Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ diagnosis

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with PLCIS in my left breast and wondered if anyone can give me more information or have also been diagnosed with this. After a second biopsy I was told that I have a 13mm area very close to my chest wall which will require a Wide local excision and am now waiting for a date for this. 

Thanks on advance

  • Offline in reply to kf68

    Hi kf68, just wondering if you have had your results back yet or still waiting. Also I keep forgetting to ask people what position the WLE was on their breast. My biopsy was quite high up near the t op of my breast at 12o'clock position so just assuming they will go back in there. Also how big the scar will be? Sorry about all the questions but Google is too scary

    Take care X x 

  • Offline in reply to Cazzy67

    Where you told you have calcifications? If so, pleomorphic describes the type of calcifications, there size, shape, formation. 

  • Offline in reply to Cazzy67

    I’m really sorry but  sure if I replied to this already ?

    results back - grade 2, 20mn( not 15), clear margins and no lymphs involved .

    waiting for a call from the oncologist .

    Mine was at the side , half way down . The breast scar looks fine . 

    The sentinel node biopsy is a bit raised and I’m not sure I’ll be shaving my armpits any time soon  but I’m sure it will be fine in a few months with some bio oil . 

    Don’t google ! If you’re on instagram, look up Liz o Riordan. She is an ex breast surgeon who’s had BC . She has a book x 

  • Offline in reply to Cazzy67

    I'm doing ok thank you, I've found I'm tiring very easily since surgery, even though I'm doing absolutely nothing! And Pain isnt too bad. Should have had a call from district nurse as I should have had dressings changed today and wound checked but heard nothing from them. I pray too that my lymphnodes are clear. I will update you on the 29th x

  • Offline in reply to Janam

    Yes, it started with them seeing calcifications. 

  • Offline in reply to kf68

    Thank you, mine is right at top of breast so not sure if they go in at the same place as biopsy as it will be very visible. Sounds like it was a good result with clear margins and no lymphs involved. I have looked up Liz O'Riordan and she is very interesting and helpful. Thank you again for taking the time to reply. Take care. X x

  • Offline in reply to Janam

    Hi, am glad pain is not too bad for you. I hope your results come back with clear lymph nodes. Will keep my fingers crossed for you until the 29th. Thanks again for taking the time to reply. Take care x x