Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi NGS,

    As we saw your post and comment about the notifications, I just wanted to send a quick reply to send over the help guide for managing your notifications.

    If you continue to experience issues, do get in touch with with one of the moderators on cancerchat@cancer.org.uk.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Jolamine, I have not been given much information regarding the exercises, so not sure if imperials overdoing things.The nursecfid finally remove the piece if type causing irritation. But only replace with micropore which isn't waterproof. I did gave dome leakage overnight and will be pleased to gave a eound check tomorrow. I put a clear waterproof plaster over the tape, do test I could shower. Didn't get too much feedback on Brad and so far haven't worn one will maybe try one tomorrow. Will let you know how appointment goes tomorrow. How are you doing at the moment?

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, so sorry to hear you have been so unwell, hope you have now started to feel better. I also seem to have issues with notifications at times. Although comng home from hospital is great, I have felt a little anxious. My wound was oozing a bit overnight and there was no one to ask about it. I do have a wound check at the hospital tomorrow, which I'm happy about. I had initially thought they were going to reduce healthy breast at the same time. As the surgery was already 8 hours, they decided to do it as a second phase. New boob looks really good and think I'll be really pleased when they both look the same. Because of my surgery delay the breast surgeon was different, but plastic surgeon was the same. I had been told I would only have partial lymph node removal, but they ended up doing full clearances. Haven't had any feedback as to why they decided on this and am a bit worried about it. It sounds like you're going through lots of different areas of pain, which must be difficult for you. I really hope if they sort out your meds  this will improve for you. I think we all worry about aches and pains and have that worry niggling in the back of our minds. It really is a horrible feeling and so hard to constantly try to remain positive. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. Xx

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    Hi NGS, just a quick question about the exercises. No-one actually told me to do them, but I followed a leaflet that I had been given previously. I did feel fine doing them but wonder if I should have been. I had a little oozing from the wound and wonder if this is the reason.Did you get any wound issues during your recovery? I'm going in for wound check tomorrow, which I'm pleased about. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    I was told to do exercises when I had lumpectomy surgery but with mastectomy and reconstruction surgeon was very clear I should not and could not raise arms above my head either. 
    my surgery was different to yours though.  I had enhancers which required a mesh sling like thing stitched to my skin Barth sides to hold enhancer in place - I was restricted in movement to Engle this to mesh to my body 

    the surgeon told me 3 months and he was right.  It’s really only this week I feel more settled. I would never have been able to wash my hair and was told not to get wet for at least 3 weeks.  I also had picu dressings which applied pressure to scars for 2 weeks along with 4 drains 

    did they preserve your nipple - all tissue was taken right to margin of skin in my case so I had to wear compression bra to prevent necrosis.  I still have to wear  a soft sports type bra at night. 
    im guessing the type of surgery dictates the recovery programme.  I’d already had two surgeries and was experiencing dead skin in this area so it complicated things one side. 
    but yes once dressings were removed I had some oozing on one side.  Was given iodine strips and covering which was only eventually removed last week - 10 weeks post surgery 

    I’m still told to avoid trauma to chest and not to overstretch - I can certainly feel if I do too much.  But I’m different to you in that I have foreign bodies in me and still have the metal ports too along my rib cage.  

    like you though I’m actually really happy with how they look - they are very hard being false  and certainly don’t move.  I’ve nicknamed them my foobs.  

    yours will likely be more natural and hopefully recover much quicker.  How is the abdominal side of things.  Did you get the tummy tuck. 

    it will be good to get a wound review tomorrow as will offer reassurance I’d say don’t hesitate to call if you are worried bout anything - they told me much better to sort things quickly rather than leave it and it become more complicated 

    xx speedy recovery xx 

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    Thanks NGS  this information has been really useful. I did get the tummy tuck, so getting in and out of bed is a bit of a challenge. They've only done the boob where I've had the mastectomy, the other side will be done in another surgery. It was decided that the surgery already being 8 hours, was long enough. I did lose the nipple, but breast looks pretty good, I can also have a nipple tattoo later on, which I will do. I'm going to give the bra a try tomorrow and see how it goes. Hopefully, won't be too painful. Love that you call yours foobs and great that you are so pleased with them. Makes it all worth it at least. Will let you know how it goes. xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I wouldn't worry too much about the leakage. This is fairly common after a mastectomy. I had quite a lot of leakage in both breasts after my op and had to have the fluid aspirated a few times, before they settled. Still, it is just as well that you are going for your wound review tomorrow, just to ensure that all is ok. There are other hypoallergenic tapes, which are waterproof and adhere much better than Micropore. Not all hospitals carry them, but don't hesitate to ask.

    I am sorry to hear that you didn't get any advice about exercising, or about your bra, before you were discharged, but make sure to ask about these when you are at the hospital.

    I'm not too bad thanks - still having tests for the collapses, but no further forward yet.

    Jolamine xx

  • Sorry to hear that you still have no answers regarding the collapses, it must be so frustrating. Hopefully one of the upcoming tests will shed some light on it for you. I hope you don't have too long to wait for the further tests  xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi Pippin 

    how did you get on today - hopefully you got some answers to your questions and assurance that wound is ok 

    @jolamine - really sorry to hear you still do not have answers regarding your collapses.  It must be a worry for you xx 

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, they took all dressings off to have a look. I had a couple of blistered areas under breast, caused by the plaster. Also small area on tummy was still a bit wet looking. Had to have  these small areas redressed with different dressings and left the rest uncovered. They have also put me on a course of anti biotics, just as a precaution. Have to go back next week to have it checked again, also to have some stitches out. Feel much more comfortable today and they have said I can continue with the exercises, which I'm pleased about. Xx