Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi Pippin 

    how did your call go with the oncologist ? 
    absolutely yes all stitches are dissolvable.  
    things are getting tight now which is likely stitches healing.  It’s a weird feeling as I have sutures internally holding implant in place 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi Norma

    Thank you so much for replying so quickly. I know everyone is busy and have their own lives and worries so I really appreciate it. I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling this way too.

    i didn’t know about the McMillan workshops so will definitely have a look for them, thank you.

    i guess I’m lucky as, apart from having shorter, darker hair than before I don’t look any different. But I am conscious that could change in years to come if it returns.  I’m very apprehensive about starting the ibandronic acid and will try to discuss it in more detail when I see my oncologist week after next.

    I’m in Derbyshire, so not a million miles from Lincolnshire, depending which side you’re on.

    carol xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS  sorry to hear that you also have been feeling really low and tearful. I would think it must be due to coming to the end of treatment. It suddenly dawns on you the battle you've had to go through. Also as uou say, you have to deal with how your new body looks. Think I will find this difficult too. It's to be expected that going through so much will effect us emotionally too.. Always here for a chat if you need to. Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, glad to here the stitches are dissolvable, it's quite a relief. Already nervous about having stitches taken out of my foot. I haven't had my oncology phone call yet, it's on Monday. Will let you know how it goes. Just wondered  if you have implants, what are the expanders for?

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24


    I had expanders because I have had two previous surgeries on my right breast , lumpectomy and re excision which that surgeon made mess of and did not preserve blood supply to skin around scars 

    also as I have BRCA1 gene they needed to remove all breast tissue as close to skin and nipple as they could 

    I couldn’t therefore have silicone implants straight away as the volume would place too much pressure on the skin and scars which would led to skin necrosis and potential loss of nipple.  The expander is a deflated silicone implant.  I have a metal port inside each side and as the skin and scars heal they then inject saline into the ports which inflates the implant 

    In time you may then need expander removed no replaced with silicone 

    I have been to hospital today - surgeon is very pleased with healing and no evidence of necrosis so have had first saline expansion. I go back in 3 weeks all being well now 

    I’ve been told to continue doing absolutely nothing - cannot rise arms above head , no lifting , no nothing really for full 8 weeks to enable mesh around implant to fully settle also to wear bra day and night for at least 6 weeks in total 

    however been knocked for six a bit today 

    they have tested tissue removed and whilst left breast clear the right ( wear I had cancer ; and surgeries ) there was evidence of 5 cm of invasive cancer cells 

    my cancer was grade 3 so very aggressive.  But first surgeon told me re excision returned clear margins. He also told me no need for gene test as I already had cancer and refused my first and second request for mastectomy. 

    my surgeon today told me if I had not had gene test and if BRCA1 not found nd if not had mastectomy so swiftly I would be facing a very different outcome now. 

    My case / results will be discussed as MDT next week and I will then meet with oncologist. 
    surgeon feels positive all now removed and radiotherapy not required. 
    I know I should feel lucky / positive but I think it just all got very overwhelming today 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, thanks for the explanation, I have a much better understanding of it now. Good to hear that you are healing so well. It must be so hard not being able to do anything for so long. This is something that I'm worried about. It must have been difficult to hear that cancer cells were found, especially as you'd  been told re excision had been clear. Thank goodness you had the test for BRCA and got a new surgeon , who agreed to the mastectomy. It really is quite scary that things could have turned out so differently. Try not to dwell too much on what could have been and concentrate on your recovery. Xx

  • Hi All,

    I see some mention of the Moving Forward Courses which are run by Breast Cancer Now. They also run courses on mastectomy clothing and other topics. I attended these 13 years ago and can highly recommend them.

    As to the changes in appearance post-surgery. My chest is a mess, having had 2 surgeries, but I look upon these with pride now. These are my trophies and they portray all that I have come through to still be here 14 years after my initial diagnosis. For that I am extremely grateful.

    I know that many of you are feeling low at present. All I can say is that - there are brighter days ahead, so don't despair!

    Kind regards to you all,

    Jolamine xx

  • Morning all

    How is everyone?  

     and  I have registered for the next Moving Forward course in September.  I'm just waiting to receive confirmation.  They queried my request because I had to tick that I was still having treatment, but when I said it was immunotherapy only and that chemo and radiotherapy had been completed, they seemed to be ok with that.  Just need to wait and see now. I think it will be nice to meet other ladies who have been through similar things and, who knows, I might make a new friend or two. 

    I hope everyone had a good weekend.  I went to Ripley yesterday with some friends to watch a local folk band play in the park.  It was lovely to sit in the sun (well, shaded as I am now a vampire and can't sit in direct sun until the radiotherapy has stopped cooking!), eating ice cream and cuddling the dog.  Very relaxing. 

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I'm looking forward to the long weekend next week! 

    Carol xx

  • Hi Jolamine, I didn't realise that Breast Cancer Now run courses regarding mastectomy. Thanks for that information, will definitely look into it. I hope you are well and enjoying this lovely weather. Xx

  • Hi Carol,

    I'm glad to hear that you have already signed up for the next moving forward course in September. I'm sure that you'll get a lot out of it, as well as meeting people in a similar situation to yourself. Look out for some of the other courses that Breast Cancer Now run, as I'm sure that you'll find some of them beneficial too.

    Don't forget to let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx