Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Pippin,

    They run a number of different courses - all of them well worth attending.

    I am just loving this weather.

    I hope that all goes well for you today and that you can arrange to go on holiday after this.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Carol, you'll have to let me know how the moving forward course goes, it's something I might be interested in. I have been fine while going through treatment, but think I might struggle later with fear of a recurrence. So pleased to hear that you had a lovely relaxing weekend. Just sitting here waiting for oncology phone call at the moment, then off to have stitches out of my foot. Tomorrow I have phesgo injection and my first zoledronic acid infusion. Also have an mri booked in next Monday, to check out blood vessels for diep flap reconstruction. Xx

    Hope everyone else has enjoyed a lovely weekend and you're all feeling ok. Xx

  • Thanks, will take a look. I too am loving the weather, it's gorgeous. Will update later, hoping I might be able to book the flights today, fingers crossed they'll be some available. Accommodation was booked a year ago, but didn't book flights when I got diaignosed in January. Really didn't think we'd be able to go and I'd have to cancel. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi Pippin. 
    how have you got on today ? Really hope you’ve got dates and a plan 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, had oncology phone call which went well. She didn't seem concerned that surgery wasn't until the 8th of October, as I'm on the phesgo injections. Had my stitches in my foot removed and all healed well. I'm due my next phesgo injection tomorrow along with first zoledronic acid infusion. Only thing is everything I've read online say you start infusions after surgery  but I haven't had surgery yet. Might put up a post to see if anyone has had it before surgery. Always seems to be something to stress about. On a positive note, I've booked our flights for our holiday. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi Pippin

    I had my first zoledronic infusion in May and then surgery in July.  My surgeon was not concerned by this at all and I’m not aware of any complications from it.  

    woohoo to booking the flights 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Thank you do much for your promp reply, I can relax now. I was worried if I had it tomorrow and shouldn't be having it yet, it might affect my surgery going ahead. I seem to be stressing more at the moment, can't wait to get back to my walking tomorrow. Hopefully will relax me a bit. Xx

  • Hi everyone, how are you all doing at the moment?

    Had my first zoledronic acid infusion today, now have to take a calcium tablet every day. Also had my phesgo injection, husband now signed off to do these at home, which is great. Got my mri on Monday, to check blood vessels in my tummy are good enough for my surgery. Was told today my next heart echocardiogram is due on 10th Octobe. Explained I'm having surgery on 8th, so they're going to make it before surgery. Getting excited now about going on holiday, could certainly do with a break. Was also lovely to get back to walking this morning, I've certainly missed it. Hope you're all having a good week. Xx

  • HI everyone,

    Thought id just pop on to say hello and to see how you're all doing. Sounds like you've all got lots going on but hopefully things all moving in the right direction?

    NGS - Great news that you had your first enhancer. Hope you're not getting too frustrated with not being able to do very much in terms or lifting etc but hope you're feeling ok and that you feel things are moving in the right direction?

    Pippin - so happy you have a date for your op, and that your stitches have been removed and that you have managed to get out for a walk AND that you've booked your holiday...and that hubby can do the Phesgo injections too! All sounds positive. How was the zoledronic acid infusion? I think i have to have that too at some stage. Are there side effects to that or is that the one that helps your bones?

    I am currently in Jersey staying with my mum and dad and my sister is over here too...my brothers live here as well so have been catching up with them and my kids have been having a lovely time hanging out with their cousins.. Mty daughter is doing surfing lessons this week which she is loving. I finished my radio on Friday last week and so far feeling pretty good! Energy levels are all good, i actually feel pretty normal which is a nice feeling!!...my chest is a tiny bit itchy but that's slightly clutching at straws as it's barely noticeable...so yeah radio seems to have been fairly straight forward...touch wood!! I know they say you can keep "cooking" for a further two weeks after treatment so just enjoying feeling good at the moment and hoping side effects dont present themselves!

    I've had my second zoladex injection which shuts my ovaries down and then started anastrozole about 2 weeks ago and other than some hot flushes at night so far, so good...but again they do say it can take a couple of months before side effects really show so yes just enjoying the now!!!...

    Carol - Are you still feeling ok after your radio with tiredness and skin? Hope so! and hope you are feeling a little less lonely...we are here! Just read that you said you were in derbyshire....my best friend lives there so have been many a time...although sadly not enough recently. I miss her!!!

    Sending lots of love xx

  • Good morning all 

       Yes, still feeling ok after radio.  Still no soreness or 'sunburn' effect.  Just a little itchy around the nipple area, but nothing to write home about.  I do get the odd twinge or stabbing pain, but it's random and isn't constant so not an issue at all.  It twinges less if I don't wear a bra (which they advise) but there are obvious occasions when one has to!  I could just imagine wobbling in to the office yesterday lol.  Jersey sounds amazing, I've always fancied going.  Another one to add to the bucket list. Aw that's great you have a best friend in Derbyshire. Whereabouts is she? I'm in a village between Alfreton and Chesterfield (though much closer to Alfreton!). 

       That's great news you've been able to book your flights. Definitely something to look forward to.  And glad the stitches in your foot are out.  How did you get on yesterday with the zolendronic acid infusion?  I'm wondering why the majority seem to be on zolendronic and I'll be on ibandronic acid! Really hoping my consultant allows me to go down the infusion route rather than daily tablets.  Good luck with the MRI on Monday.  They are my most hated things, a very close second to chemo!  I will let you know how Moving Forward goes.  I thought it was one session, but it's two.  So I'm there 9th September and 16th September.  Means taking 2 days leave (apparently Breast Cancer Now will write to your employer as it should be counted as "hospital appointment" time, but mine have given me so much time off when they didn't need to, I thought I'd use my own time for this!).  Plus it means I don't have to go back to work in the afternoon lol.  I had my confirmation email on Monday and there will be a couple of online tasks to do before the sessions, but it doesn't sound like anything too onerous. 

       How are you feeling?  I know you said you were having a few low days too.  Hope you're having better ones just now.  I'm feeling a little less lonely and I think going into the office yesterday helped.  

    Hope everyone is doing ok.  The weather has changed here and it's much cooler (better for sleeping at nigh and for dog walking, but not so nice to look at and can't sit in the garden at lunchtime!). 

    Have a good week everyone.

    Carol xx