Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi NGS, I was thinking of you today. Hope everything went well with your treatment and that you're feeling OK. Xx

  • Hi Pippin

    Oh well done on a short treatment session!  Mine always last at least 2 hours lol.  And the goody bag sounds lovely.

    It sounds like Zoledronic acid is similar to the Ibandronic Acid in that it does a similar thing, but yours is infused and mine is in tablet form.  I'm a bit like you, each time I see my consultant, another form of treatment is added to the list.  It's like they like to drip feed you information rather than give you everything up front!  Or it may be that they don't know up front.  I guess we just have to trust them. 

    I have been having immunotherapy throughout my treatment.  It was given alongside chemotherapy every 2nd session (ie every 6 weeks).  So it's just a continuation really.  It's to help boost my immune system and help prevent the return of the cancer. 

    Don't know how long it will be before I start radiotherapy, but I don't imagine it will be long.  If they're doing a referral it normally takes a week or so for that to come through.  I've read in the pamphlets that they tattoo the area first with 3 small dots, so am guessing that's a separate appointment as they will need to wait for that to heal before starting treatment.  It feels never ending at the moment. 

    Covid jab today.  Woohoo lol.  Bit nervous about it if I'm honest, as I've not had anything like that since I started treatment.  I had to get all my covid and flu jabs done before I started last year. 

    Is that you done now for another 3 weeks? 

    Carol xx

  • Morning everyone. 

    greeny hoping your continuing to feel brighter with every day.  Lovely that your parents are coming to stay 

    In terms of ovary removal I remember the genetics team telling me that removal before 45 added another preventive for breast cancer ( although maybe not successful in my case but they just be because the BRCA1 stacked the odds against me ) 

    pippin - how are you feeling ?   Glad yesterday went smoothly.  

    My treatment went well. Just a long day as had to waited several hours for my take home meds - poor planning by pharmacy at hospital 

    I had reduced dose at 75% and injections now in days 3/5/7/9. Also prescribed muscle relaxants to try and help with bone pain 

    feeling god so far.  Fingers crossed that continues

    i also had call from doctor to say CT results clear - no evidence of blood clot and no abnormality or cancer in chest / heart / lungs which has given me huge positive boost 

    so one more chemo to go   Then surgery 3-6 weeks after bone infusions every 6 months for at least 3 years and bone density scans  and letrazole for at least 10 years 

    I'm meeting genetics on 6 th June for next stage of  cascade testing for my family and I'll be asking about any other tests / trials    The treatment for BRCA1 is imminent in next 5-10 years which is encouraging for my children 

    Carol - lovely to hear your doing well   Good luck with next part of treatment    

    wishing everyone positivity for the days ahead 

    no baby as yet -   Midwife appointment today and likely being offered a sweep as 2 days overdue now   Watch this space 


  • Good morning NGS, so good to hear that your treatment went well and that you're feeling good. Bit annoying having to wait around at the hospital just for the meds, you really don't need that after just having treatment. Brilliant news about your ct scan results, that must be a big relief. Only one more to go, you're nearly there. I still have two more, so not far behind you, I will also then be having my surgery. I too am starting bone infusions in August, for three years. Only dropped that info on me last week, so came as a bit of a surprise. I really hope you continue to feel well this time round, now that they have reduced chemo and injections. Hope all goes well with your meeting on the 6th of June. Xx

  • Meant to add, hope this grandbaby doesn't keep you waiting too long, you must be so excited  

  • Hi Carol, my hubby said the same as you about drip feeding the information, so it's not so overwhelming to hear at the start. Hopefully you won't have too long to wait for radiotherapy, then that will be another thing to tick off. Does sometimes seem never ending with all the appointments doesn't it? I have my covid jab on the 10th of June and an echocardiogram on the 12th of June. Next treatment in three weeks on the 18th of June. I hope you are feeling well at the moment, take care. Xx

  • Hey everyone,

    @ngs - So glad this round went ok and that they've reduced the dose and you must be so happy only one more to go! Really hope you feel ok this round and that the relaxants help with the bone pain. Also so so happy to hear your CT scans were all clear!! AMAZING!!!! Huge boost i'm sure to hear that...amazing, amazing!....and keep us posted on baby news!! 

    i'm like   and have 2 more to go! Nearly there!!...how are you doing today Pippin? Hope the steroids are working their magic and that you feel ok today..

    I'm feeling much better today which is a relief, i can feel my energy levels coming back which is so nice...so going to try and enjoy it before the next one. Then it will be radiotherapy (hoping to find out more about that in the next few weeks) then it looks like i'll be on Tamoxifen or equivalent for 10 years, Zolendronic Acid and Abemaciclib for 2 years...and maybe ovary removal??...although it all seems to keep changing too so who knows! Like you guys the goal posts seem to change slightly every time I meet my oncologist!...so i'm just trying to take each step at a time..so at the moment just concentrating on getting through the chemo!!

      Hope you're feeling ok after your covid jab. I was talking to my 10 year old son about the fact id be getting a tattoo when they start radiotherapy! I told him it would just be a couple of dots...he said why don't you ask for a fun tattoo if you're going to get one!!!!!!! 

    Have a lovely evening all and rest up for those in the early days of the next cycle! We're nearly there!...with the chemo part at least! xx

  • Hi Greeny80, I'm really doing well at the moment, thank you. I was told on my telephone review to take the lunchtime steroids by 12 o'clock, which I have and sleep has been much better this time. Also had a  lovely walk this morning with hubby.Taste ok at the moment, but last time didn't start until the Saturday. That's when the tiredness seemed at it's worst too, so will have to see how that goes. So glad to hear that you're feeling better today and you have more energy. You can now enjoy your time before your next treatment. Xx

  • Hi  

    I'm doing ok thanks.  I felt really cold in the evening so just took myself under the duvet with a hot water bottle.  Needless to say I woke up too hot later in the night lol.  I'm feeling fine today though, thank you. 

    Re the tattoo, yes, why not give us something exciting lol.  Mind you, I think the pain of 3 dots will be enough for me! lol. 

    I'm glad you're feeling better today.  And you're right, all we can do is take each step at a time and know that each step we take is one closer to feeling better.  So far I've found the chemo bit the toughest - but let's see what radiotherapy brings.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying feeling well and being able to get out and about.  

    Have a good day everyone :) 


  • Hi eveyone,

    Just wanted to check in to see how you're all doing this weekend. Hope you're ok and finding rest when needed.

    Just wanted to pop on to say hello really. I'm in my "good" week so not much to report, just always enjoy when energy levels are back! My husband has gone to a wedding in London today, which sadly i said no to going to. In hindsight I probably could have made it but was just slighlty worried about immunity and going on tubes etc before my next cycle...it's a shame though as i LOVE a wedding!!!!!

    Anyway sending hugs and strength for those that need it today xx