Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Morning all 

    lovely catching up on everyone’s news 

    Pippin - sounds like you had a lovely time celebrating your Dads 90 th and making precious memories. - weirdly I feel icky on non alcoholic fizz too 

    carol - I hope you too had a great weekend 

    greeny - enjoy the child free rest - before you know it they will be home with boundless energy 

    so pippin - after today you have just one more to go.  What an achievement.  
    you too now Greeny - you’ll have smashed it - the hardest part will be done 

    I’m in at 1 pm today.  I feel quite emotional 

    last chemo.  Last cold cap - last day with PICC line - last round on injections 

    I’ve not bounced back as well since last treatment but likely cumulative build up of docetaxel.   I’m still struggling with food.  I get jaw pain when I start to chew which I’m guessing is the bone infusion.  - I speak to oncologist again Friday so will ask him then. Also still have the taste of metal and heartburn.  

    i have an appointment with breast surgeon on 2 nd July - pippin I would ask as ultimately it’s your decision.  

    wishing everyone positive vibes for either treatment today  , or recovery - the sun is shining so hope you can make the most of it 

    best wishes all xx 

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Morning ladies!

    So good to hear from you all.

    Good luck today NGS - wow yes there must be all sorts of emotions...really hope you get through this round smoothly..and then you're done! Well with chemo at least but that's definitely a milestone worth celebrating! Sorry about the jaw pain though, that sounds horrid. My treatment is definitley cumulative..this round was harder than the previous...but just holding on to the fact i only have to do it ONCE MORE!!!! How long do you have to have the bone infusions for? The taste thing is so frustrating too isn't it? I'm drinking a coffee but it tastes weird but i think i'm just craving the ritual and the normality!..and the caffeine! Good luck with all your appts. Hope you get some answers and perhaps a surgery date too.

    Pippin good luck today too. Penultimate one!!! I always do ALL the chores the day before chemo too, think the steroids help me be super productive but also just gives me peace of mind that the house is in order when you're not feeling your Sunday best! Hope your side effects are minimal this time around. Rest up but enjoy those walks! So nearly there! Glad you had a good follow up appt though, sounds like it was very productive and hopefully you'll get some answers soon.

    Carol hope you're doing ok!

    I'm feeling a lot better. Just have achy bones today - i think just from the last filgrastim injection. I was going to go for a run this morning but my body i think needs another day! Find it so hard to listen to my body but i'm trying really hard!!!! Maybe a gentle pilates and a stretch may be better! Off to meet a friend for a dog walk so that will be nice....i'm not sure why i'm up and at it so early when i have no school run but here we are!!! Enjoying some peace and quiet and not having to shout at the kids to brush their teeth a million times!!!...i am missing them though!!...

    Right will stop waffling! Good luck today ladies and yes make sure you ring that bell!....and when you're out the other side make sure you celebrate! Our bodies have been through a lot, you should be so proud of yourself and your body for getting through this gruelling and wearing treatment!

    We're nearly through chemo ladies!!!!!!!!

    Take care and sending positive vibes for mild side effects this time around....will be thinking of you xx

  • Oh wow! Good luck indeed  for your last chemo!  Woohoo!!!  Hope it goes well.  And you too  , just 2 more to go including this one.  

    So sorry to hear about the jaw pain    That must be awful.  I'm dreading taking the Ibandronic acid because that can apparently cause bone pain too (I will be taking it in tablet form for 3 years).   yours sounds similar to mine, as I have to go to the dentist for a checkup before I start too because of the jaw necrosis issue.  Honestly it feels never ending, but I truly hope the worst is behind us all!   

    I have my radiotherapy consultant appointment tomorrow afternoon so will have a better idea then what to expect and when radiotherapy will start. In the meantime I had a lovely weekend away in Kings Lynn and even had a go on the dodgems lol.  It was great fun and the weather was pretty kind to us too.  I've broken the fear of being away from home at least!

    I used to clean the house before treatment too lol.  Like you guys, it was mainly so I didn't have to sit and look at the mess at the weekend and feel guilty because I couldn't do it. 

    Hope everyone had an amazing weekend.  Enjoy your dog walk this afternoon   xx

  • Hi all, treatments went well today, without any problems, just one more to go, which feels amazing. Hubby has also started training to give my phesgo injections into thigh, at home. He had to listen to all  the safety procedures and watch how it's done. Next two he will be observed administering it. They will then deliver them to the house a couple of days before it's due. This means I won't need to go to the hospital every three weeks, which is great. 

    Hi NGS, sorry to hearthat you have been struggling since your last treatment. Annoying that you're now suffering jaw pain on top of everything else, from the bone infusions. I start the bone infusions in August and wonder how they'll affect me. I have to have them 6 monthly for 3 years, so hopefully side effects don't last too long. I've been quite lucky and only have taste issues for about three days. Do you have the problem all the time? Hope treatment went well for you today and that all goes well with your appointment with the oncologist. Have a good rest this week and I hope you don't have any problems. 

