Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Sorry every time I would post it it wouldn't show so got multiple now on here sorry about this ladies.

  • No worries. As far as I know it has to be between 25-30 ml, but someone else may be able to clarify this for you. As mine was removed before coming home  I didn't take too much notice. Hopefully, you won't have it in for too long. Xx

  • Hi - D Day - arrived at hospital waiting for check in.  Terrified this morning- not about the treatment formalities but what the treatment will do to my body.  For someone reaching the ripe old age of 71 and do not take any medication (except for the odd paracetamol and very rare antibiotic) never had any operations - just given birth to two fine boys) skipped relatively easy through the menopause this is one hell of a day.  Never smoked but do enjoyed nice glass of wine, the odd G &T and of course our sunny holidays   Didn't have the best night's sleep so tired as well today but steroids should keep me going. Anyway no more moaning just need to get on with this and come out the other side.  Update to follow.xx

  • Hi everyone,  hope you are all doing OK, would love to hear what you're all up to at the moment.

    I went to an oncology appointment yesterday, which was quite productive. Have now been referred for 15 sessions of radiotherapy, hardest decision was deciding which hospital to go to. Options were a hospital which would be an easier journey to get to, downside was it's under a different trust. This would mean getting referred to their oncology, before treatment could go ahead. Second option was hospital with a more difficult journey, but under the same trust, so more straightforward. I opted for the latter, although feel a bit guilty, as hubby does all the driving. I just wasn't keen being under two different oncology departments, hope it was the right decision. 

    Also managed to finally sort out my anti histamine meds, they're going to now prescribe each time I have a phesgo injection. 

    I reminded them I'm now overdue my ct thorax scan, which I should have every 3 months, which they're sorting out. They're also booking me in for a bone scan. Has anyone had one of these and got any info please?

    Have now started Letrazole tablets for the next 5 years, so will see how that goes, hopefully won't have any issues. 

    Small section of tummy wound still not healing, which is really annoying. This week they used a different dressing, which goes into the wound. Needs to be changed twice before going back next week. Good job hubby is not squeamish and makes a fab nurse. They also took so photos, to show to the consultant today, so we'll see what he says. 

    Have a lovely outing on Sunday with the family. We're going for a meal and then onto a show. Fairytale of New York, I really can't wait, it will be great music 

    Well that's me all caught up  hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to hearing from you all. Xx

  • Morning  

    You've definitely made the right decision to stay within one trust.  I had a procedure done in a hospital that was a different trust to my GP surgery and they were unable to view images.  They could see the text report, but not the pictures.  It caused no end of problems, so definitely stick with the same trust! 

    Regarding the wound on your tummy, I had something similar after an emergency appendectomy a few years ago.  Although the stitches were dissolvable, it turned out that my body had tried to absorb one but it wasn't working and my body was trying to evict it by pushing it through the wound!  The nurse gave me a special silver-backed dressing and that worked a treat.  Apparently the silver helps draw out any small, foreign bodies in a wound.  Now that was a few years ago, so I don't know if that is still an option.  

    I'm doing ok thanks, although I still have days where I'm very fatigued and just need to rest.  Yesterday was one of them and I had to take the day off work as I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

    I went out to dinner with the ladies I met on the Moving Forward course on Monday.  It was lovely to see them all again.  And 4 of us have booked onto a face to face Look Good Feel Better course in January!  It's a course that provides makeup and skin care advice etc and apparently you come away with a few goodies.

    Good luck with the radiotherapy.  After everything you've been through it will be a breeze!  The treatment itself is fine but you will be tired from all the travelling though so be prepared.  Have they discussed skin care and moisturising etc with you yet? 

    I'm off to a Macmillan fund raiser tomorrow so need to bake a cake this evening!  Good job it's in my diary as I keep forgetting lol.  

    Enjoy your weekend. 

    Hope everyone else is doing ok xx

  • Offline in reply to ROBIN71

    Hi Robin 

    I had a double mastectomy.  For me I had two drains each side and a pump each side do six tubes in total.  Like you my husband had to drain and measure fluid but just once a day.  When my fluid went below 20 for two days they removed drain.  Took 10 days for all 4 drains to come out  xxx 

    It seems every trust / surgeon has their own direction so be guided by yours. 

    wishing you well with your recovery 


  • Hi Carol, good to hear that you're ok, sounds like you're doing the right thing and resting when you need to. I am pleased to hear that you had a lovely dinner, with the ladies you met on the Moving forward course. It seems like you have made some lovely friends by going on this course. Will have to think about some courses, when I finish treatment. It will be good to get the radiotherapy out of the way, although I'm not looking forward to the travelling every day. Oncology did mention about moisturiser, but not specific products. Hopefully, will get advice on my first appointment, when they do tattoos. The dressing they used on my wound this week, actually goes into the wound, glad hubby doesn't mind changing it, as don't think I could. Meant to ask oncology if I can continue with venlafaxine tablets (for hot flushes), now that I'm raking letrazole, hopefully won't be an issue. Well done for joining in with the Macmillan fund raiser, I hope it all goes well. Have a great weekend. Xx

  • Hi looks like you had busy but I formative oncology meeting.  Agree better to stick with sa.e Oncology  Trust just for ease of continuity.  Hope your wound heals soon.