Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Jolamine, oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that you have scalded your tummy. That's awful and must be so painful. You wouldn't think that coffee could do so much damage, that it takes weeks to heal. I really hope it soon heals and you are not in too much pain. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I was amazed by the damage it caused, but pain is dying down now and it's beginning to heal at last. Hopefully onwards and upwards from here.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Good luck on smashing the last round of chemo today Pippin.  
    what an achievement 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, thank you so much, can't wait to be finished and so looking forward to ringing that bell. Hubby due to give me his first phesgo injection, under supervision, hopefully that will go OK. Had a face to face with oncology yesterday which was nice for a change. Also have ultrasound tomorrow, along with mri, surgeon appointment and ct lung scan later this month. So quite a busy month for me, but should have a plan for moving forward by the end of July. Hope you gave been keeping well since your chemo has finished. Where are you at now with your treatment? 


    Enjoy ringing that bell.

    Glad you'e got lots of appts, scans and things happening. On to the next phase!

       gosh the burn sounds awful. Hope you're on the mend now. 


  • Hi Carol,

    Great you've got dates for radiotherapy. I've got my planning appt on the 18th July  and then start radio on the 29th July for 3 weeks. Do you know how many rounds of radio you're having?

    I've also got my first Zoladex/ovarian suppresion injection on the 18th too. I'm weirdly feeeling quite chilled about the radiotherapy, hoping it will be a walk in the park after chemo..but i'm very nervous about the aromatase inhibitors and ovarian suppression pills and injections. Praying for mininal side effects!!!

    Great you got all your dentist appts in and treatment sorted too. 

    Hope you had a wonderful time with your dad, that must have been very emotional after 2 years!!


  • Offline in reply to NGS


    So glad to hear you've had positive news with this new surgeon. Sounds like they are totally on it which must be such a relief and very reasurring.  Sending you big hugs for the 24th July and really hope recovery is smooth, fast and pain free as possible. Must feel good to be moving forward. Hope it all goes really well. xx

  • Hi Greeny80, thanks, can't believe I actually feel excited going to this treatment. It will be amazing ringing that bell and knowing that chemo is now over. Pleased all the appointments have come through and will soon know the plan of next phase of my treatment. How have you been feeling since your final chemo?

  • Hi everyone, was great to finish chemo yesterday and get to ring that bell at last. They observed hubby giving first phesgo injection and all went well. Off to have ultrasound this afternoon, hopefully will see more improvements. Hope you are all doing OK. Xxx

  • Ah congrats Pippin!! 

    And well done to the hubby too. Are there any side effects to the Phesgo injections?

    How are you feeling post your last chemo? Hope you're doing ok!

    ...and hope the ulttrasound goes well and that keeping everything crossed for improvements!..keep us posted.

    I am FINALLY feeling back to "normal" after my last round...energy levels seem to have been restored which i'm very happy about - it's been hard to celebrate as have been feeling so rubbish! The last round was hard work!...But seem to be feeling so much better today thankfully.....Off to Isle of Wight for a few days on Friday with the family and another family and I CAN'T WAIT! So nice knowing no more chemo!!!!

    hope you're all doing ok! 
