Dads oesophagus cancer

My dad has been recently diagnosed with oesophagus cancer .

He had a PET scan and we are now waiting for results to see if it's spread and any treatment that will be required. 

I feel totally useless and  worrying myself silly . Thisbis the first time I've actually written this bin a sentence and I'm still in denial that this is really happening. 

My dad is 90 and seems to be coping better that me , or maybe just protecting me from how he feels .. .

I'm finding it difficult to talk about as I feel that that will make it real 

I can't write broken 

  • I totally understand how you feel.My wife was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer on valentine's day.We have a PET scan booked for next week and hopefully we can then put together a treatment plan to beat this.We have both just retired and had so many plans for our future together.In trying to stay strong for her,but failing miserably.Im very emotional and petrified.I keep on trying to tell myself,be positive and hopefully once the treatment starts I will feel less anxious.My wife is my world 

  • We get the results of dads PET scan this Fri. 

    Hes not been well at all today and he's trying to sleep as he's exhausted and not eating much . Dad loves alone which makes it worse as I'm asking him all the time how is is .

    I've been with him all day today as he sleeps .

    I'm trying to be positive too . But I just feel useless .

    Let's hope we can both raise some positive times in the near future .

  • Give yourself a little time out if you can .. even just a few moments.. lets hope tomorrow is a better day 

  • My wife had her PET scan yesterday and we are now waiting for the results .

    Hope you had some positive news about your dad's scan results

  • My dads had results and we are now waiting for Radiotherapy appointments. 

    20 sessions over 20 days.

    The information they give you is lots to take on board so I took a notepad to record some points. 

    Good luck with your wife's results  

  • Hi to NannaLooby & Kaya86

    I've just read your posts & intrigued to know more about your journey with your loved ones being treated for Oesophagus Cancer.

    My new partner has just been diagnosed with it and only found out about the treatment & operation involved yesterday. He turns 60 this year so it's going to affect any celebrations that he was thinking of. He is obviously scared stiff and I'm feeling that he's going to push me away. I'm not scared and just want to be there for him & help thro his treatment he has to undergo for 4 months prior to surgery. 

    I would love to know how the last 5 months have been for you and your loved one so we can all help each other. 

    Thank you in advance for any info you wish to share. Hope all is going well