Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Pippin,

    I am sorry to hear that you didn't get any further today. I can appreciate that you don't want to change surgeon at this stage - I would feel the same too. I hope that you can get further forward with private care and that you will find this affordable.

    Jolamine xx

  • Good morning Jolamine, unfortunately going private isn't going to be possible. The prices I have been given are way beyond what we could afford. So I'll just have to be patient and wait it out. There's not much else I can do really. Feeling a bit down, especially as I thought my surgery was only a few weeks away. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I suspected that this might be the case, while hoping that it wasn't. I know how disappointing this must be. You should still manage to get it done throughout the summer, which should be a better time for healing, than in the winter months - I'm sure that you don't want any further trouble with post-op healing!

    I hope that your wait won't be much longer - don't forget to let us know when you hear anything. Enjoy your weekend.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Pippin

    Oh that's such a pain re your surgery.  Good news re bone density scan though, that's excellent. 

    My kidney function has improved and is now at 48% (from the 19% in February) but they're not expecting it to get much above that now, as it's been stable for the last 3 tests.  I'm glad it's improved, but I can't deny I'm a little fed up that the treatment has had such an impact on what was a really, high functioning, healthy organ prior to all this.  The consultant did say that over 6 million people are living perfectly normal lives with a kidney function at this level and he was otherwise very upbeat and positive about it all.  I've been told I can now travel, so I am hoping to get away in May for a week to Spain.  Really need that break now!  The renal clinic were happy to leave my next check until May, but the immunotherapy nurses want a more regular check in between time, so I will be having fortnightly blood tests from 3 April, followed by a phone call from the immunotherapy nurses the next day.  I'm ok with this, as it means if anything does start to happen, they will pick it up quicker and can take action.  I am gradually reducing steroids and am now down from 8 to 3 tabs per day (40mg to 15mg) and will be reducing to 2 tabs in a few days.  

    I had my second zoledronic acid infusion a couple of weeks ago and that seemed to go ok, with no adverse affect on the kidney as yet (but hence immunotherapy wanting to keep a closer eye, knowing my body can take its sweet time before it decides it doesn't like something!).  

    In the meantime, I've decided life is for living and I'm just going to get on with things, start making plans again and deal with whatever comes along if and when it does. 

    Now to find decent travel insurance that doesn't cost more than the holiday! 

    I hope you hear something about surgery soon and they don't keep you waiting too much longer. 

    Carol x

  • Hi Carol, so lovely to hear from you. Pleased to hear that your kidney function has improved. It has gone up a lot in such a short space of time. I understand  that it's upsetting that treatment has resulted in losing some of your kidney function, but it would seem your consultant is not too worried. 

    Lovely that you are now able to travel, I hope you have a wonderful relaxing holiday in Spain, you certainly deserve it. 

    It would seem everything is going in the right direction and good that your steroids are being reduced. I too have just had my second zoledronic acid infusion. I think we must have them around the same time. I have my next phesgo injection next week, after that only 2 left to go. I also have my first mammogram next week, which I'm a bit anxious about. My dexa bone scan came back normal, which was good news.

    It looks like you are being well monitored with everything, which is reassuring. If you do find a reasonable insurance for your holiday could you please share. I was insured by my bank, but don't think they will insure me this year.

    Take care and will talk again soon. Xx

  • Hi    I've just done my travel insurance and managed to get a pretty good one with All Clear (allcleartravel.co.uk).  It came in at £211 for their Gold Plus for a multi trip policy covering Europe (inc Spain, Madeira, Azores etc).  It was a much better policy and cover than the one provided by InsuranceWith (£266 for multi trip, but much lower benefits).  It was really easy to complete the form for the quote with All Clear and when I had a question, I got past the chat bot pretty quickly and was put through to an agent only after about 5 or 6 questions.  The policy includes breast cancer and "kidney failure" cover.  Definitely worth a try when you're ready. If you're not sure what you need, you can add stuff on at a later date.  I didn't include a cruise as I probably won't go on one this year, but if I choose to, I can call the contact centre and get it added to my existing policy.  They also have excellent reviews on TrustPilot (average 4.8/5) so hopefully they are ok!  But more hopefully, I won't need it!! 

    You can also apply for  a G-HIC (Global Health Insurance card) for Europe, like the old E-HIC/E-111 where some medical emergencies are covered by the government, rather than having to go down the insurance route.  I haven't done it yet, but apparently it's free and easy to apply for.  It's done via the NHS website: Applying for healthcare cover abroad (GHIC and EHIC) - NHS

    Like you, I am insured through my bank, but they won't cover me for the cancer and/or kidney stuff.  Bit of a pain, but not totally unexpected.  

    Let me know how you get on?  Once I've done the GHIC thing, I'll let you know how it went! 

    Speak soon

    Carol xx

  • Thanks for all that info Carol, it's a great help. Going to get hubby to confirm about the bank insurance and if they definitely won't cover me, we'll cancel that policy. Will definitely give All Clear a go if needed, that price seems very reasonable. We already have the GHIC cards and they are free. 

    You take care and enjoy this lovely spring weather. Xxx