Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Greeny80, sorry to hear your daughter is still unwell, hope she feels better for the weekend. Hopefully you will manage to dodge all this illness, so it doesn't delay your treatment. I think it still could be worth trying the polybalm, it still might prevent further damage moving forward. I'm feeling pretty good today and went out for my walk this morning. It did start raining about 5 minutes in, but I had a brolly and it wasn't too heavy. I think the taste seems to be improving a bit, either that or it's only with certain foods. Will be quite happy if it only happens for a few days after each cycle. Throat and joints also much better too. Having my last injection tonight and then I can stop isolating, hooray! Seeing mum and dad tomorrow, daughter and partner on Saturday and other daughter, son in law and grandchildren on Monday. Also going out for dinner with hubby tomorrow night. Such a busy week and then start all over again. It does come round quickly doesn't it?  When I had my review before last chemo, they said they would recommend another appointment with my surgeon. So far I still have not heard anything, so have no idea when it might be. Hope you have a lovely weekend and all goes well on Tuesday. Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, just wondered how you are feeling at the moment. Haven't heard from you in a few days, hope you are doing OK. Xx

  • Hi all, hope you're all having a lovey day. Just wanted to give you a quick update regarding lung ct scan results. Spoke to BCN this afternoon, she was able to tell me that the nodules are stable and have not grown, which is amazing news. She said the results will need to be reviewed by my oncologust who will decide whether he wants the scan repeated in another 3 months. Very happy with this news, it's such a relief. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Xx

  • Hey Pippin,

    Oh that's great news! So glad you had your results back and that the nodules aren't growing. Fab news. Something nice to celebrate going into the weekend!

    Enjoy the sunshine and your walks this weekend.


  • Hi Greeny80,  hope you had a lovely weekend and that the family are all well now. I had a great weekend and enjoyed catching up with the family. I have felt really well, with lots more energy and spent yesterday afternoon doing some gardening. I think the last few days are the best I've felt since the start of my treatment. Hadn't expected this once  I started on the docetaxel, so a pleasant surprise. I just hope it continues through the rest of my treatment. I'm off to my daughter's this afternoon, to see the grandkids when they come out of school, really can't wait to see them. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, hope all goes well with your next treatment. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    Ah what a lovely message to receive! So happy you're feeling good. It's such a relief when your energy levels come back up and your feel normal again..or as close to normal as you can! It's so nice!...after each round i can totally feel when that happens when my energy is coming back and it's the best feeling!....So yes that's great news and sounds like you've had a lovely weekend and hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter and your grandkids this afternoon It will be nice for them to see you feeling good!

    We had a good weekend, my son was in a triathlon  yesterday so we went and watched that, he loved it. Was a very sweet event. 

    Just been for a run with some friends making the most of the sunshine and feeling good before tomorrow!! It's always a bit of a weird feeling the day before the next dose knowing you're going to be feeling pretty rubbish again for a few days..BUT also so nice to know that i'm ticking another one off! Nearly there!!! 3 more to go!

    Have a lovely afternoon and enjoy the renewed energy!!


  • Hi Greeny80, I was thinking you today, hope all went well with you treatment and that you're feeling OK. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    It's really great to hear that you are feeling so much better and that you managed to catch up with family at the weekend. I hope that you had an enjoyable time with your grandchildren when they came out of school - they're probably the best tonic you could have.

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you Jolamine, it has been lovely seeing everyone. I'm actually meeting up with all the kids and the grandkids again on Saturday, before my next treatment on Tuesday. It will be great that we'll all be together. It will keep me going, as I'll  be isolating for another 10 days after treatment. I know I don't have to do this, but so far it has worked well for me. I've just been going for walks, but not mixing with people until injections are finished and have managed to stay well. I hope you are keeping well. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Gosh everyone.  Lovely catching up on how you are all doing. 
    sadly it’s been a very rough ride 

    since my docetaxel and zometa cocktail I have been in and out of hospital 4 times.  I have had numerous infections.  Feel sad about this as I have followed my chemo terms instructions to the tee.  I do not leave the house unless for a medical appointment.  I’ve not eaten takeaway food nor restaurant food nor seen friends outside of 10 day isolation window and only then limited people.  Anyhows I’ve had various IV antibiotics followed by tablet antibiotics.  Been on high dose morphine for bone pain and now on blood thinners for suspected blood clots.  I had a CT scan yesterday and await results 

    I was due to speak with breast surgeon Tuesday but he cancelled and said they would not discuss surgery until at least two weeks after last chemo.   Like you pippin I was told I need surgery before I then have radiation 

    the surgery I now need should have taken place at the start and right now I just feel like there is no end in site 

    I feel the surgery is the most crucial as I have BRCA1 and all the while breast tissue remains the high risk of recurrence or cancer in the other breast remains. 

    on top of infection I could not keep any food in me for at least 10 days post treatment - I seriously have been desperately unwell and am now so weak as I try to slowly build up what I can eat.  

    only plus is my hair is growing again 

    I have not spoken to an oncologist since chemo started and my BRCA1 diagnosis. Finally this will take place on Friday. I am keen for this as NICE pathway for BRCA1 is different to chemo so I’m not sure I want to put my body through 2 more rounds of docetaxel.  Will see what they say and will be doing lots of research before then.  

    sorry for negative post but it’s been a ride. 
    im so trying to remain positive but it’s been really hard 

    hoping you are all feeling well post treatments xxx