    Greeny80, glad to hear you are feeling better today. Think you are doing the right thing, listening to how your body feels. You certainly don't want to overdo things too soon. I'm sure a lovely dog walk with your friend is a great alternative. Hopefully the aches in your bones will ease up now your filgrastim injections are almost finished. We're nearly at the finishing post, it feels so good doesn't it? 

    Hi Carol, glad to hear you had such a lovely weekend, it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. Hope all goes well with your radiotherapy consultant appointment tomorrow. Always good to know the plan moving forward. Give us an update on how it goes, always good to hear other people's experiences and know a bit about what to expect.

    Hope you all have a good week and manage to get plenty of rest. Think we are all doing amazing on this journey, even if I say so myself. Take care everyone. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    You must be incredibly relieved to see the end of chemo in sight now. It's good to hear that you'll soon have an appointment to discuss your mastectomy. As I said before, most surgeons are reluctant to remove a good breast, as they say that there is no evidence to show that this improves our chances. However, make sure to discuss this with your surgeon.

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks Jolamine, will certainly have that discussion with the surgeon, but as you say it will likely be their decision. Just hoping to avoid going through all this again. I will post an update once I find out, after my appointment. Have a lovely day and thank you for your support. Xx

  • Hi Carol, Hope your radiotherapy appt went well today and you now have a clearer picture about what that looks like. Glad you had a fab time away in Kings Lynn! Nice to be doing some normal and fun things! 

    Pippin/NGS - How are you feeling today? Hope you're doing ok. Really hope the jaw pain is ok NGS.

    Pippin - are you HER2 Positive then? Is that why you're having the Phesgo injections. Good luck to the hubby!! Are you able to give them to yourself or is that not an option? Do you currently have the Filgastrim injections? I'm initially moving onto Zoladex and Anastrozole...and also Abemaciclib??  REALLY hoping and praying that my side effecst on those are ok...guess time will tell! That's good that you don't have to go into the hospital for the injections though, that will save a lot of time and hassle travelling to the hospital. 

    I'm feeling good today, woke up and felt my energy levels were back! Hurrah! Even took myself off for a 6km run.... it wasn't pretty and it wasn't fast but it was GOOD for the soul!!

    Anyway i just wanted to check in, hope you are all doing ok! xx

  • Hi Greeny80, yes I am HER2 positive and will be on phesgo fo a year as far as I know. You can learn to give them yourself, but I wasn't keen, so hubby is learning to do it. They went through all the do's and don'ts with him and he observed it being done. They then need to observe him administering two before he can do them at home. I have 7 days of filgrastim at the moment, starting on day 4 after chemo, hubby does these too. What are the Zoladex, Anastrozole and Abemaciclib for? Is it tablets, injection or infusions? Glad to hear that you are feeling good today and managed to get out for your run. The exercise definitely makes you feel so much better. I went on my usual walk this morning too, also managed to get my ironing done this afternoon. Only managed 4 hours of sleep last night, so glad it's last day of steroids. Hope the rest of your week is good and you can enjoy this lovely weather. Xxx 

  • Hey!

    That's good your hubby is happy to do it and it sounds like they are being really thorough and making sure he's happy and confident to do it before he does it unsupervised. Sorry about your sleep..yes the steroid sleep is so bad isn't it? I've been sleeping so badly - waking so much with hot sweats...but last night was actually a lot better so hoping more of the same tonight....and hope you can get better sleep too for the rest of the week. Well done on the ironing, i've been doing the same!!!!..and glad you got out for your walk as well. Sounds like you're acing it again! 

    The Zoladex is an injection, given by the GP (Which is better than hopsital as closer!) it's given once a month into my tummy to basically stop my ovaries from working. The anastrozole is an Aromatase inhibitor which is a daily pill and i think the Abemacicclib is a type of targeted cancer drug, i think attacks a certain protein??...and i think i'm on that one as it has spread to my lymph? I think!? Not due to start those for 8 weeks or so...Radiotherapy first!

    Ah yes this weather is so very nice and so very welcome!!!

    Hope you've got your feet up now!..and hope you remain feeling good! xx

  • Hi Greeny80, sorry to hear you also have been having sleep issues, it is so annoying. Thanks for the info on your future treatments, always handy to know about in case they are offered. I definitely don't need Zoladex as I previously had a hysterectomy and had my ovaries removed as well. I was also told that I have one lymph node affected, remains to be seen if it's any more. They're all being removed when I have my surgery. I wish my next step was radiotherapy  but need to get through the surgery first. Feeling  very nervous about that now. Not so much the operation, more the recovery and the effects of how much I will be able to do around the house. Fingers crossed for a good night's sleep for both of us. Xx