Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Thanks Jolamine, we are definitely having a wonderful time. I have decided that I will mention my hip pain when oncology phone me next Monday. I had thought I might wait until after surgery, in case they postponed it to investigate it. But thinking now it might be best to tell them, perhaps they might put my mind at rest, as to what could be causing it. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer for some results of your tests. Take care. Xx

  • Hi everyone, quick update on the phesgo saga!! Had a call from Polar speed to arrange delivery of the next injection. Explained I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have it, as oncology say yes, but macmillan nurses say no. Told me they would check it out. Hospital pharmacy phone to say consultant oncologist has said it is fine yo have it, but could put it off if I don't want it. I said I'm not deciding not to have it if I can, but don't want my surgery put off if I've had it, which is what concerns me. I've just messaged macmillan nurses again to ask them yo confirm what I should be doing. This is just getting ridiculous now!!!

    Hope everyone is doing OK  sorry for the rant. Xx

  • Oh my gosh Pippin - can't believe it's so hard to get a defniitive answer, surely it's not the first time this has happened?? Very odd.Really hope the macmillan nurses get back to you soon. Do you know why they think you might not be able to have it before surgery? What are the risks if you do have it? Nightmare, so sorry you're having to go back and forth..hopefully you'll get to the bottom of it asap...and hope you enjoy the rest of your hols. Currently very grey over here so hope you are enjoying that sunshine!

    How is everyone else doing? 

    In answer to your qu Jolamine about the additional drug, i was always going to be taking this but they want my body to fully recvover from chemo etc...i'll have it alongside my hormone therapy (daily pill of anastrozole) and my monhtly injecitions  (Zoladex)

    So the additional one i'll start taking in November is called Amebaciclib and It belongs to a group of drugs called CDK (cyclin dependent kinase) inhibitors. I"ll take these for 2 years....and these drugs block the action of kinase, a protein that helps cells grow and divide. By doing so, they stop the growth and spread of cancer...so yes just another tool i guess to stop recurrence! I'll then have Zoledronic acid to help with my bones! All fun and games!!!...so far doing ok with anastrozole and zoladex..but just picked up my new pescription of Anastrozole and they have given me a different brand to the first one...i've heard different brands can react very differently so hoping this new brand will be ok!! FIngers crossed as so far, other than hot flushes and night sweats i'm feeling good....other than the in-laws sending me slowly round the bend!!!!!!!! haha!!!!!

    Jolamine have you had any test results back?

      How are you doing?

    take care ladies and hope you're having a good week xx

  • Hi Greeny80, sorry, nly just saw your post, for some reason no notification came up. Macmillan nurse did get back to me, they now say I can have it a week before. Apparently the reason they said no before was in case it made me feel unwell, they get concerned surgery will then need to be postponed. They said if I usually feel OK on it, then I can go ahead. I'm still going to phone pre op assessment nurse when I get home on Monday, to let them know I will be having it now. It must be tiring for you having visitors, are they due to go home soon? I'm now flagging a bit, going out every night, will be quite happy to get home and have a rest. Had been worried about not being able to put up my Christmas tree this year, so have told hubby it has to go up next week lol!! The flushes and night sweats are a nuisance, I got put on venlafaxine, which really helped mine. Take care. Xx

    How's everyone else doing at the moment? All doing OK, I hope. Xx