Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Sorry the last paragraph of my message was for you Carol. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi everyone 

    oh Pippin - not what you needed with your foot , hope it heals quickly for you

    good luck tomorrow - I’m sure you’ll feel positive once you have a plan to work towards for surgery 

    carol - yaaay last radio.  What’s plan from here.  

    greeney - how are you doing ?  What next for you too 

    me - appointment gone well.  Surgical dressings now removed and I healing nicely.  I’ve managed to ditch the straight jacket bra for a post mastectomy zip up front bra that is much softer.  I just have iodine strips over wounds now 

    I’m back again next week and weekly thereafter for a bit. As my scars heal they will gradually inflate the expanders but will need to ensure no pressure on scars as they do so.  I guess you won’t have this Pippin which is good.  I’m feeling a bit better every day

    keep smashing this everyone 

    oh another tip post surgery.  A long handle loofah to be able to wash as you can’t stretch  or reach post surgery. It’s a godsend for independence 


  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hope you got on well today with plastic surgeon Pippin. 
    do you have dates to work towards now 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, I now have a date of 8th of October, so a week after my holiday. He's just got to check with the other surgeon that she's good for that date too. He went through all the surgery options, but decided that I'll definitely be going for the diep flap. It is a bigger operation and the recovery a long process, compared to having implants. However, it's apparently a more natural look afterwards, so I think it will be worth it.  He said having an implant on one side and my own boob on the other, after time the natural one would sag more that the other, didn't really want that. The plastic surgeon is also away mid September, so the dates work well. I was initially worried about delaying surgery too long. The surgeon at the breast clinic wasn't worried as I'm having ongoing treatment due to being oestrogen positive and HER2 positive, which apparently makes a difference. Good to hear that your dressings are now off and that you're healing well. Thanks for the tip about the loofah, great idea. Hope you have a lovely weekend.xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    That’s great news that firstly you have a date to work towards and that secondly you can enjoy your holiday first. 
    ah yes if your having single mastectomy it makes sense to use diet flap as otherwise your natural breast will look different over time.  Ive had both removed and both now fake so they will be similar.  
    im quite uncomfortable today - to be expected but it’s made me feel quite low - it’s weird I just sat and cried and wondered when the day would come when I might feel normal again 

    I think the enormity of the past 10 months is catching up with me 

    Im Finding the surgical / support bra very uncomfortable.  Catch 22 though as the pressure aids healing.   I long for the day to sleep comfortably minus a bra 

    anyhows  enough feeling sorry for myself 

    super happy you’ve got a plan now 


  • Offline in reply to Jolamine

    Hi Jolamine 

    am I right you had double mastectomy.  Did you have reconstruction as well ?   
    im 2 weeks post surgery now and have expanders in place which will be filled in time once scars heal.  
    id had two surgeries on right breast prior so surgeon worked hard to preserve my own nipples and skin.  I’ve had surgical bra with nipples cut out - yes very attractive - for first two weeks to apply pressure but not so much to cause necrosis 

    at two week point dressings were removed and I can wear my own post surgery front fastening bra.  
    it is still so uncomfortable though. I’m worried about swelling occurring that would stretch scars and lead to necrosis - I’m worried is this bra supportive enough.  Ideally I’d rather be braless as sure it would be more comfortable. 
    think I’m just really struggling emotionally today so any advice / comment from someone whose been through the surgery is appreciated 

    NG xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, sorry to hear you are feeling down at the moment. It is quite understandable, considering all you have been through over the past few months. It is the recovery after surgery that worries me the most. I've been told that the recovery after diep flap is a long process, which is daunting. Although I'm happy I can go away for a couple of weeks, I have that niggly feeling that the cancer could grow back while waiting for the surgery. I keep telling myself they wouldn't wait if it was a concern and would tell me to cancel the holiday. The letter from the breast cancer dr to the plastic surgeon even states that time isn't an issue, due to being on the phesgo injections. I need to chilli out a bit! A bit of a cry probably did you good, you do need to let out your emotions sometimes. Do you know how long you have to keep wearing the support bra? Once that's gone and you feel comfortable, I'm sure you'll feel better emotionally too. Sending you a big hug. Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi ladies,

      That's great news you have a date and that you can go on holiday too. Hurrah! Where are you off to? Hope you have a fab time...and they absolutely wouldn't let you go if they thought there was any risk or it growing or getting worse in that time frame. The op will do the job it needs to do so please try not to worry and just concentrate on having a really good break...I think the type of op you are having makes total sense too, Boobs change size a lot, especially with age but also with all the hormone pills and jabs etc we're on so makes sense for them to be natural so they can both flutuate as and when together!! Hope the foot is healing well..

      Ah i'm so sorry you're having a bit of a tough time at the moment. As Pippin says it's totally understanable and natural...it's such a long journey i can't believe it's been 8 months already and i'm still right in the thick of treatment!...with radiotherapy, ongoing injections, pills etc to come for some time so it's totally normal to have a wobble and to feel a little fragile and to feel the emotions while we process everything we've been through. Being in pain, not sleeping well, looking and feeling different all effects us..so totally normal and please feel free to off load here any time...we're all here and are all feeling all the feels too! I had a bit of a cry when i was in Barcelona as kept catching glimpses of myself in shop windows and just really didn't like what i saw, which i know sounds so superficial but i've put on nearly a stone since chemo, my hair looks awful (at the moment channelling Bill Bailey!!!!!!!!!)  and just don't really feel strong or feel like myself!...probably didn't help that i also had covid at the time!!!!!....but i am feelimg so much better this week and a lot more positive - sometimes i think you just need a good cry, acknowledge how you're feeling then go from there!! Anyway sending you hugs and realhy hope you start to feel a little more comfortable soon. How are you sleeping at the moment?

    Hope you can both enjoy the weekend and the sunshine, 


  • Hi Greeny80, had my foot checked yesterday and looks really good thank goodness. Think I have my worry head on at the moment, it doesn't help that I can't get out for my usual walk.  Also when I gave them my holiday dates, I told them I was home on Monday, 1st of October. Realised today that the Monday is 30th of September. Started panicking as got dates mixed up. Hubby reassured me it makes no difference as op is on the 8th. I suppose we all have a wobble at some time, it's not surprising considering all we've been through. Hope you ladies will still be on here for a chat, by the time I'm going through surgery. You have all been such a great support. Glad to hear that you are feeling better this week, hope you have a lovely weekend. Xx

  • We're going to Gran Canaria, we've had a timeshare there for past 20 years. It's like a second home and always feel so relaxed ss soon as we get there. I'm sure it will do me good. Xx