emotional rollercoaster. I have a family of my own but I can’t seem to shake this feeling, all of the thoughts of what if and what’s next, I don’t know how to prepare myself or what to do with myself. I’m really struggling, I guess I just needed to rant and if anyone has any tips for preparing for what’s coming next it would be appreciated, I know I’m not alone in this but I can’t help feeling alone. Life is so cruel.

  • I wish you the very best of luck when the specialists discuss options with you. Pancreatic cancer is a tough one. No getting round that. I wish you every strength and hope that the specialists can share some positive news with you, regarding options. xx Harry

  • Hello Harry, thank you for responding, I’m struggling to find any helpful information about pancreatic cancer and I’m struggling with the unknown, this is the hardest wait I’ve ever had to do in my life, I’m really hoping for the best  :( xx

  • Hello itsmichaelaxox

    We do have some information about pancreatic cancer on our website which may be of help.

    We usually advise people to steer clear from searching for information online as a lot of what is available is outdated or based on worst-case or spectacular scenarios and often leaves people feeling even more worried. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for some information and advice, you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays). 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Just found out today my Dad has pancreatic cancer. It was discovered on a CT scan of his abdomen, waiting to see a specialist but the radiologist report said it appearrs unresectable. News has just left me numb. 

  • I’m really sorry to hear that, I wish there was something I could say that would made it better but letting it out definitely helps, even only a little bit, please don't bottle it up.

  • Thanks, just feel helpless, buts it's definitely good to talk

  • Sorry I haven’t replied, a lot has been going on, we found out about my dads from a CT scan too, it’s really difficult to know what to do and how to support someone going through that, I find myself sitting there feeling selfish for letting it get to me so much when my dad is the one going through it, like I said to my dad even if it turns out the way we all hope it would it’s still an eye opener that my dad won’t be around forever and it’s upsetting, loosing my dad has always been my biggest fear but I’m also grateful that we still have some time, we can talk and laugh and cry together

  • Sorry I haven’t replied, a lot has been going on, we found out about my dads from a CT scan too, it’s really difficult to know what to do and how to support someone going through that, I find myself sitting there feeling selfish for letting it get to me so much when my dad is the one going through it, like I said to my dad even if it turns out the way we all hope it would it’s still an eye opener that my dad won’t be around forever and it’s upsetting, loosing my dad has always been my biggest fear but I’m also grateful that we still have some time, we can talk and laugh and cry together

  • My Dad has an appointment next week with a specialist, so in limbo till then. I'm the same, always a big fear of not having my Dad and it's a real wake-up call.